
Summary: Patience is persistently enduring without blowing up, giving up or lashing out. You find your stability in knowing that God is sovereign in both circumstances and timing.

Patience (James 1:2-8, James 5:7-11)

Patience is persistently enduring without blowing up, giving up or lashing out. You find your stability in knowing that God is sovereign in both circumstances and timing.

The counterfeit of peace is indifference or apathy. People think you are calm; really, you have just stopped caring. You look like you can handle family issues with a spouse, kids or friends well – but it’s only because you’ve stopped investing any emotion in them.

James 5:7

Patience leads us to prosperity.

A. There is a time of waiting before we can receive the reward of our labour.

B. A farmer sows the seed, ploughs the field and labours but he has to wait patiently till the time of harvest.If he is impatient and gives up he will lose his harvest.Many people miss prosperity and success in their life because they lose patience when their labour does not give immediate results.But patience will help us to reach the prosperity that is waiting for us if we continue to labour till the time of harvest.

Some of the greatest missionaries of history devotedly spread the seed of God's Word and yet had to wait long periods before seeing the fruit of their efforts.

I. William Carey, for example, labored 7 years before the first Hindu convert was brought to Christ in Burma,

II. Adoniram Judson toiled 7 years before his faithful preaching was rewarded.

III. In western Africa, it was 14 years before one convert was received into the Christian church.

IV. In New Zealand, it took 9 years;

V. In Tahiti, it was 16 years before the first harvest of souls began.

1. Cultivate patience in personal life – Psalm 40:1-5.

2. Concentrate on Christ, the personification of Patience – Psalm 40:6-1.

3. Conquer the impatience through sufferings – Psalm 40:12-17

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