Summary: In salvation there is neither Greek or Jew, but we are one in Christ - His church. And our call is to be Jesus to the world.

Live Out Loud – Our PEACE April 29, 2007

Ephesians 2:11-22 Sunday AM

Recap: We’re in a series entitled – Live Out Loud. Our goal in this series is to learn how to live in the grace and power of Christ in us so we might experience the abundant life Jesus promised. To help us, we’ve been reflecting on Paul’s letter to the Ephesians b/c it addresses the basic elements of the Christian life – God, Jesus, H.S., salvation, church morality, marriage, parenting, work, and warfare. Christian Cliff Notes

Note: When we started the series, I said Ephesians is divided into (2) parts. The first (3) chapters address our POSITION in Christ – who we are – our doctrine and beliefs; while the last (3) chapters deal w/ our PRACTICE in Christ – what we should do – our duty and behavior.

Trans: Now dealing w/ doctrine isn’t a glamorous venture, but it is necessary. Doctrine is the foundational truth we based our values, beliefs, and behavior on. So if we don’t know why we believe what we believe, then we will not be concerned w/ how to live.

Insert: So far we’ve discussed our salvation – that it was planned by the Father, purchased by the Son and is being preserved by the H.S. Next, we looked at Paul’s prayer that we’d do more than get saved; we’d GET IT! We’d understand whose we are and what we have as a result of coming to Christ. Then last week we took a peak at God’s amazing grace – that while we are spiritual dead and separated from Christ, God who was rich in mercy and abounding w/ love provided the CURE in offering Christ.

Trans: Today we’re going to continue our study in the doctrine of God’s grace as we reflect upon our new peace as a result of our salvation in Christ.

I Breaking the BONDAGE

Insert: People are funny. We’re all looking for a place to belong and connect, and wherever it is, we want it to be an exclusive club. Whether it is a fraternity or sorority, a Sunday School class, a country club, or a gang of thugs, we all seem to be searching for that exclusive group we can call our own. And then we want to build a hedge b/w ourselves and others. This past Friday I was humored by a group of 5th graders at WHMS. I was subbing for the band teacher and I had a group of 10 yr olds jockeying for one another’s attention and approval. They wanted to be in the cool club, but they didn’t want everyone else in it w/ them so they put self up and others down.

Setting: In Ephesians 2, we find Paul addressing an interesting issue that was plaguing the early church – some of the Jewish believers thought they were better than the Gentile believers’ b/c of their spiritual heritage and they were attempting to hold the Gentile believers in Religious Bondage.

Insert: Have you ever been in bound? It’s not fun being controlled. (Finger lock)

Note: There is something in man’s nature that wants to control others. Everyone wants to control and no one wants to be controlled. That is why sin is a paradox. The sinner wants the freedom to be controlled by sin.

Note: Now it is no secret the Jewish believers felt they were superior to the Gentiles b/c they were God’s people and heirs of the promise to Abraham. They were being religious “Sneetches” thinking they had stars on ‘thars’ while the Gentile had none. This ideology was building a barrier in the Ephesian church. So Paul wrote to clear the air and set the record straight.

Insert: Man has always found a way to allow their religion (what should unite us) to divides us. Throughout history religion has incited war and all kinds of inappropriate human activity. Even w/in the ranks of Christianity walls are erected b/c of our denominational beliefs about God.

Story: Just in the last three weeks I have met two families w/ a Catholic heritage who have mentioned the struggle they have experienced w/ the protestant church b/c of their heritage. Let’s face it; its human nature to be exclusive and have an “I’m better than you” attitude.

Trans: When Jews starting copping an “I’m better than you!” attitude, Paul jumped into the middle of the fray and said. “Hold on a minute!” You might have been God’s chosen people, but now in Christ there is a new sheriff in town. Things aren’t quite what they used to be – they’re better!

Note: Truth is the O.T. is clear that God initially chose Israel from all the peoples on the earth for His own possession and purpose. It started when God decided to make a covenant w/ a man named Abraham b/c Abe believe in God and his faith was recognized as righteousness. When Abraham trusted in Jehovah, God made a promise to make Him a great nation and to use this people (Israel) to touch every nation of the world w/ the truth/hope of God.

Verse: You are a people holy to the Lord your God, and the Lord has chosen you to be a people for his own possession, out of all the people that are on the face of the earth. Dt. 14:2

Note: God sovereignly chose Israel to be His people that they might receive His blessings and be the vessel through which the revelation and redemptive message of God would be spread. Unfortunately, Israel never fulfilled her calling. Instead of being humbled and honored to be God’s people, they were arrogant and judgmental holding an – “I’m better than you” attitude.

