Summary: Our lives are so busy that often times we neglect what is most important like our times of communication with God.

A great help to gain more incite into this sermon would be Bill Hybels’ Too Busy Not to Pray

Take The Time to Pray


Some years ago a young man looking for work approached the foreman of a logging crew and asked him for a job. “It depends,” replied the foreman. “Let’s see you take this one down.” The young man stepped forward and skillfully felled a great tree. The foreman was impressed and exclaimed, “you start Monday!” Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday rolled by. Thursday afternoon the foreman approached the young man and said, “You can pick up your paycheck on the way out today.” Started the young man asked, “I thought you paid on Fridays.” “Normally we do,” answered the foreman, “but we’re letting you go today because you’ve fallen behind, or daily charts show that you’ve dropped from first place on Monday to last place on Wednesday. “But I’m a hard worker” the young man objected, “I arrive first and leave last, and I even work through my coffee breaks!” The foreman sensing the boy’s integrity, though for a minute and then asked, “Have you been sharpening your axe?” The young man replied, “Well, no, sir. I’ve been working too hard to take the time.”

I must tell you the truth today, and that is I am not as devoted to prayer as I would like to be or should be. Perhaps this sermon has more application to me than it does to anyone, because many times I am preaching to myself. I do not dare to stand up here and claim to have it all figured out or mastered. I do believe that God answers prayer still today. I do believe that people’s lives and hearts can be transformed through prayer. I do believe that our world can be turned right side up through prayer, but why is that we don’t always pray like we should. Perhaps prayer is such a difficult thing because it is a very unnatural thing.

Text: Exodus 17:8-13

On one occasion a group of people called the Amalekites attacked Israel. Moses instructed Joshua to gather some men together and to go into battle, meanwhile Moses would go up to the top of a hill and watch. While he was there he learned something interesting. As long as Moses held his hands up the Israelites were winning the battle, but as you an imagine it got harder and harder for him to hold his hands up and when he let his hands down the Israelites began to loose the battle. So Aaron and Hur held up the hands of Moses and the Israelites were victorious in battle mainly do to Moses’ intercession.

In the same way that Moses’ arms being held up resulted in victory, so when the people of God lift up their voices in prayer the church will be victorious.

I.Taking The Time To Pray May Have Some Hindrances

A)The Hindrance of Unanswered Prayer or Doubt

I tell Stephanie on occasion that the world is out to get me. Have you ever gotten your money stuck in a vending machine? Or even worse have you ever gone through the trouble to fish out change, get your hopes on a bag of chips or candy bar, push the button for it, and out pops some mints? Well, if you’ve ever come across a vending machine that has a sign that says out of order, there is a good chance that it is my money stuck in the machine or I have been there before you. There is no telling how many times I have lost money in one of those machines. I learned a trick though after a while. If your product gets stuck, you can nudge the machine just right and it will dispense your order. Sometimes we see God as the “great vending machine in the sky” and if he doesn’t dispense what we want when we want it we get a little bit perturbed. Sometimes a bout of what we feel was unanswered prayers can hinder us from praying with devotion and persistence. No matter what God’s response is to our request we need to prayer persistently and continue to trust in Him. Sometimes unanswered prayers can hinder us from continuing to ask. Maybe sometimes we do not take the time to pray because we do not really believe that God will answer prayer. When you have a problem going on do you really believe God can handle it? When there is something big going on do believe God can take care of it? Do you believe that God still answers prayer? If you do, why not pray more?

