Summary: Jesus invited some people to "Pass over the sea" with Him; He still invites all of us to "Pass over the sea of our lives with Him" to the Other Shore-Heaven."

MARK 4:35-41


I. INVITATION: * Mark 4:35-36

A. Inviter. 4:35

B. Ingratitude. 4:36

C. Interested. 4:36

II. IMPEDIMENT: ** Mark 4:37-38

A. Immensity. 4:37

B. Inundating. 4:37

C. Importunity. 4:38

III. INCARNATE: *** Mark 4:39-41

A. Instruction. 4:39

B. Imperturbableness. 4:39

C. Inquisition. 4:40-41

Chapter four of Mark contains three good parables. As the chapter ends, we find that Jesus extends an invitation to His followers to “Pass over” the sea and go to a different place. There is more involved here than just crossing over a sea of water. Behind the whole episode there is the more deeper meaning that Mark tries to convey to his readers and that involves Jesus’ invitation to “Pass over” from this life and go to Heaven. While we are “Passing over” on the sea of our lives to a new Shore, there are things and events that happen and this is part of that deeper meaning that Mark wants to convey to his readers.

I see three things in this passage of Scriptures that coincide with the passing over the sea in the time of the events of this gospel and with the Christian experience of passing over our sea of life on our journey to heaven. The first thing I note is the INVITATION given then and now. The next thing I note is the IMPEDIMENT that happened then and now. Finally. I note the INCARNATE One then and now.

* THE INVITATION: It is interesting to read that after a busy day, as the sun was beginning to set, an Invitation was given to cross over the sea and go to the other shore. Evidently, Jesus had done all He could for the people that day and was ready for a change. The Invitation was given then and is still valid today for all to, “Cross over with Him” to another, better Shore. The day is drawing to a close and that Invitation goes out to all to cross over life‘s sea with Him on board.

I notice the One who gave the Invitation: the Inviter. Jesus, Himself, gives the Invitation to, “Cross over with Him.” Note, He did not send them, but said, “Let us cross over.” How on the world could anyone refuse an Invitation to go anywhere with Jesus? Yet, many did.

I note that the crowd was dispersed. Jesus gave the Invitation to more than the disciples because the Bible says that there were others who went in other boats so all were included to go with Him but the Ingratitude crowd, those who followed Him for the material blessings, dispersed themselves and left the rest with Him. The same is true today. Jesus still calls and invites the world to, “Cross over with Him” but many turn aside, leaving the Interested to follow Him.

We do not know how many went with Him that day, but Mark tells us that there were other boats that set sail with the disciples that afternoon and wanted to be with the Master. The same is true today. There are many other boats sailing on the Sea of Life towards Heaven. There are many tongues, languages Churches, denominations and many of different ages through out history even until now that have decided to set sail with Him and cross over the sea of life to yonder Heaven’s shore.

** THE IMPEDIMENT: It would be so nice that once we decided to follow Jesus and set sail with Him that all of life’s burdens would be a thing of the past but this is not the case.

The Bible states that once they had left all and set sail with Him that a violent storm, an Impediment, arose and it was more than just a mere squall. This lake is about 700 feet below sea level and is surrounded by high hills (mountains). The sea can be as calm as a sheet of glass, but let the winds pick up and begin to blow down on the lake and a storm arises within a matter of minutes. With the inrushing wind and very little avenues for escape, the winds can churn the waters into a frothing mass of high waves and turbulent waters.

It was a life threatening storm and this storm was of great Immensity. It was large, powerful, and came up suddenly. When the group was on the shore the sky was clear, but now, adrift on the sea, the storm hit with a violent ferocity. This is so true of those who try to serve Jesus and are hit by the ferocious storms of life. Friends desert us; family miss-interprets our intentions; the world chides the saints; children turn away from the faith of their parents; some lose their jobs due to their belief in Jesus; and, the list goes on and on. These storms come out of nowhere and they gather speed and intensity.

In fact, this storm was raging so violently that the waves were crashing in and over the boat. It is one thing to be hit by storms on the outside but when they invade the soul they are worse. When Satan and his imps begin to whisper in the ears of the believers that all is lost-the storm moves on into the soul. When depression and darkness hide the Son of the day-the storms are moving inside the mind and the soul. This was what was taking place that day on that sea. Jesus had invited them. They said good-by to others, got in their barks and set sail with Jesus. All was calm on the outside then the storm arose. Not only did it come up quickly and came with such furry, but it now was moving inside of the boat and threatening everything and every body.

I note that what happened next is so true of we humans. The disciples grew alarmed and with great Importunity, they began to ask the Master for help. They did not realize that with Him on board, they would be safe. No, their fears overcame them and they began to implore the Master for help. They never thought that if He asked them to cross over with Him that they would be safe. Their human nature took over and they panicked.

*** THE INCARNATE: I note the humanity of Jesus at this part. He had a busy day and now He was resting-with His head on a pillow. He was sound asleep and safe in the arms of His Father. What an idyllic picture this is of the humanity of the Incarnate One.

I next notice the Instructions that Jesus gave to the elements. Simply by issuing an order for cease and desist-everything became calm. It is just like our Lord to control the situation especially when we think that all is lost. When we get to that point, let us turn to Him and hear His words of “Cease and Desist” and let Him control the very storm in which we are passing.

I then notice the change in the entire situation. Before there was turmoil, fear, and anxiety, now there was this serene Imperturbableness-a calm that defied all explanations. Jesus was on board and He was in control.

However, His Inquisition to the disciples then still haunts us today, “Why do we fear and why do we lack faith?” We are human and yet we need to trust in Him as we “Cross over” this sea of life to Heaven’s shore. He invited us-let us go with Him.

Regardless of the storms of this life, let us remember Who is sailing with us. As long as we keep Him on board of our bark, we can endure anything. Soon, the winds will die down, the sea will return to its original calmness and we will sail on with Him to the “other side.”