Summary: Book descriptions and articles for missions

1. Steps to Planting & Growing Churches - This guidebook is used as a textbook in many theological colleges around the world. It covers the Biblical basis for planting & growing churches in a contextualized manner. The book analyzes the principles, practices, & steps of planting & growing churches within an African context. It takes into account the various complexities of numerous case studies, traditions, & cultural factors in overcoming the difficulties of seeing mature congregations come into existence. The book covers communication principles in light of Biblical principles that need to be utilized in maximizing the qualitative and quantitative growth of the church.

2. How To Successfully Study, Preach, and communicate the Scriptures - This guidebook is used as a textbook in many theological schools within Africa. Seeking to prepare contextually equipped Preachers, Teachers, & Missionaries, this volume systematically covers such topics as the role of the Holy Spirit in communication, the Biblical basis for seeking effectiveness in communications, & the effects of good preaching on worship. The book provides its readers with how to steps in preparing Biblical messages by thoroughly analyzing the best means of making observations, interpretations, correlation’s, applications, and evaluations of the Holy Scriptures. Moving from the text, the volume discusses the best means of studying ones strengths & weaknesses as a speaker as well as tips for analyzing the various needs of each audience. Seventeen types of approaches to sermon & lesson preparation are thoroughly explained through a method that is proven through years of classroom instruction in Africa.

3. 365 Ways to Increase Your Faith - Thoroughly researched, this guide provides the reader with bite sized steps to understanding the complexities of Christian maturity. Written over a five-year period, this book has sold over 12,000 copies in Nigeria. The book looks into the Biblical, philosophical, & practical means of climbing the ladder of faith following the many Biblical formulas. For example, Romans 4:20,21 says, "Abraham staggered not at the promises of God through unbelief, but grew strong in faith." The stages of sensory faith, communicative faith, concrete & experiential faith, reflective-hypothetical-theoretical faith are analyzed in a way that gives the reader real steps to growing into all aspects in Christ who is the head of the church. Hundreds of contextual illustrations are evaluated Biblically, culturally, & philosophically so as to provide the reader with guidelines for teaching, practicing, & modeling faith development in their lifestyles and ministries.

4. How To Contextualize Your Theology and Ministry - Particular research was conducted for this textbook for use in the African theological classroom & field ministries. The book begins by making observations, interpretations, & applications from the lessons learned through Christ’s contextualization ministries in the gospels. Next, the book distinguishes between the Biblical essentials and cultural non-essentials in one’s contextualization ministries. Efforts are made to show the reader the best indigenous styles of leadership in contextualizing one’s theology. Analysis is offered to the reader about how one’s perceptions of God may affect their cultural characterizing of the contexualization process. Particular attention is given to the analysis of the Apostle Paul’s contextualization ministry & the applications of this to the African setting. Tips are provided for how to utilize histories, legends, & rites of passage in the contextualization process. Finally, six steps are offered for the difficult task of introducing change, innovation, & enculturation with a mind to making the scriptures as relevant to each unique ministry.

5. A Case Study Approach to Cultural Anthropology - This 412-page textbook is filled with Biblically based guidelines on integrating cultural, social, & Biblical truths into an understanding of man. Theoretical foundation for the hundreds of case studies used in the book is offered that provides a firm scriptural viewpoint for the reader. Ways of overcoming contextualization problems are discussed in the light of various beliefs and practices in an African traditional religious setting. Case studies are presented throughout the book to help the reader learn how to deal with various problems of cross-cultural communications of truth. Complex customs & beliefs are analyzed in the light of the models presented. By looking into numerous legends, the reader is given thorough analysis of fresh case studies that look into the complexities of hindrances for beliefs in Jesus Christ. Motivations are look into from cultural anthropologists’ perspectives in the light of a Biblical scrutiny of all truth. Specific case studies explore the complexities of integrating traditional religious customs with Biblical truths in a way that maximizes one’s understanding of the statement that all truth is God’s truth.

