
Summary: To lead the people to understand how we follow Christ’s example in overcoming temptations.

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Unit 15 – Satan and His Demons

Lesson 41 – When Satan Tempted Jesus and What He is Doing Today – Luke 4:1-14; Luke 22:31; Acts 5:3; 2 Cor. 11:14: I Pet. 5:8

1. Aim: To lead the people to understand how we follow Christ’s example in overcoming temptations.

2. Explanation of the Aim: Jesus always remained faithful regardless of the intensity of the temptations. We can be tempted by the world, the flesh (Our sinful nature) or the devil. After fasting in the desert for 40 days, Jesus became hungry. At this point the devil tempted him through food, power and possessions. Each time Jesus successfully used God’s word in refusing to be overcome with evil, but overcame evil with good. Help the people see how we can overcome temptations through application of the power of God’s word.

3. The Bible Story: Our lesson teaches us that the Messiah wanted everyone to know that He would not accomplish His mission by merely using His supernatural power for his own needs (First temptation). Nor, would the Lord Jesus try to solely rely on His supernatural authority to win a huge number of people by miracles or magic powers (Second temptation). Neither, would Jesus Christ compromise with the devil in any way (Third temptation). Jesus never sinned in word, deed or attitude throughout His earthly existence. He was tempted like we are yet without sin. Yet, He went through the same temptations that we face in order to identify with our struggles. Let us trust the Lord to help us learn how to skillfully use God’s word to overcome all temptations from the world, the flesh and the devil.

4. Prepare to Teach: The INTRODUCTION gives the people an opportunity to consider how the devil tempts human beings. Let the people give several examples of how the devil tries to tempt us to sin (Pride, lust, envy, jealousy, hate, slander, criticism, accusations, immorality, greed, judging others, deceit, complaining, disrespect of authority etc). Ask the people why many people choose to surrender to the temptations of the devil? Ask the people why Jesus was able to defeat the devil using the word of God? The BIBLE STORY helps learn how to use the Bible as a means of defeating the devil with greater authority. It is useless to try to out think the devil because he is smarter than any person. Jesus gave us the perfect example of quoting key verses that would over ride every temptation presented to Him. The MEANING FOR OUR LIVES gives the people an opportunity to make applications from the lesson. Ask the people what they can do when they are presented with the following temptations: Criticizing others; speaking in an arrogant way to friends; being greedy with your possessions; hating others; becoming angry with neighbors; being deceitful or dishonest; lying or cheating; being disrespectful to authorities; envying people who have lots of money? Allow the people to come up with verses from the Bible that help them overcome evil with what is good.

CLASS TIME (Begin With Prayer)


The Bible Story

The worst temptations tend to come when we are most vulnerable. After Jesus was led by the Spirit to fast in the desert for 40 days He was tempted by the devil who said, “If you are the Son of God, tell these stones to become bread.” (Matt. 4:3) Not only did the devil want to tempt a hungry man, but he challenged Christ as being the legitimate Son of God. When we are given special privileges out of Divine favor we should be especially careful not to let the sin of pride cause us to fall. Notice how Jesus Christ took the offensive by using the word of God to defeat the devil with a greater power. Learn to memorize and meditate on hundreds of scripture verses so that you can quote a fitting passage to overcome any temptation.

Christ did not merely presume on His own strength, but relied on the power of His Father’s word to defeat all forces of evil. Many Christians are easily defeated by the devil because they do not know the scripture or the power of God. Learn to let the word of Christ dwell in you richly so that you can teach, encourage and admonish one another with Biblical instruction. The more you teach faithful people with the scripture the better you will be equipped to overcome any difficult temptation.

Many are tempted by their own lustful desires, but our Lord Jesus had no sinful nature so he could only be tempted by the devil. Notice how Satan uses all of his guile, trickery and deceit to dare Christ to perform miracles without direction from the heavenly Father. Many people are vainly trying to do great things without the leading of God. Be assured that no temptation that comes your way is greater than your strength. The Lord always provides a way to escape so you can bear up under the pressure to sin.

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