
Summary: What is a good pattern for prayer? Paul gives several good ones, and here is one of them.

I. In Prayer God is ACKNOWLEDGED (14-15)

A. Relationship to Us (14)

1. Father of the Savior

2. Our Father

B. Relationship to All (15)

1. Father of creation & mankind

2. NOT an argument of the universal

fatherhood of God to all men

II. In Prayer God is ASKED (16-19)

A. Power of Christ (16)

1. Eph. 5:18

2. James 4:2, “…ye have not because

ye ask not”

B. Presence of Christ (17a)

1. Heb. 13:5, “never leave or forsake you”

2. That His presence be felt

C. Passion of Christ (17b-19a)

1. To know the love of Christ in its fullness

2. That its expression would be found in us

(rooted & grounded)

D. Plentiful Fullness of Christ (19b)

1. That God would ooze from our pores

2. Fruit of the Spirit (Gal. 5:22-23)

III. In Prayer God is APPRECIATED (20-21)

A. Recognize the Work of God

1. Beyond our abilities

2. Beyond our sensibilities

B. Realize the Will of God

1. That which brings God glory

2. That which emphasizes Jesus Christ

3. That which reaches people

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