6. How To Use Case Studies in Missions - This book is a thoroughly researched guide to using case studies in missiology. Advantages of using a case study approach in a contextualized manner are discussed in depth. Methodologies for selecting useful case studies are offered to the reader in a way that provides straightforward criteria. The processes of enhancing contextualization through case studies is looked into from one who has taught more than 80 different subjects in 16 continuous years of teaching in a top notch African theological seminary. Guidelines are offered to how to use Biblical parables in crafting compelling case studies. Case studies can also be seen to be

useful catalysts to cross-cultural change in this volume. Numerous examples of the best kinds of case studies from various categories are presented to the reader culled from thousands of actual field examples

7. Homiletic Commentary on Mark, Acts, and the Roles of the Holy Spirit and Jesus Christ - Written as a guidebook for guiding ones’ people through the books of Mark and Acts, this volume provides the reader with hundreds of sermons that explore the aspects of the Spirit & Christ. By examining the identities, roles, & characteristic ministerial methods of the Spirit and Christ in the books of Mark and Acts, the reader is given analysis of useful applications to ones lifestyle and ministry. Challenge Press in the form of the Abinci Yini 97 published this book after exhaustive efforts to simplify it for the Hausa readers.

8. Homiletic Commentary on Matthew - This book was written as a guidebook for people who want to understand the book of Matthew from an application perspective. Challenge Press published this entire book in the Abinci Yini 97 after exhaustive analysis & evaluative translation into the Hausa language by experts. Matthew presents a particularly relevant approach to the cultural, Biblical, & sociological aspects of the readers’ problems in the developing world that paralleled those in the days of Jesus. Thorough analysis & exegesis were done on each of the contained texts to make the writing Biblical and relevant to readers who are struggling to overcome practical problems. In an effort to make the writing down to earth the approach is practical, but it does not mean that complete observations, interpretations, and correlations were performed on each aspect of the Biblical text before comments were written.

9. How To Succeed in Youth Ministries - This textbook has been used for 15 years in a theological classroom context in training ministers of the gospel for effective youth ministry in the developing world. By following the LeBarian cycle of the Biblical basis for youth ministry, analysis is done of the youth ministries needs and problems in the contemporary African setting. Aims are assessed with a mind to priorities of the Kingdom of God and His righteousness from Matthew 6:33. Various methods are offered to the reader in light of the ones that have proven most effective. Curricular materials are explored that have shown to be most relevant to Africa’s youth. Various programs are suggested to supply the reader with a battery of useful ones for their churches youth groups. Guidelines are offered for the best ways to administrate a youth ministry, get it organized, & then evaluate in the light of Biblical criteria.

10. A Case Study Approach to Paul’s Principles and Practices of Missions - This book looks at the multiple leadership approach Paul applied in his writings. By examining the meanings & applications of Paul’s phrase, "I have become all things to all men that by all means I may save some," the book looks at the various approaches that Paul used in practicing cross-cultural missions. Paul’s priorities are used as Biblical criteria for evaluating present day mission principles & practices in the light of the voluminous church growth materials that influence present day thinking. Particular attention is given to Paul’s leadership approach in the Thessalonican, Ephesus, Philippian, & Roman ministries.

11. A Case Study Approach to Cross-cultural Communications - This book examines the nature, preconditions, and psychological & Biblical presuppositions of effective cross-cultural communications. Techniques are presented to help the reader improve & evaluate their communications by better understanding the barriers to cross-cultural communications. Examples are offered in effective cross-cultural change in the light of Biblical perspectives. Contrasts are given with the traditional versus progressive model of cross-cultural communication theory. By analyzing the four major sub-cultural groups, this volume offers the readers numerous approaches to maximizing their communication efforts to different stratas in each society. Contrasts and comparisons are also offered between African and western values in case studies that highlight the significant bridging point in cross-cultural communications.

