Summary: Our Church, our lives must be lived out with relevance

Romans 13:8-14

“Being Righteous: With My Witness”

“Our Church, our lives must be lived out with relevance.”

Sunday Morning Sermon


The preacher’s son was 5 years old and always quick to give an answer. He was in Sunday school one time and the teacher asked: is there anything God can’t do – the rest of the class agreed that God could do anything. The young boy raises his hand and the teacher reluctantly calls on him. Ok, she said, what is it that God can’t do? He replies, “Well, my dad says that not even God can make everyone in this church happy.”

Did you hear about the police chief who gave himself a ticket for a traffic violation? Police chief Richard Knoebel issued himself a $235 ticket complete with a four-point penalty against his license after he realized he had failed to stop for a school bus with its lights flashing. Knoebel said that he didn’t notice the bus until he had passed it because he was distracted by a truck. “When we get someone for not stopping for a flashing school bus we give them a citation. So I shouldn’t be any different so I did,” he said.

That story was on every major news network, I heard it on the radio for almost a week straight. – the burning question in my mind, but I’m sure I wasn’t alone in this thinking was – WHAT DOES IT MATTER? He gave himself a ticket – Big deal. He could just as easily not given himself the ticket and probably only a few people would have noticed. He was sent hundreds of emails – several people offering to pay the ticket for him; he refused them all, paying his fine the next day.

The other day I was in Target right before they closed. I put one of the three 12 packs of soda on the belt. I wasn’t paying attention, told her I had 2 more in the basket, the girl at the register was ready to go home. She totaled my order, I thought it was low but didn’t think any more about it. I get home and realize that she didn’t charge me for 3 -12 packs, but only one. I went back into Target and paid for the other 2 -12 packs of soda – the girls behind the counter were shocked at what I was doing. Why does it matter? I could have realized the mistake, and justified keeping the money and the soda. After all it’s only soda, and you want to compare my checking account to that of the 2nd largest retailer – go for it, mine is not anywhere close. What difference would 7 dollars make to them anyway – I could eat a meal, by diapers or buy a book with that money.

Here’s why it matters – From time to time, the world – those outside the church will be interested in, and will without invitation look into the lives of those who claim to follow Christ – and we demonstrate who we are – not when we have invited people in, not when we have made sure everything is straight, but when we allow an honest look at who we are and what we believe, and it matches up with the truth of God’s word, it’s at that point we have the chance to impact the life, and offer encouragement and hope.


I want us – you and me – to live out our righteousness with our witness. I want us – to be concerned about those outside the body of Christ. This is the same concern Paul had for the Roman Christians.

If you have your Bibles with you this morning turn with me to (advance)

Romans 13:8-14 (read)

I see three things this morning – that will allow us to live out our witness with righteousness (advance)

I. Love – Fulfill the Law (8-10)

a. We have a charge, a command

i. To love Everyone around us

ii. Regardless who it is, what we gain from it

iii. Or if we believe they fit as potential church members or not.

b. Love is boundless –

i. The need is great

ii. The debt remains unpaid.

We will never be in a position to claim that we have “loved enough.”

So often times our reaction to a situation is not love. We’ll do good works; we will talk to people about changing their lives, offer advice, even show tolerance – but do we take the time to show those around us – in our circle of influence, that we love them.

Our world doesn’t care how many Greek words you can define, they don’t care if you can explain the deep things of the faith – The world cares, if you care about them. Which means getting on their level (not sharing in sin – but helping them rise above). Listen to me – if we don’t care about the ones around us, they will find someone, or something that does – and it might not be positive, it’s one of the basic needs of life to find people who care about you – that’s why you have a mom. Our love for each other is an overflow of God’s love for us, but it also identifies us as followers of Jesus. (advance)

John 13:34-35 – "A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. 35 By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another."

If we don’t love – we will be identified for that as well.

c. Paul says

i. Love and fulfillment of the commands

1. Are the same thing

James calls loving your neighbor the “royal law” (advance) James 2:8 – If you really keep the royal law found in Scripture, "Love your neighbor as yourself," you are doing right.

