Personal Book Descriptions
Contributed by Paul Fritz on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: Book descriptions and articles for missions
1. Steps to Planting & Growing Churches - This guidebook is used as a textbook in many theological colleges around the world. It covers the Biblical basis for planting & growing churches in a contextualized manner. The book analyzes the principles, practices, & steps of planting & growing churches within an African context. It takes into account the various complexities of numerous case studies, traditions, & cultural factors in overcoming the difficulties of seeing mature congregations come into existence. The book covers communication principles in light of Biblical principles that need to be utilized in maximizing the qualitative and quantitative growth of the church.
2. How To Successfully Study, Preach, and communicate the Scriptures - This guidebook is used as a textbook in many theological schools within Africa. Seeking to prepare contextually equipped Preachers, Teachers, & Missionaries, this volume systematically covers such topics as the role of the Holy Spirit in communication, the Biblical basis for seeking effectiveness in communications, & the effects of good preaching on worship. The book provides its readers with how to steps in preparing Biblical messages by thoroughly analyzing the best means of making observations, interpretations, correlation’s, applications, and evaluations of the Holy Scriptures. Moving from the text, the volume discusses the best means of studying ones strengths & weaknesses as a speaker as well as tips for analyzing the various needs of each audience. Seventeen types of approaches to sermon & lesson preparation are thoroughly explained through a method that is proven through years of classroom instruction in Africa.
3. 365 Ways to Increase Your Faith - Thoroughly researched, this guide provides the reader with bite sized steps to understanding the complexities of Christian maturity. Written over a five-year period, this book has sold over 12,000 copies in Nigeria. The book looks into the Biblical, philosophical, & practical means of climbing the ladder of faith following the many Biblical formulas. For example, Romans 4:20,21 says, "Abraham staggered not at the promises of God through unbelief, but grew strong in faith." The stages of sensory faith, communicative faith, concrete & experiential faith, reflective-hypothetical-theoretical faith are analyzed in a way that gives the reader real steps to growing into all aspects in Christ who is the head of the church. Hundreds of contextual illustrations are evaluated Biblically, culturally, & philosophically so as to provide the reader with guidelines for teaching, practicing, & modeling faith development in their lifestyles and ministries.
4. How To Contextualize Your Theology and Ministry - Particular research was conducted for this textbook for use in the African theological classroom & field ministries. The book begins by making observations, interpretations, & applications from the lessons learned through Christ’s contextualization ministries in the gospels. Next, the book distinguishes between the Biblical essentials and cultural non-essentials in one’s contextualization ministries. Efforts are made to show the reader the best indigenous styles of leadership in contextualizing one’s theology. Analysis is offered to the reader about how one’s perceptions of God may affect their cultural characterizing of the contexualization process. Particular attention is given to the analysis of the Apostle Paul’s contextualization ministry & the applications of this to the African setting. Tips are provided for how to utilize histories, legends, & rites of passage in the contextualization process. Finally, six steps are offered for the difficult task of introducing change, innovation, & enculturation with a mind to making the scriptures as relevant to each unique ministry.
5. A Case Study Approach to Cultural Anthropology - This 412-page textbook is filled with Biblically based guidelines on integrating cultural, social, & Biblical truths into an understanding of man. Theoretical foundation for the hundreds of case studies used in the book is offered that provides a firm scriptural viewpoint for the reader. Ways of overcoming contextualization problems are discussed in the light of various beliefs and practices in an African traditional religious setting. Case studies are presented throughout the book to help the reader learn how to deal with various problems of cross-cultural communications of truth. Complex customs & beliefs are analyzed in the light of the models presented. By looking into numerous legends, the reader is given thorough analysis of fresh case studies that look into the complexities of hindrances for beliefs in Jesus Christ. Motivations are look into from cultural anthropologists’ perspectives in the light of a Biblical scrutiny of all truth. Specific case studies explore the complexities of integrating traditional religious customs with Biblical truths in a way that maximizes one’s understanding of the statement that all truth is God’s truth.
6. How To Use Case Studies in Missions - This book is a thoroughly researched guide to using case studies in missiology. Advantages of using a case study approach in a contextualized manner are discussed in depth. Methodologies for selecting useful case studies are offered to the reader in a way that provides straightforward criteria. The processes of enhancing contextualization through case studies is looked into from one who has taught more than 80 different subjects in 16 continuous years of teaching in a top notch African theological seminary. Guidelines are offered to how to use Biblical parables in crafting compelling case studies. Case studies can also be seen to be