12. Keys to Cross-Cultural Evangelism - these book offers how to guidelines in developing strategies for evangelism, church planting, and qualitative church growth. The reader is introduced to the differences between the art and science of cross-cultural evangelism. Next, each student is given an analysis of the barriers and bridges for planning and growing healthy churches in the developing world. Decision-making styles are explored in depth. The book of Hebrews is examined as a means of trying to parallel its efforts to aid people in cross-culturally communicating the agent truths of Christ to an Old Testament oriented audience. Guidelines are submitted for diagnosing problems in cross-cultural evangelism to aid in the understanding of the common problems that occur in evangelistic ministries. Leadership in cross-cultural evangelism is explored from a practical perspective. Old Testament analogies are observed & applied to cross-cultural evangelism in an African setting so the reader is given a springboard for future problem solving.

13. A Case Study Approach to Pastoral Counseling across Cultures - This volume provides the reader with ideas in resolving conflicts through effective Pastoral counseling across cultural barriers. Diagnostic guidelines are given that supplying the reader with steps to begin to understand the reasons for the counselees’ perspectives. Numerous case studies are presented, analyzed, & the synthesized for the kinds of models that these present for aiding many individuals, families, & church groups through the process of resolving conflicts in a Biblical fashion. By gaining trust through the proper counselor - counselee relationship building stages, the book suggests that counseling may be integrated into all aspects of one’s preaching, teaching, and disicpling ministries.

14. Scriptural Solutions for Your Problems From A to Z - By carefully researching case studies from hundreds of counseling case studies of Pastors in Nigeria, this book contains Biblical answers to more than 400 of peoples’ most difficult emotional, social, psychological, financial, inter-personal, cultural, marital, vocational, and spiritual problems. The early chapters also give succinct guidelines for using the guide in preaching, teaching, counseling and conducting Bible studies for church groups.

15. 504 Sermons Illustrations for the Nigerian Pastor - Written to assist the Pastor, teacher, and missionary in giving windows of examples for numerous expository, topical, biographical, and thematic lessons. By carefully observing which illustrations were best received in numerous sermons; the author gives the reader timely stories that can be used to bring together Biblical truths to all ages.

16. Sermons For the Nigerian Pastor - Written originally to provide more than 350 contexualized sermons as examples for Pastors who wanted models for learning how to preach. This collection of sermons covers 30 different Problem-Solution Sermons, 20 different Biographical Sermons, 4 expositional sermons, 3 topical sermons, and 19 different types of sermon outlines that include: - Cause to effect, analogies, accumulation of evidence, Biblical patterns, contrasts, examples, explanations, instruction, outlines whose main points are parts of a whole, outlines that establish conditions to be fulfilled, outlines that challenge one to accept responsibility, outlines who main points include questions, outlines whose main points move in a time sequence, outlines that describe something for the audience, outlines that show a circular reasoning style, outlines that show a linear reasoning style, devotional outlines, topical outlines, and special occasion sermons including wedding, funeral send-off messages, dedications, children messages, youth messages, object lesson messages, and evangelistic outlines. By providing Christian teachers, Pastors, and missionaries - including laymen with relevant messages, some of the struggles of coming up with fresh sermons every week will hopefully be eased!

17. Youth Ministry Methods - This small book contains 122 proven methods for conducting youth ministry programs. Having worked full time as a youth Pastor in Junior Secondary School, Secondary School, and University church ministries in southern California for seven years as well as in Nigeria, the author condenses the wide variety methods that proved transferable, practical, and Biblically sound. The book also includes a short description of the nature of youth groups and how to gear one’s programming to suit the maturity levels of the youth. Lois LeBar’s famous education cycle is also integrated into the methods to help the youth pastor give a balanced approached to one’s ministries.

18. 101 Hausa Proverbs For Sermon Illustrations - This short book gives over a hundred contextualized applications to popular Hausa proverbs. Collected for sermon illustrations originally, the Hausa Proverbs book has been repeatedly used in classroom settings, faculty meetings, and church planting situations with non-christians. By emphasizing a Biblically based approach to wisdom the book gives the reader numerous illustrations that can be used for helping to solve a wide variety of problems.

Respectfully submitted with grace & gratitude, Paul J. Fritz Ph.D.