Insert: Jonah typified this Jewish attitude toward the Gentiles. When God called Him to go and deliver a message of judgment to the Gentile Ninevehites he refused and offered God a whale of an excuse. Now Jonah would’ve been happy to deliver God’s message to the backslidden Jews, but not to the Ninevehites. In fact, even after finally delivering the message and seeing the Ninevehites repent, Jonah had a beef w/ God b/c he felt God should’ve wipe them from the face of the earth. This was a pervasive Jewish attitude.

Trans: Enter Paul in Eph. 2. In vs. 1-10 he explained that barrier of sin b/w God and man now have been torn down by Christ b/c the old covenant has been fulfilled by Jesus in a new covenant of grace that’s available to all people. As a result, in vs. 11-22, he further explains that also b/c of Christ’s atonement, the barrier b/w Jews and Gentiles has been torn down. It is no longer Jews and everyone else Gentiles. Now it is are you a part of God’s kingdom or Satan’s kingdom.

Text: 11 Therefore, remember that formerly you who are Gentiles by birth and called "uncircumcised" by those who call themselves "the circumcision" — 12 remember that at that time you were separate from Christ, excluded from citizenship in Israel and foreigners to the covenants of the promise, w/out hope and w/out God in the world. 13 But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far away have been brought near through the blood of Christ.

Word: therefore – (what is the therefore?) b/c of Jesus’ sacrifice now all men equal access to God. God’s grace has provided a cure for sin.

Phrase: formerly Gentiles – before Christ and salvation they were lost and dead, but now they are something new – God’s inheritance.

Insert: Salvation has never been exclusive but has always been available to all people. People have always been saved the same way – by God’s grace through faith. In the O.T., when you put faith in God you pledge allegiance to the Abrahamic Covenant and became a spiritual Jew marked by circumcision and obedience to the Law. In the N.T., we put faith in God through Christ and there occurs a circumcision of the heart.

Note: In the O.T., believers looked forward to the coming of the Messiah for the forgiveness of sin, while in the N.T. we looked back to the cross as God’s sole means of redeeming His fallen creation.

Note: But there came to be a sweeping problem. The Jews began to think that so long as you were born a Jew, were circumcised, and followed the Torah and Talmud, then you were okay. Grace and faith were eliminated from the salvation process supplanted by goodness and law abiding citizenship.

Trans: Many of the Jewish believers brought this pious attitude into the church and used it to lord over the Gentile converts. Yet Paul reprimanded them; he even had to reprimand the Apostle Peter for this sinful attitude. Paul explained that in Christ there is no hierarchy of faith - we are one body..

Verse: Since you were brought back to life w/ Christ, focus on the things that are above – where Christ holds the highest position. Keep your mind on things above, not on worldly things. You have died, and your life is hidden w/ Christ in God… Where this happens, there is no Greek or Jew, circumcised or uncircumcised, barbarian, uncivilized person, slave, or free person. Instead, Christ is everything and in everything. Col. 3:11

Note: What happened? Once all but the Jews were separated from God, but now Christ himself has drawn us near to Him. Once we were excluded from the commonwealth of Israel, now we’re fellow citizens. Once we were strangers to the covenant of promise, but now we’re fellow partakers of the promise. Once we were w/out hope, now we’re fellow heirs. Once we were w/out God in the world, but now we’re members of His household.

Note: We haven’t moved into these blessings on a separate, parallel track apart from Israel – them w/out Jesus and us w/ Jesus. Rather we’ve moved together on one track in Christ.

Trans: Why is this relevant to understand? B/c the church and Christians now bear the responsibility of sharing God’s message to the world. We can’t become like Israel and take an attitude of exclusivity. We must break out of our holy huddles in search of a loving means to introduce Jesus to the world. We have to help others cross the bridge built w/ His blood.

II Bridging the BARRER

Text: 14 For he himself is our peace, who has made the two one and has destroyed the barrier, the dividing wall of hostility, 15 by abolishing in his flesh the law w/ its commandments and regulations. His purpose was to create in himself one new man out of the two, thus making peace, 16 and in this one body to reconcile both of them to God through the cross, by which he put to death their hostility. 17 He came and preached peace to you who were far away and peace to those who were near. 18 For through him we both have access to the Father by one Spirit.

Note: Before Christ, there was a great rift b/w Jews and Gentiles. They were at odds w/ one another and held each other w/ contempt. But now, b/c of the cross the two no longer have to be at odds b/c Jesus, and Jesus alone, has provided a means of ushering in peace. He has bridged the great divide.

