Prayer That Changes
Contributed by Richard White on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: We pray, we ask, we look for answers, we look for change.
Prayer that Changes
Col. 1:9-14
We have all heard the phrase “Prayer Changes Things”. In Prayer we can change our outlook, our circumstance, our lives, and even the lives of others. For the next several weeks as we prepare for our day of Prayer and Fasting we will focus on prayer.
There has always been the need for Prayer Warriors, those who would storm the Gates of Hell in prayer, those whose lives reflect an attitude of abundant prayer. There is a need in our own lives to become Prayer partners. We all need “everyday prayer partners”. We need prayer partners who are interceding for us before the throne everyday, whether we are in feast or famine, good or bad, rich or poor. And we need to be that for others.
In the Armed forces, each branch has its own Special Forces units. SEALS, Green Berets, Rangers, whatever else they are called. They each have a similar motto. “Two go in, two come out or nobody comes out.” The idea is they are there for each other no matter what happens they never leave their partner. Whether it is in the church, the family, the workplace, we need our prayer partners. When I was in Bible College and working at Winn Dixie we formed a partnership of prayer. Every night at 8 pm those who could gathered in the backroom for prayer. We were off the clock, taking our break so as not to be charging the company for this time. It started with 3 of us, praying for each other and whatever else was needed, the company, the country, and our families. Within two weeks it grew to over 20 coming back there, some who were not even working that day would still come. It got to a point that I would announce it over the stores PA system so others could join us. Customers even came back. Our new store manager tried to put a stop to it, but when the new GM came, he joined us and encouraged others to do so. Prayer changed the attitude of that store manager.
Paul had a prayer partner in the Colossian church; he was that for the churches he planted, he reflects that in this passage. He prays that
1. They can know God fully
a. Verse 9 to be filled with the knowledge of your Will. To know the will of God and what he wants for our lives
b. We need to pray for others and ourselves to know the will of God.
c. We should pray for direction in our lives and those of our prayer partners.
2. Pray for Productive Lives (v. 10)
a. Jesus said every tree that does not bear fruit will be cutoff and thrown into the fire Matt 3:10, Matt 7:19, Luke 3:9
b. Paul told the Corinthian church we will be tested by fire whether it will be gold, silver or precious stones, or will it be wood, hay or straw.
c. Paul said to the church at Ephesus “we are Gods workmanship” 2:10. What kind of workmanship is our prayer life?
We pray to know God fully, we pray for productive lives and we should pray for personal growth, filled with God’s power
3. Filled with God’s Power (v.11)
a. What could we accomplish if we were filled with God’s power?
Paul said, “I can do EVERYTHING through him who gives me strength. (Phil 4:13)
b. Power to overcome sin in our lives, Power to overcome temptations, addictions, and personality traits that are not becoming of Christians.
c. Power to see God and respond like Isaiah, to bring about repentance in our lives.
If we pray like this for someone everyday and in turn teach others to do the same we can bring a Revival to our country greater than that at Pentecost, or Caine Ridge. We too can be changed for the better, changed to be the people God wants us to be, the church God wants us to be, the person God wants us to be.
I ask you to pray for me daily, to be the man God wants me to be, the minister God wants me to be, and the Christian God wants me to be, and I will do the same for you.
Before you leave today, tell someone you want him or her to be your prayer partner, and volunteer yourself to be that for him or her. Prayer moves the hand that moves the world.