Notes of World Missions and Religions

1. Promises and Assurances from the Great Commission (5 pages)

2. Reasons Why Some People Get Their Prayers Answered and Others Do Not – John 15:7 (2 pages)

3. How to Serve As An Effective Sender – 3 John 1:7,8 (8 pages)

4. How to Bring About Change As Jesus Did – Mark 10:45-48 (4 pages)

5. Christ’s Principles of Communication – Matt 4:19 – (2 pages)

6. How to Renew Your Thinking – Eph. 4:22-32 (4 pages)

7. Why We Should Preach Good News to the Poor – Isa 61:1-7 (5 pages)

8. How to Overcome Evil With Good Instead of Being Overcome by Evil – Rom. 12:21 – (5 pages)

9. Principles, Practices and Steps of Church Growth – Matt. 16:18-21 (14 pages)

10. Five Complementary Perspectives on the Great Commission – Acts 1:8, Lk 24:46-49, Mt 28:18-20; Jn 20:21; Mk 16:15 (6 pages)

11. Paul’s Apostolic Principles and Practices – Eph. 4:11-16 (6 pages)

12. Keys to Overcoming Communication Barriers – Rom. 12:16 (3 pages)

13. Principles of Identification in Cross-Cultural Church Planting and Evangelism – Acts 4:12-16 (5 pages)

14. How to Mature in Christ – (Eph. 4:15) (3 Pages) Maturity in the scriptures, prayer, fellowship, ministry, character, faith and expressions in ministry

15. Lay Up for Yourself Treasures in Heaven – Matt 6:19,20 (2 pages)

16. How to Utilize Christ’s Principles of Missions – Mt. 28:18-20 (4 pages) (Excellent list of criteria)

17. Tips From the Great Commission – Matt 28:18-20 (3 pages)

18. Twenty Answers to Common Objections to Becoming a Christian – I Pet. 3:15-17 (8 pages)

19. How to Serve as An Effective Sender – 3 John 1:7,8 (8 pages)

20. Biblical Theology of Church Planting – Acts 1:8 – (10 pages)

21. Why Jesus Chose to Not React to Cultural or Personality Traits But Focused on Principles – Mark 4:34-37 (3 pages)

22. How to Do Power Encounters (Small Scripted Title) – I Cor. 9:22-27 (2 pages)

23. How Jesus Taught Lessons on Evangelism With Children – Matt 19:13-15 (3 pages)

24. Let the Spirit Empower Your Communications – Jn 8:30-35 (3 pages)

25. How to Speak to People’s Interests in Evangelism – Acts 24:1-27 (5 pages)

26. Suggestions From Tom Clegg’s Lost in America for Effective Church Outreach – I John 3:18 – (5 pages)

27. Social Barriers That Inhibit the Evangelism – (Small Script Title) Case Study of 2 women in China (3 pages)

28. How to Dispel the Fog About the Great Commission – Matt. 28:18-20 (5 pages)

29. Why Did God Have to Motivate Jonah to Be a Missionary to the Gentiles – (Jonah 1-4) (4 pages) (Small Script Title)

30. How to Conduct Cross-Cultural Research – I Cor. 9:19-23 (9 pages)

31. Appeals for Preachers – 2 Cor. 5:18-20 (3 pages) Excellent for the aims and incentives for teaching, evangelism etc

32. Steps to Evangelism of Animistic Peoples – I Cor. 2:14-16 (3 pages)

33. A Guide to Resolving Conflicts for the Propagation of the Gospel – Prov. 3:5-8 (18 pages) Contrasting Western and Non-western values

34. Christ’s Leadership Secrets – John 1:47,48 (2 pages)

35. The Power of Your Testimony – Acts 22:1-20 (3 pages)

36. How Jesus Taught Evangelism to His Disciples – Lk 19:1-10 (4 pages)

37. Six Steps for Bringing About Effective Change – Matt 4:19-21 (3 pages)

38. What Are the Qualities of a Successful Fellowship – Acts 2:41-47 (4 pages)

39. Four Beneficial-Rhetorical Questions to Help You Evaluate the Effectiveness of Your Missions Ministry – Rom 10:14,15 (3 pages)