B)The Hindrance of Busyness

The Bible never gives us a specific command for how much time we should spend in prayer. The closest we come is when it says, “pray without ceasing”. The reason why I believe is because if there was a command given we would see prayer as routine and an obligation rather than a privilege and an opportunity to communicate with the Almighty God. We live in a society which has increased technologically dramatically in the past century. For those that have been around a long while, they can say that the world is a totally different place. All of the advances in technology have been developed to make life easier and make our lives less busy. Our society is now overrun with words such as “multi-tasking”. People are busier now than they ever have been. The word “busy” is actually an acronym for “being under Satan’s yolk”. When most people tell you how busy they are it is actually just a way to boost their egos to let you know how important they are. Sadly, in the midst of all this busyness people often fail to take time for the things that are most important. Why is it that people in their busyness are usually busy with the wrong and less important things. I have heard countless people that have retired lament how much time they spent working to the neglect of their families. Sometimes we look at what we have to do and realize that there is not just enough time in the day to do all the things we want to do and need to do, so we need to prioritize. We show what our priorities really are not by what we verbally acknowledge, but rather by where we spend our time and energy. Is prayer a priority for you?

You know, Jesus spent a lot of time doing a lot of things, but we see in spite of that there were two things he was never too busy for. He was never too busy for people and He was never too busy for prayer. Countless times as he got flooded with people he withdrew and prayed. Many times we have the mindset that we are too busy to pray, but I want to tell you that we may be too busy not to pray. Martin Luther used to say, “I have so much to do today that I must spend several hours in prayer.”

I don’t know why it is, but when we are pushed for time often the most important things take a back seat. I’d love for some day to hear someone sacrifice money or work for church or family. Many times when we look at our days and the busyness that is pending our time in the word and in prayer gets shoved aside.

It seems in my life I am a member of the “when all else fails, pray” club. I am ashamed to admit that when problems emerge in life I want to fix them myself. I will try every way I know to solve my own problems. When issues arise, I want to take it upon myself, so I stress, am filled with anxiety, am overwhelmed with thinking of how I am going to solve the problem, but often times I miss an easier way out. It may sound trivial, overly simplistic, and sill, but the best thing to do with our problems is to give them over to God and simply let go of our worry and doubt and pray for God to work.

Our national debt is currently over eight trillion dollars. The national debt increases at over a billion and a half dollars a day. In the time that our national debt has risen not one person in the government has contacted me about how to resolve it. I have never received a call from the president or any of his cabinet for my input in how to reduce the national debt, the reason why is because I cannot do anything about it, I cannot be any help to them, I do not know what I am doing or talking about. It is as ridiculous as assuming that someone would contact me to resolve the national debt to try to solve my problems on my own. We do know who to go to though for our help, we do know who can resolve our problems and relieve our burdens. We do know who owns the cattle on the thousand hills, we do know who created the Universe, we do know who has the very hairs on our head numbered, we do know who loves us immeasurably and can do something about our problems. Many times because of busyness we fail to go to him in prayer. I have heard it said, that when we work we work, but when we pray, God works. The best relief of our busyness, anxieties and stresses is to take it to the Lord is prayer.

Philippians 4:6-7

Please, take the time to fit prayer into your busy schedules.

C)The Hindrance of Laziness

Another hindrance to prayer is laziness. Sometimes people are not overwhelmed with busyness that hinders their prayers, sometimes we are too lazy to take the time to pray. The reality is prayer takes time and energy and we sometimes are too lazy to pray. Sometimes we are too addicted to everything else around us to actually pray as we should. In t he Scriptures, Jesus often associates laziness and wickedness with each other. I hope that laziness is not hindering you from spending time with God in prayer, and if it is, the best solution is just to take the time to pray.

D)The Hindrance of Sin

Sin can be a hindrance to just about every aspect of our lives. There is a reason why God commands some things and forbids certain things, and the reason why is because sin hinders us from doing and being what God intended for us to be. One of the primary things that sin hinders is our prayers. It is not easy to come out of a lifestyle of sin and then enter the throne room of God and to pray. In fact, when we are living in constant unrepentant sin we probably won’t desire to communicate with God because communicating with Hom and coming into the presence of a holy God will convict us of our need to change and bring about guilt.

Isaiah 59:2

We cannot come before God and most likely will not want to come before God with unrepented sin in our lives. Do not let the things of this world hinder you from communicating with God.