Note: In Christ going to the cross, He has ushered in an era of spiritual and practical peace as only God could offer. We have eternal peace through His blood from the consequences of sin and we have an opportunity for union w/ our fellow man from religious indifference.

Word: dividing wall – in the Jewish Temple was a separation b/w the Court of the Gentiles and the rest of the Israelite sacred places. If a Gentile was found in any area other than the Gentile Court he would be executed. This physical barrier was the instigator of great hostility and hatred.

Insert: The Jewish Temple was divided into four area: The Holy of Holies that house the Ark of the Covenant and the altar of God. Only the High Priest entered once a year to make atonement for sin; the holy place where only the Levites and priests could enter; the Outer Courts where all Jews could go, and finally the Court of the Gentiles, where Gentiles we allowed in the hope that being near the God’s temple that they might come to know God.

Note: In fact, under the Abrahamic Covenant, God chose Israel not to be an exclusive club, but to be inclusive by sharing to message of God to the world. The reason God provided for the Gentile to come inside the Temple walls was for them to experience the glory of God and for the Jews to leave the Outer Courts to share God’s love w/ all who entered into the Court of the Gentiles. Sadly, The Israelites missed the point and refused to reach out to the Gentiles.

Insert: In passing the spiritual rite onto the church, God wants His people to finish where the Israelites failed. We’re not to hold out inside the walls of the church, but are to enter into the highways and byways living and sharing the love of God w/ all people.

Note: We must recognized that in dying on the cross, Christ forever broke down the barriers b/w man and God and man by tearing the veil in the Holy Place and by tearing down the wall b/w the Outer Courts and the court of the Gentiles. He has initiated peace and reconciliation through His blood.

Word: reconcile (apokatallasso) to turn from enemies to friends.

Truth: Jesus had to make alive that which was dead to bring together that which was separate. Now all men have access to God and are brought together as one in Christ – the church!

III Blessing the BODY

Text: 19 Consequently, you are no longer foreigners and aliens, but fellow citizens w/ God’s people and members of God’s household, 20 built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, w/ Christ himself as the chief cornerstone. 21 In him the whole building is joined together and rises to become a holy temple in the Lord. 22 And in him you are being built together to become a dwelling in which God lives by his Spirit.

Trans: As a result of God’s great work on the cross, we are now one and are:

A CITIZENS in His Kingdom

Note: Have any of you ever traveled abroad? If you have then you’re probably aware how important your passport and citizenship are. Your identity is not wrapped up in your name, but in your country of origin. Overseas, I’m not Joey, I’m an American.

Note: In coming to Christ, I’m not a Gentile or Jew I’m a child of God and a citizen of His Kingdom and righteousness. In fact, 2 Corinthians 5 calls me an ambassador of Christ serving in a foreign land seeking to rescue reconcile people who are citizens of Satan’s kingdom into God’s kingdom.

B CHILDREN in His Household

Note: Moving beyond our identity we move into intimacy w/ God as part of His family. It is one thing to have the rights of citizenship, but quite another to have relationship of family.

Story: A child always outranks an ambassador or governor. The story is told of a meeting Abraham Lincoln held w/ his cabinet during the Civil War. At a critical time in the conversation, Lincoln 10 year old son, Willie knocked on the door wanting to see his father. In that instant, Lincoln laid all the affairs of state to the side to tend to his son. When it came to gaining access to his father, Willie outranked everyone.

Note: The same is true for us. As God’s children, we have direct access to him where He will give us His undivided attention. Family has its privileges.


Note: Paul refers back to the Temple. His Word through the prophets and apostles serves as our foundation and Jesus is the cornerstone that holds everything together. We are the building called to reflect the glory of God.

Note: The purpose of God’s temple was always to reflect the glory of God. Consider that it is likely the most magnificent building ever built laced w/ gold, silver, precious stones. God had the Israelites hand craft it so that all men would know of His radiant glory.

Insert: Don’t miss it. Know we have become His earthly temple charged w/ the responsibility of illuminating the glory of God. Individually, we are God’s Temple, bearing the deposit of the H.S. w/in us. Thus our lives should reflect God’s glory through our holy lifestyles.

But also collectively as His church, we too should radiate the majesty and glory of His glory by living as a body of believers who fulfill the ministry of Christ before all men.




Jeff Ward – Alive – Ephesians 2:1-10

David Dykes – Series in Ephesians

John Piper – Israel and Us Reconciled in One Body


Max Anders – The Good Life

John MacArthur – Commentary on Ephesians