40. How to Use the Lord’s Prayer as a Model – Matt 6:9-13 (2 pages)

41. Growing Up in All Aspects In To Christ – Eph. 4:15 (6 pages) Contains the 10 steps for Maturity and 20 categories

42. Paul’s Eight Point Stress Reduction Plan – Phil. 4:6-8 (3 pages)

43. Why Is It Important To See God as A Missionary God? – Gen. 12:1-20 (4 Pages ) 20 characteristics of God as a missionary God

44. Characteristics of Real Fishers of Men – Luke 5:1-12 (3 pages) 12 criteria

45. How the Holy Spirit Helps Us Boldly Speak of the Wonders of Heaven and the Horrors of Hell – Lk. 16:19-31 (2 pages)

46. Twelve Great Promises from John 3:16 – (2 pages)

47. Still Two Structures After all These Years – Robert Blincoe – Why We should Look for Pioneers Who are at work without permission to accomplish tasks that congregations have never done (Frontier Mission June 2003)

48. Articles With My Own Notes – Separate File) (2nd File begins here)

49. Christ’s Principles of Evangelism (Matt 10:5-42) (2 pages – front and back)

50. Steps to Being Involved with Missions – 7 steps from Gary Friesen’s Decision-making and the will of God & 10 steps to Help Get You to Your Journey to the Nations – Perspectives p. 714 Steve Hoke and Bill Taylor

51. Vision to Action – (15 steps to practially integrate Perspectives in daily living)

52. How to Serve As An Effective Senders (2 pages)

53. Christ’s Principles of Evangelism – Matt 10:5-42 (2 pages – front and back)

54. How to Be a World Partner for the Gospel – Phil. 1:3-5 (1 page)

55. Summary of Revolution in World Missions – KP Yohannan (3 pages)

56. Western vs non-Western Assumptions – (2 pages)

57. Why the Holy Spirit Wants Us to Be More Offensive Than Defensive Minded in Spiritual Warfare – Heb. 2:12-15 (4 pages)

58. How the Holy Spirit Can Lead You as He Led Paul – Phil. 1:20,21 (1 page)

59. How Paul Benefited by Becoming All Things to All Men – I Cor. 9:19-24 (1 page)

60. Case Study on the Dalits – (2 pages)

61. How the Apostle Paul Handled Crisis – (Acts 28:1-27) 2 pages

62. How Paul Adapted His Message to His Audience (Acts 22) (2 pages)

63. A Few of Paul’s Principles of Communication – Acts 26:1-25 (2 pages)

64. What Did Paul Mean When He wrote the words, “How Beautiful are the Feet of Those Who Bring Good News? (Rom. 10:15) 2 pages

65. Sermon and Teaching Illustrations (3 pages)

66. The Master Plan of Evangelism – Robert Coleman’s book (1 page)

67. The Problem of Becoming Mature in Many Aspects in Christ – Eph. 4:15 – (5 pages - key handout)

68. Jonah as a Reluctant Missionary – (3 page sermon)

69. Why Is Their Such a Thick Fog When It Comes to Vision for Missions (1 page)

70. Reasons for the Great Omission of the Great Commission –

71. Most Commonly Heard Excuses for Not Getting Involved with Mission – Keith Green (5 pages) (Combine these 3 with how to dispel the fog in the first week of the missions class)

72. How to Be a Good Seed Sower – The Art of Wise Investing – (Mark 4:1-20) (1 page)

73. How the Holy Spirit Enables Us To Communciate Across Social-Cultural Barriers – (Isa 11:1-8) (2 pages)

74. Benefits of a Short Term Mission Trip – (Overhead)

75. Principles of C/C Comm (1 page)

76. Using a Knowledge of Social Structures in Missions (Overhead)

77. 10 Keys to Quality Friendships – (Col. 2:2,3) 2 pages

78. How the Holy Spirit Can Lead You As He Led Jabez – I Chron 4:10 1page

79. Power Index for Women in the USA (2 pages) brief illustration and poll

80. Global Theological Challenges (An apologetic for the exclusivity of Christ (1 page)

81. Questions to ask when Doing Christian Cultural Anthropology Research (2 pages)

82. Collectivistic-Dependency Cultures vs. Individualistic-Independent Cultures (Chart)

83. Various Emphasis on Christ’s Attributes and Its Relation to Denominational Preferences (1 page)

84. The Missionary Call or How to Find God’s Will (1 page)

85. Three Stages of contextualization and Matthew’s five themes of contextualization – (1 page – charts)

86. Matching Decision-making styles with cultural styles – (24 contrasts between western and non-western world view assumptions)