II.Taking The Time To Pray May Require Some Sacrifices

Nathan Hale, a great American patriot during the Revolutionary War, was captured and hung by British soldiers. His now famous final words were, "I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country." He was willing to die for his nation and its freedom.

Not long ago, a mother in Philadelphia went back into a burning building to rescue her children who were trapped inside. After saving two, she died in the flames trying to save the other two. The mother was willing to die for her children.

In the ancient empire of Persia, a law was passed making it a crime punishable by death to pray to anyone but the emperor. One aged government official refused to obey the edict. It was his habit to pray three times daily to the one true God. As a result, he was cast into a den of lions. Even though God saved Daniel, Daniel was still willing to die rather than give up his habit of prayer. Most things in our life that are important require sacrifices in order to do them. If you have hobbies or extra-curricular activities that you enjoy doing you may be willing to sacrifice time, money, energy, or other activities in order to participate in them. The same is true of prayer. We like to sing, “sweet hour of prayer, sweet hour of prayer that called me from a world of care, and bids me at my Father’s throne. Makes all my wants and wished knows.” Do we really long for a sweet hour of prayer? Or do we just settle for a few moments of prayer? Many Christians only speak to God when they pray over their food or maybe when they are in desperate need of something. Prayer is much more than just bringing requests and wants before God. In order for you to be devoted to prayer you may have to make some sacrifices.

Sometimes prayer takes discipline in order to pray like we should. Discipline involves doing what you need to do even when you do not feel like doing it. I am amazed when I see the discipline some people posses. Some people have such drive and dedication to do the things they want to do. When I hear of people that faithfully and with dedication get up early to exercise when I hear of people who on a daily basis walk or run a certain distance. Those things amaze me. The reason they can have dedication to that is because they value their health. They value their health so much that they are willing to even loose some sleep take care of their bodies. What would happen if people valued their spiritual condition like that. I heard someone say that we always find a reason not to have time to pray. In the mornings we are too sleepy, in the days we are too busy, and at nights we are too tired. Sometimes being devoted to prayer requires some discipline and we simply have to make time to talk to God on a daily basis. I know and understand that there are so many things that we need to get done, and sometimes it is hard to get it done, but prayer should not be the thing that is taken off our schedule, we should not see our prayer time as an option.

III. Taking The Time To Pray May Produce Some Changes

Prayer is the avenue for which God pours out His power and blessings to us. We can never underestimate the power of prayer, if only we would take the time to pray. Many people look skeptically at the Christian world and their belief in prayer and say that answered prayer is simply coincidences, but I have noticed when I pray that coincidences happen. I can tell you objectively through what the Word of God says that God answers prayer and I can also tell you subjectively through my experiences that God answers prayer.

A)Changes in The Mind of God

It may not seem that incredible to you, but it does to me. Knowing that my requests, my prayers can change the mind of God. God told Moses that he was going to destroy all the people of Israel and start a new people beginning with him, but Moses interceded and God changed him mind. Isaiah the prophet came before King Hezekiah with a message from God that he would die. Hezekiah began to pray, and God changed his mind and extended his life fifteen years. Prayer can change the mind of God. Our prayers are indeed powerful and never underestimate the power that you have in prayer. Prayer can change the mind of God.

B)Changes in Your Character

Most likely you can tell by looking at me that you do not get a physique like this over night. This was gained by hours of pumping iron. I know, I making many of you guys jealous with by bulging biceps, but this took some hard work to develop. In the same way, our character does not just develop over night, we do not become godly on whim, it takes training and energy and effort to become more like Christ.

A lot of that energy and effort is spent in prayer. Prayer transforms our lives. The truth is God values time together with us in prayer. Since becoming a Father I have realized this to even a greater extent. There is nothing greater than spending time with my daughter. There is nothing I wouldn’t put aside or do to spend time with her. I am the type of person that when I am on a roll working I do not like to be interrupted, I hope, however that I never see my children as interruptions and that they know that I will always make time to talk with them. God as our Father wants to hear from us, he wants us to communicate with Him, and prayer is our means of speaking with Him. No relationship can be built or nurtured without good, open and honest communication. No relationship with God can be developed or nurtured without a constant communication with Him. It amazes me that God the creator of the universe invites us to come before His throne and speak with Him. He is never too busy, he is never too consumes, it is never inconvenient for us to come, He just wants to hear from His children.

