Summary: A look at the Good Samaritan gives us great insight as to how we should live our lives in a world that desperately needs Christ.

Like A Good Neighbor

Luke 10:25-37

How do I know if I am really a Christian?

Love God with all of your:





Love others as you love yourself

Who is my neighbor?

Anyone God brings you in contact with.

Internet has made the world smaller.

We’re all neighbors.

Even those the world rejects.

Fire, EMT, Police, State Patrol, Adams County Sheriff’s Department. They serve all.

The church is called to reach out to all.

What should I do for my neighbor?

Have and show compassion.

See them to good health (spiritually)

The mission of the church is NOT:

To entertain

Make people feel good

Be religious

The mission of the church IS:

To see people in a healthy

relationship with Jesus Christ

What will it cost me:

All we have and more






Jesus demonstrated service this kind of service to us. He gave everything. He knew what it would cost and he still did it.

How can we be satisfied giving any less of ourselves?

Doesn’t Jesus deserve everything we have got?

Decision Time:

Today, perhaps you need to accept Jesus Christ as Lord, believing in Him, confessing Him, repenting of your sins, and being immersed into Christ.