87. Four styles of Jesus’ leadership – Lord, Preacher, Teacher, Shepherd – Quotes from each one and contrasts

88. Legal competencies vs. Legitimate competencies (Chart of 4 types)

89. Evangelist’s peoples’ cultural distance from potential converts – evangelism distiance (chart using p-0, p-1 (reached people) , p-2,p-3 (unreached people) & e-0 (renewal evangelism) e-1 (evangelism with no church contact), e-2 evangelism with similar but different culture (same continent – Nigeria and Kenya), e-3 (evangelism of a completely different culture)

90. Examples of Voluntary Go & Come and Involuntary Go and Come in OT, NT, early church and modern missionary era

91. Three Levels of Encounters – Starting point, need, process and results

92. Four Approaches to People Group Thinking

93. Spiritual Decision Process (positive receptivity) (Engel scale)

94. Four Learning and Teaching Styles

95. Missions Restored: Coastland Pioneers (1705-1865)

96. Missions Expanded (Interior Frontier Presentation) 1865-1945

97. Missions in Transition the Contemporary Scene (1945-Present)

98. C-1 to C-6 Spectrum (A practical tool for defining 6 types of Christ centered communities found in Muslim context)

99. Reasons for the Great Omission of the Great Commission in Reformation

100. The Missionary Call or How to Find God’s will

101. Pre-reformation Church expansion and Missions (33-1517)

102. How to Correct Misaligned Priorities (10 qualifications of fishermen on overhead)

103. How to Pray More Strategically (Matt 21:21,22) (John Robb) (3 pages)

104. Qualities of a Successful Fellowship (Acts 2:41-47) (4 pages)

105. Paul’s Apostolic Principles and Practices (3 pages)

106. Pauline Principles of Missions (2 pages)

107. Ten Keys to Quality Friendships

108. Summary of Operation World Macroscopic Concerns (8 pages)

109. Steps to Bringing Animists to Conversion and Beyond (2 pages)

110. Collectivistic-Dependency Cultures Vs. Individualistic-Independency Cultures (Chart) 4 Styles of Leadership (8 orientations-perspectives)

111. Ten Ways to Ruin a Summer Short Term Mission Trip

112. Case Study – Two Women From China who Started 150 Churches – Hainan Island

113. Transparency – Contrasting Maintenance vs. Harvest Orientation

114. Keys to Communicating Change as Shown By Jesus

115. Global Outreach Plan Worksheet about Acts 1:8 (Geographic, cultural implications, strategies, partners)

116. How the Holy Spirit Can Lead you as He Led Paul

117. Learning Maturity Levels (Imitation, lead me, discovery, Spirit led- transferable)

118. Most Encouraging News of the 90’s from Patrick Johnstone

119. The Problem of Becoming Mature in Many Aspects (With verses) – 10 steps to Maturity

120. How to Be a World Partner for the Gospel (Phil. 1:3-5) (10 suggestions)

121. Seeming failures from Adoniram Judson and Bill Borden

122. How the Holy Spirit Helps us Apply Wise Strategies to Spiritual Warfare

123. Accessible People Contrasted with Inaccessible People Groups

124. Religion in American (28-32% call themselves born-again 15% active evangelicals (US News Chart)

125. 6000 Majority Christian people groups, 3000 christian but not critical mass, 3500 pioneer people groups less than 2% evangelical (1200-1500 have no indigenous church) which are the unreached peoples