You can take it to the bank, that prayer will change your character and change your life. I have noticed that the more I communicate and grow in my relationship with my wife the better I know her and the better she knows me. You get to the point in some relationships that you can know how a person thinks or feels or what they want to say before they ever say it. If you have been married any length of time you can get in trouble without even saying a word. You may be able to start finishing each other’s sentences. You begin to even become alike many times in your views, in your attitude, and in your character. In a relationship many times you pick up some of the same sayings or mannerisms. You become alike as your relationship develops. The same is true of God. The more we communicate with him the more we will be like Him. When you devote yourself to prayer be aware that your life and character will be forever changed.

C)Changes in the Church

Could you imagine if we became a church that really prayed? I know we have our prayer lists and we pray a few times during the corporate worship services, but I mean could you really imagine if the church prayed? I have thought and thought about what made the church in the New Testament so distinct from the church today. What made that church impact the world so greatly as compared to our seemingly minimal impact in the world? We basically have the same doctrine. We have the same message and the same Word. We have the same Spirit indwelling us. We have the same God we serve. I do not think it has to do with character or even the state of the society we live in, after all Paul went into some pretty wicked places. I think it has to do with prayer. I think we are confused on prayer as the church and if we seek to restore New Testament doctrine to the church, we should also restore the idea of prayer. In Acts 12 we read an account of when Peter was in prison awaiting his trial and probable execution. Meanwhile, the church had gathered together a special prayer meeting and was praying on his behalf, hoping they could change the mind of God. Their prayers were heard and Peter was released from prison. The focus of that story is not on God’s ability to release Peter or on Peter’s faith, but was on the fact that the church was praying on Peter’s behalf. Could you imagine what we could do if we would simply pray for each other the way that the early church did? I don’t mean just calling out 100 names on a prayer list, but I mean diligently praying for one another when we have issues arise. We notice several things about these events in Acts 12. First of all, the church gathered together to pray – I would assume that this was the regular practice for them. We see this because Peter knew exactly where to find them and where they would be. I wish we would have more prayer services in churches, where we do nothing but spend time in prayer. Prayer for each other, prayer for the lost community, prayer for the leaders of the church, prayer for the sick,, and prayer for the church as a whole. Prayer is not just asking God for things or praying for the sick. Prayer is communication. You can go to God with your struggles, with your doubts, with your frustrations, joys, burdens, and anxieties.

Secondly we see as the church devoted itself to prayer the church grew and reached the lost. We need to be a church that is made up of people that pray. You do not have to be able to stand in front of people and publicly pray in order to communicate with God. Perhaps it has been a while since God has heard from you. I promise you this – if we would pray, lives in this community would be transformed, God would bless us and use us. Prayer will change the church in a good way to be what she can be.

D)Changes in The World

There is a song by a group called Casting Crowns titled, “What if His People Prayed” that says this;

What if the armies of the Lord

Picked Up and dusted off their swords

Vowed to set captives free

And not let Satan have one more

What if the church for Heaven’s Sake

Finally stepped up to the plate

Took a Stand Upon God’s Promise

And Stormed Hell’s rusty Gate

What if His people prayed

And Those who bear his name

Would humbly seek his face

And turn from their own ways

And What would happen if we prayed

For those raised up to lead the way

The maybe kids in school could pray

And unborn children see light of day

We all get frustrated with some of the things that take place in society. We get outraged over issues like abortion and homosexual marriage. We are bothered by the immorality portrayed from the entertainment industry, but before you cry out about it let me ask you, have you prayed about it? Have you prayed for our leaders? Have you prayed that abortion would be stopped? Have you prayed that God would intervene?