2. Two sides of the same coin

3. Don’t contrast each other

ii. Moving towards love is a movement towards the commands – He gives us a list

a. No Adultery

b. No Murder

c. No Stealing

d. No Covetousness

This is not a complete list – this is not Paul acknowledging only these commands – If you look at them, they are opposite of Love, and are prohibited for that very reason. (advance)

Romans 13:10 – Love does no harm to its neighbor. Therefore love is the fulfillment of the law.

The OT understanding of Neighbor meant your fellow Israelite – it was a very limited circle of people. By the NT times the Jews began to give it a wider meaning, and of course we have Jesus giving it a universal scope with the parable of the good Samaritan.

So how and why do we love our neighbor?

d. You love because God loves you.

i. It’s not based on your goodness

ii. It’s not based on your holiness

It’s based on the love of God for you – he commands you to love those around you.

e. How do you love your neighbor –

Especially if “neighbor” could mean anyone?

i. You have to pray!

Don’t just pray for those around you – pray for yourself. Pray that God will give you the eyes to see the needs – pray that he will meet those needs through you. The Bible says that God wants all men to be saved and come to knowledge of him – he will use you and your ability to love if you are open to it. If we are going to be righteous with our witness – we must do something else – here’s 2 of 3: (advance)

II. Understand the Times (11-13)

Generation Nexters – 18-15 year olds – interesting fact.

One in five 18-25 year-olds say they have no religious affiliation, are atheist or agnostic, nearly double the percentage of the late ‘80s. Just 32% attend church at least once a week vs. 40% of those over age 25. Only 4% say people in their generation view becoming more spiritual as their most important goal in life. 63% of Nexters believe all life, including humans, evolved over time, while only 33% say all living creatures have existed in their present form since the beginning of time. 14% say they most admire an entertainer rather than a political leader; only 6% named spiritual leaders. Theirs is the most tolerant generation on social issues such as immigration, race and homosexuality.

a. Reaching the Lost

i. Will require the greatest amount of love from you

ii. Will require vision –

Jesus was surrounded by the teachers of the law they were grumbling– and he tells this story. (advance)

Luke 15:4-7 (Message)

4-7"Suppose one of you had a hundred sheep and lost one. Wouldn’t you leave the ninety-nine in the wilderness and go after the lost one until you found it? When found, you can be sure you would put it across your shoulders, rejoicing, and when you got home call in your friends and neighbors, saying, ’Celebrate with me! I’ve found my lost sheep!’ Count on it—there’s more joy in heaven over one sinner’s rescued life than over ninety-nine good people in no need of rescue.

b. God has joy over you – if you are in him

i. He loves you – the Bible says that he loves you greatly – you are way up there in his book

ii. The Bible says that if God is for you nothing can successfully rise up against you

c. He REJOICES – he celebrates

i. When someone who was far away – comes home.

The church, you and me, we should be in the business of bringing people in sharing with them the love of Christ and doing it again.

Most churches have one baptism a year – ONE – 52 Sundays in a year – ONE baptism. I’m not saying the church is a business but if a business had that kind of growth, you’d shut the doors! We had one in January – I guess we are done for the year, no we aren’t! We aren’t done, because God is not done. Don’t you see that something greater is at stake – that if we continue to do what we’ve always done – it should be no surprise that we will get what we’ve always gotten.

d. Here’s what I’m asking you to do

i. When you see an opportunity to serve – Pray about it, and then do it!

ii. When you see someone who is without a church home – pray about it, and then invite them

iii. When you see new faces around here – be friendly

That’s the “what” – Look what Paul says is the why – he gives a reason

Last part of verse 11:

“…Our salvation is nearer now than when we first believed”

e. Could mean two things

i. Death –

All of us will die – it’s not pleasant to think about – but it’s something to prepare for.

ii. Second Coming –

Every passing day brings us closer to our salvation. This is true if we are thinking of the moment of death or the second coming.

The pending judgment and time of salvation should be a great motivation in bringing those outside, inside and growing together in Christ. It should be great motivation in looking at those around you and saying – “Let’s grow together as we go forward.” God loves us too much to be happy with allowing us to stay where we are.