126. Vital Statistics from Operation World (Summary) (Make copies)

127. 13 Steps for Planting and Growing a Church

128. How to Create An Urban Strategy by Ralph Neighbour

129. How To’s of Hindu Evangelism

130. Reaching the Lost – 8 pages

131. Non-theistic Religious Contexts (Animism, Buddhism, Confucianism, Shintoism)

132. Trinity College Mission Statement

133. How to Demonstrate Power as Jesus Did

134. Islam table (God, Man, Salvation, Morals, Worship)

135. North America (Olson’s survey and solutions) (2 pages – good)

136. Social Hindrances in C/C Evang (Transparency)

137. Western vs. non-western assumptions

138. Church Planting Summary (David Garrison’s Booklet) excellent

139. Model for Communicating the Scripture across culture (chart)

140. Secular Context Considerations in Missions (Olson) (2 pages)

141. Catholicism in Crisis (Video summary)

142. Case Studies in Contextualization and Cultural Anthropology with questions (brown sheet)

143. Theistic Religious Contexts – Corrupted Traditions (Judaism, RCC)

144. Paul’s Criteria for Healthy C/C Communications (Chart)

145. How to Preach to Different People (non-formally and formally educated)

146. Christ’s Principles of Communications (Matt. 4:19)

147. How to Encourage People Who are Facing Discouragement (Zech 4:6)

148. How to Communicate Across Cultures (3 pages)

149. The Apostle Paul’s Church Planting Principles

150. How to Speak to People’s Interests in Evangelism (2 pages)

151. Temperament Circle

152. Ten Persuasion Tips (2 Cor 5:11)

153. How to Mobilize I Thes 5:14 (excellent)

154. Ten Qualities of Friendships

155. How Does Personality Affects Listener’s Perspectives (4 types)

156. Four Levels of Motivations

157. How Paul Benefited by Becoming All Things to All Men – I Cor. 9:19-25

158. Eight Stages of Faith vs. Eight Stages of Frustration

159. How the Holy.Spirit Teaches us the Practical Benefits of Psalm 23

160. How to Help People Find Eternal Life as Jesus Did – John 4:7-39

161. Expect Great Things for God and Attempt Great Things for God – Isa 54:1-4 (3 pages)

162. How to Encourage Women’s Involvement in Missions – Acts 18:26

163. John Fischer – Fender Guitar T-shirt instead of his Christian shirt (affinity)

164. Five Levels of World View from my c. planting book (6 pages)

165. Understanding Communication Assumptions (Worldview) (5 pages)

166. Social Hindrances in C/C Evangelism (15 pages)

167. A Model for Communicating the Scriptures

168. Fifty Benefits of Praise – Eph. 1

169. There is Power in Praise (20 attributes of God) good handout

170. Characteristics of Culture and Worldview (Kraft) (3 pages)

171. How Decision-making Styles affect c/c evangelistic methods (15 pages)

172. Paul’s Probable Hierarchy of Values (1 page)

173. Appealing to Different Needs n Preaching

174. Case Studies from GFA – 8 pages

175. Case Studies Dealing with C/C power encounters (15 pages)

176. Bible League’s C. Planting Chart in 1998/1999

177. Do We have the right to make these judgments? (

178. Fixing Our Eyes on Jesus – Heb. 12:1-3 (attributes that being with P)

179. Why is Christ’s Unique Offer of Salvation Misunderstood by 90% of the World’s Population (John 14:6)

180. How to Give God Great Glory (I Cor. 10:31) (3 pages) Steve Hawthorne’s article

181. How Jesus Helped His Disciples Overcome the Problem of Procrastination – John 4:34-36

182. How Christ Gives Meaning to All Aspects of History – (His Story) Acts 2:22-28

183. Signs for the End Times – (5 pages)

184. How to Be on Mission With God – Matt. 26:42 – I have come not to do my own will but the will of Him who sent me. (Herny Blackaby)

