
Summary: The peace that Jesus gives is different than the peace that the world gives.

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Do you watch television more than you read the Bible and pray, more than you attend worship services, prayer meetings, fellowship with fellow Christians, read Christian literature, listen to gospel/sacred music, listen to Christian radio, and more than you talk about Jesus? No wonder many Christians are nervous wrecks. They do not spend enough time with


Our television screens are filled with scenes of war in Iraq, Afghanistan, and war and terrorism in other areas of our world. The three major TV networks seem to have also majored on showing some of the minority of Americans who are participating in "peace rallies." Many of which end up turning violent and destroying property and the peace of the cities where they have been held. Many disingenuous politicians have tried to divide our beloved country by using phrases like "failed diplomacy, innocent bystanders, more time, war will cost too much…" In Ecclesiastes we read that there is, "a time to love and a time to hate, a TIME FOR WAR and a time for PEACE."(Ecc. 3:8)

As a father and as a pastor, I have learned that many homes are not places of peace and are in chaos because parents have not and do not exercise consistent and loving discipline toward their children. "No" does not mean "no." I grow impatient listening to parents tell their children, "No, do not do that again!" Then again and again they repeat the warning. They try counting, yelling, etc.—But the children know that usually their parents will not follow through with the discipline, or

that it would be highly unusual for the parent to spank, ground, or discipline the child in a Biblically mandated way.(Sad to say, there are some parents who end the long, loud threats with quick physical abuse.) I am not encouraging abuse. Just good old- fashioned, consistent discipline. If you love your child you will discipline…

For over twelve to fifteen years, the world has told Saddam Hussein, "No…Stop your genocide. Stop killing your neighbors and the citizens of Iraq. Get rid of chemical and biological weapons." And in a world that

does not operate by Biblical standards, far too many ambassadors, presidents, premiers, prime ministers, dictators—Expect and accept Saddam’s lies and broken promises. They see in his stubborn defiance of authority excuses for their own sins and evil acts.

How many times must the USA and the UN warn a murderer before force is used? I for one,(And I know despite what liberal media reports, that I am in the majority.) I know that a majority of Americans stand behind President George W. Bush and our troops’ efforts to rid the world of a regime that acts on hate and threatens the lives of its enemies.(USA, Israel, and any other country that Iraq thinks it can bully.) Jesus commanded those who were kings, rulers, and soldiers to do a good job. At times that includes going to war. We must continue to pray that America

will again become "one nation under God." We must continue to pray for and to send missionaries to non-Christian lands to tell the world of the story of Jesus and his gospel of salvation.

Some whom I am addressing today may be pacifists. Over the years, I have had some interesting debates with pacifists. Pacifists have served with valor in the medical corps in many wars. There is a place in America for them to express their views—But I am thankful for a government and armed force that fights to keep not only us safe, but also countries around the

world who are helpless without our might and love for freedom. A love that originally started with love for God.

We are surrounded by a generation that has forgotten the atrocities of the World Wars, the Viet Cong, the Cold War Communist threat… A generation that does not understand that "no" means "no." We all want peace: But because of willful Bible ignorance or outright disobedience to the ways of Christ, our country and world is divided over what constitutes real peace. How soon some have forgotten the horrors of "911."

Though I can not talk about all of the aspects of peace in one sermon, I want to have you look with me at the Scripture that I just read to you from Philippians 4:4-7, and think for a while about the "peace of God."(v.7) 1. PEACE, "WHICH TRANSCENDS ALL UNDERSTNDING."(V.7) 2. PEACE THAT, "WILL GUARD YOUR(our) HEARTS AND MINDS."(V.7) 3. PEACE THAT WILL

NOT END. {"in Christ"(v.7), "And the God of PEACE will be with you."(v.9)}


Please note that the PEACE that Jesus gives in this verse is peace in the hearts and minds of Christians. From there it should spill out and have an affect upon the world. Jesus taught that the "peacemakers" are called "the children of God."(Matthew 5:9) I understand that many in the world do not understand how a good soldier can be a peacemaker: But at times

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