We adore Hailey – but I tell you what we love her too much to keep her in our arms, and never let her walk. We love her too much to keep her small and not let her do the things that bring her happiness. I remember her first steps, you would have thought she ran a 10-K, and finished first. We were so excited, God gets that way with us, when we move closer to him, and bring those around us.

f. We need to take off some things first – 6 things, groups of two

i. Orgies and drunkenness –

ii. Sexual immorality and debauchery

iii. Dissension and Jealousy

It’s one thing if Paul is speaking directly to the world – if this letter was passed out in adult clubs and places of that nature. This isn’t to them: It’s to us – the church, the saved and sanctified, and the righteous. If you are dealing with any of the above – and my guess is, someone here is – Seek the wisdom of God. Ask him to help you – search for someone to be accountable with. Stop doing whatever it is! You are hurting yourselves, your family, and removing the ability for God’s glory to be revealed. If the world – those around you look at your life and don’t see a difference – you won’t make a difference to them.

Paul, being the good Christian man that he is – understands we can’t take something off without putting something else on. You make the choice this morning to remove those things from your life, and you create a big hole, possibly even a vacuum of time. You have to fill it with something else. The third thing this morning (advance)

III. Put on Christ (14)


Romans 13:14 – (NASB) But put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make no provision for the flesh in regard to its lusts.

Two things – Speaking to you, regardless of where you are in your walk with Christ.

a. Removing – and putting on

You make the choice this morning to remove things from your life, and you create a big hole, possibly even a vacuum of time. You have to fill it with something else. --

i. It’s not about keeping yourself from your sin

1. Like you have that much will power – you don’t depend on straight will power to stay away from something -- because you will failure. God didn’t create you to be a failure.

The Bible says that sin starts with the mind – first you think it, and then you do it. We have to daily renew our minds, as we do, we move ourselves closer to the will of God – the closer I am to God – the further I am away from the things of this world. As I allow that closeness with God (reading the bible, prayer, and personal time with God) to impact my life, it pours over into my relationships. If this is happening in my life – and yours – not only do we duplicate righteousness, it spills over to evangelism, and telling those around us about this church and what we are doing. Hang with me for just a second…

The other thing:

b. Baptism – I know this is not Acts 2:38 –

But the context is still the same – (advance)

Gal. 3:27 – for all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ.

i. Baptism is more than just getting wet

I know many people who were baptized, and it did little more than just get them wet – Salvation is not a place on a map where you can just pick up a postcard and feel like you have accomplished something.

ii. If we forget our baptism – and move in an opposite direction from the call we answered – what good was it?

Church, this clothing yourself with Christ – putting on Jesus, allowing him to dwell in your heart (literally take up residence) – and faithfully walking with him everyday – Allowing Him to have you just as you are, but making you what he wants you to be.


There’s a story in the NT – one of my favorite stories, a parable in the book of Luke – I’m sure you’ve heard it. The young man tells his dad to give him everything that would be his if the father was dead – basically saying, I wish you were dead, but since you aren’t can I have everything I would get like you were. Try telling that to your dad sometime… The young man – makes a move away from the father – He kicks off his sandals for something better, takes the ring off his finger, and removes the robe. He sets off to live life. And for some people that’s what they would claim life is about – INDEPENDENCE, FREEDOM, the next party, the next concert, the next experience – you can call it whatever you want, I doubt this young man would have disagreed at the time.

Of course the young man finds himself in dire straits – in need of basic stuff for life – he moves himself back to the father. The father replaces the ring, gives him new sandals, and puts a robe on his back.

I want to suggest something to you – life lived outside a connection with God the father is not really life – it’s full of something, but it’s far from living. If you and I – if we are going to get serious about reaching a lost world for Jesus, bringing people with us – we need to start living life, living it like everything matters – because it does matter.

Let’s pray.

We are going to sing a song of decision this morning – If you have never accepted Jesus Christ as Lord – This is the time – and this is the place. We will lovingly accept you, and encourage you in the Lord as we move forward. The journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step.

Perhaps you made a choice to follow Christ a long time ago, but you’ve taken off the clothes that identified you as his – you took the ring off, and kicked off the sandals – maybe you did it on purpose as a response to something – maybe it was done by time. Friends starting coming about around, the language changed back, the bad habits, a lack of love – God will renew and refresh your life – The Bible says that if we confess our sins he is faithful to forgive us.

If you have a decision to make this morning please come as we stand and sing.