185. Guidelines for Seeking First the Kingdom of God (Matt 6:33)

186. 3rd File

187. The Benefits of God’s Gift of Creativity Dan. 1:1-20 (4 pages)

188. What are Some Temperamental Tendencies We Need to Guard Against? Rom. 8:5-12 (2 pages)

189. Speaking in the Authority of Christ’s Name (Acts 3:3-10) (2 pages)

190. Avoiding Quarrels – Gen. 26:1-35 (4 pages) The story of Isaac

191. How Jesus Taught That Sometimes Things Must Get Worse Before They can Get Better – Matt. 8:23-28 (3 pages)

192. Contrasting the Carnal and Spiritually Minded (Rom. 6:8-10) (3 pages)

193. How to Avoid Internal Divisions – Judges 9:1-20 – Abimelech – (2 pages)

194. Take My Life and Let it Be Consecrated Lord to Thee – Matt. 5:44 (3 pages)

195. Why the Holy Spirit Wants Us to Remember the Limits of Success – I Cor. 2:4-7 (4 pages)

196. Christ’s Mentoring Model – Luke 6:40 – (4 pages)

197. How Christ Perfectly Demonstrated the Golden Rule – Luke 6:31 – (4 pages)

198. How to React in a Contentious Situation – Acts 11:1-20 (2 pages)

199. Insufficient Faith Starts with an Inadequate Knowledge of the Truth – Acts 19:1-7

200. Taking up the Full Armor of God – Eph. 6:8-18 (3 pages)

201. 21 Methods of Having a Ministry of Healing According to James 5:14-18 (5 pages)

202. How to Manage Cross-Cultural Ministries – Prov. 21:5 – (17 pages)

203. Leadership Changes Across Culture – Matt. 4:19-25 (7 pages)

204. Using Power Evangelism in Cross-Cultural Communications – I Kings 18:20-40 (14 pages)

205. Guidelines for Seeking First His Kingdom – Matt 6:33 – (4 pages)

206. How to Be on Mission With God – Matt 26:42-26 (4 pages)

207. Be Fully Charged With the Spirit’s Empowering – Acts 1:6-8 (3 pages)

208. Twelve Great Promises from John 3:16 – (2 pages)

209. Growing Up in All Aspects in to Christ – Eph. 4:15 – (6 pages)

210. Why Is It Important to See God as a Missionary God? – Gen. 12:1-20 (4 pages)

211. How to Dispel the Fog About the Great Commission – Matt. 28:18-20 (5 pages)

212. Clarify Your Values – Prov. 3:5-8 (18 pages)

213. Outreach Guidelines (Suggestions From Tom Clegg’s Lost in America) – I John 3:18 (5 pages)

214. Solutions for Stress – John 14:27-30 (3 pages)

215. What Motivates You? – John 21:15-17 (3 pages)

216. Let the Spirit Empower Your Communications – John 8:30-35 (3 pages)

217. Why Some Fail to Finish Well – 2 Tim. 4:4-8 (2 pages)

218. How to Always Be a Winner – Eph. 1:17-20 (4 pages)

219. The Power of Your Testimony – Acts 22:1-20 (3 pages)

220. How to Witness to Skeptics – John 9:1-41 (3 pages)

221. Twenty Answers to Common Objections to Becoming a Christian – I Pet. 3:15-17 (8 pages)

222. Overcoming – Rom. 12:21 – (5 pages)

223. How God Makes a Way When There Seems to Be No Way – Phil. 2:13,14 (5 pages)

224. Ten Assurances Everybody Wants – 2 Cor. 12:9-10 (2 pages)

225. ABC’s of Salvation – Rom. 10:9,10 (2 pages)

226. Lay Up For Yourself Treasures in Heaven – Matt. 6:19,20 (2 pages)

227. How to Deal With Failure in the Ministry – I Cor. 15:58 – (3 pages)

228. How to Evangelize Idol Worshippers – Acts 28:1-10 (12 pages) – Biblical Theology of Animism

229. Traditional and Cultural Factors – Acts 17:1-30 (4 pages)

230. How to Conduct Cross-Cultural Research – I Cor. 9:19-23 (9 pages)

231. Motivation for Missions – Jonah 1:1-15 (7 pages)