Summary: When you meet God, Come Clean about who you are, Call upon God for Help, Commit to what God wants to do in your life.

WHEN YOU MEET GOD February 25, 2007 Jay Robison GENESIS 32:22-30

I acknowledge that I have used the sermon central site as one of my study resources for this sermon.

There is a great mystery of life


Growth always means struggle in one form or another.

As a child we struggle trying to grow physically, teething babies

Children struggle to grow emotionally, balancing many emotions

Always easier to gain weight than lose it Studying is not very fun

Spiritually we do not become Godly when we first want to

it is a struggle called discipleship but when we struggle we grow.

Passage today points that out Vs 28 NIV

Your name will no longer be Jacob, but Israel, because you have struggled with God and men and have overcome.

Interesting episode, some will say metaphorical I don’t think so

Literal events, but don’t read too much into details

Jacob appears to be beating up on God angel afraid of light etc

3 principles we have to keep in mind when we meet God


Although God used Jacob he was not perfect by any means

Jacob was kind of person could enter a revolving door behind you

& come out ahead of you.”

When Jacob shook hands w\you, check to be sure still all 5 fingers

Jacob was A LIAR, A CHEAT, A CON ARTIST, and a crook

From womb he was younger of twins, but holding older bro’s heel

Jacob literally means “heel grabber” and “deceiver”

His older twin Esau as first born entitled to double portion of estate

Jacob swindled it from him not once but twice Gen 25 pot of stew

Gen 27 by deceiving dad on his deathbed. Jacob always out on top

Because of these things, Jacob had to leave town in a hurry

Spied beautiful woman Rachel but met his devious match

Laban Rachel’s dad sure marry my daughter if work 7 yrs ch 29

See Rachel had older sister Leah ugly duckling consolation prize

On wedding night after 7 yrs hard work surprised to find Leah

Laban she is oldest had to marry first, 7 more years for Rachel

Jacob chuckled at buy one get one free wife, cons admire good con

Jacob\Laban went into cattle business, Jacob good at it

But rambling man so wanted to move on, Laban said 1 more year

Then divide flock, Jacob said he’d take misfits, spotted speckled

But Jacob was the breeder so when cattle bred, don’t you know

Strongest cattle were spotted and speckled, 30:42

So Jacob loaded up his two wives and spotted strong cattle

Left in middle of night, Rachel stole some gold from dad

Laban chases Jacob who ends up running right toward Esau

20 years since seen him stole inheritance, Will Esau try to kill him?

Jacob thinking on his feet divides family and possessions

1st animals, goats, rams, camels, bulls, cows etc. said give to Esau

2nd wives, and maids, 3rd was to be Jacob, trying to soften Esau up

Jacob lived by his wits & wanted to get away with his life

It was middle of the night when Jacob set this all up

And he went across the Jabbok River by himself

When Jacob cannot sleep, but in wrestling match

Jacob was battling an angel and HIMSELF

His life was passing before his eyes, and not a pretty show

He was in a wrestling match and prize was his very soul

Jacob had to make peace w\his past, face himself, look in the mirror

When life is out of control, we are wrestling with God

Is God wrestling with you today? Are you resisting God?

Is there something you’re withholding from Him?

When we meet God, 1st come clean about who you are

God already knows its no news to God, still loves you

2. Call on GOD FOR HELP

Jacob was wrestling with who he was, what he had done

At his wits end longest night in his life fear, isolation & loneliness;

We have to admit WE NEED GOD

So God can show us WHAT WE CAN BECOME

Up till now, Jacob handled his life really well thank you

Jacob had been such a “schemer”.

Jacob’s whole life marked by getting into trouble & running away.

Now the jig is up Jacob needs God and knows it

Vs 26 NLT Jacob panted I will not let you go unless you bless me

Jacob is praying out of desperation

“I won’t let you go until you bless me.

I won’t let you go until I’m a new man - a different person."

Jacob panted, underline that, his whole life is on the line

He is standing before God, needs help

There is nothing like A LITTLE STRESS


Doesn’t our prayer life become intense when under stress

Very best place to run to in prayer - especially in time of stress.

When the going gets tough the tough get to praying

Do you have a backup plan just in case God doesn’t come through?

Do you pray but all the while formulating in mind a backup plan

"just in case God doesn’t come through"?

Is that what it means to trust God? I don’t think so.

That’s living in self-sufficiency; what Jacob lived by & we will too

Jacob recognized who he was who he really was

We come to know we are limited and weak.

Then we call out to God and see thing only God can do

Experience of is not to wrestle w\God over our demands,

but to know heart of One who seek to bless us & call us to a higher

purpose in life, help us understand utterly dependent on Him.


Jacob is forced to come to the end of himself

and to throw himself exclusively upon God.

Story about coming to end of yourself so God is finally free to work

I won’t stop until you bless me! I throw myself on your mercy

John White says, Jacob was conquered by dependency.

God wrestles with us IN ORDER TO HELP US GROW

God wrestles with us to encourage us by His presence

to become a better person.

God’s personally interested in each one of us realizing

Godsized dreams for our life so God makes

personal appearances with us to assist in the process.

But it’s not always easy

..he struck Jacob’s hip and knocked it out of joint at the socket

Vs 25 NLT

Most translations say man "touched" Jacob in hip,

Actually dislocated the hip.

Jacob could not EMERGE UNSCARRED

Joni Eareckson Tada, a paraplegic confined to a wheelchair,

wrote the following poem by holding a pen between her teeth:

When God wants to drill a man, and thrill a man and skill a man,

When God wants to mold a man to play the noblest part,

When He yearns with all His heart

to build so great and bold a man,

That all the world shall be amazed,

Then watch His methods, watch His ways!

How He ruthlessly perfects whom He royally elects;

How He hammers him and hurts him, and with mighty blows converts him,

Into shapes and forms of clay which only God can understand

While man’s tortured heart is crying and he lifts beseeching hands...

Yet God bends but never breaks when man’s good He undertakes;

How He uses whom He chooses, and with mighty power infuses him,

With every act induces him to try His splendor out,

God knows what He’s about!

It is impossible to MEET GOD and remain THE SAME

Jacob was a different man after meeting God

He became the leader God always wanted him to be

Jacob had a real lasting change in his character.

Jacob’s battle and our battle is between life IN THE FLESH


That lonely & fearful night Jacob changed from a man

who got through life by scheming & conniving

to someone who would succeed through power of his r-ship w\God.

God wishes to do great things through us, through your life

But it is only in surrender to God that we find victory

From this day on Jacob no longer thought only of himself

Now he consciously lived under God’s will

Asked himself what does God want with me?

Is the only place for any of us to live


February 25, 2007 Jay Davis Robison GENESIS 32:22-30

You must if you

Your name will no longer be Jacob, but Israel, because you have struggled with God and men and have overcome. Vs 28 NIV

1. Come Clean

Jacob was

Jacob was battling an angel and

2. Call on

We have to admit

So God can show us

Jacob panted I will not let you go unless you bless me Vs 26 NLT

There is nothing like

To build

Do you have a backup plan just in case God doesn’t come through?

3. Commit yourself

God wrestles with us

..he struck Jacob’s hip and knocked it out of joint at the socket

Vs 25 NLT

Jacob could not

Jacob was changed by God

Jacob’s battle and our battle is between life

And life