
Overcoming Adversity Through Persistent Prayer

Created by SermonCentral on Sep 8, 2023
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Your engagement with this sermon will bring about a significant setback for your adversaries


Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Today, I want to share a powerful message with you that will bring about a great victory in your life. As you read this message, be prepared for a mighty breakthrough against the forces of darkness. Let holy anger rise within you as you attentively absorb these words.

Scripture References

Genesis 22:17 - "I will surely bless you and make your descendants as numerous as the stars in the sky and as the sand on the seashore. Your descendants will take possession of the cities of their enemies."

Psalm 107:17 - "Some became fools through their rebellious ways and suffered affliction because of their iniquities."

Matthew 16:18 - "And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it."

Understanding the Significance of Gates

In the Bible, gates are mentioned in various contexts, such as entrances to cities, houses, temples, prisons, camps, beaches, and palaces. They serve as meeting places for important decisions, public proclamations, and even idolatrous rituals. Gates are also symbolic of the government and socio-economic life of a city.

The Spiritual Meaning of Gates

Spiritually, gates represent the meeting point between wicked spirits and humanity. They are assembly grounds where decisions are made, information is passed, and actions are taken. Gates serve as houses of satanic parliament, where wickedness and destruction are planned. Demons and territorial spirits gather at these gates to carry out their evil purposes.

The Power of Altars

Altars are spiritual gateways that permit spiritual traffic. Just as Abraham built an altar that made a certain place a gate of heaven, altars can open gates to either heaven or demonic forces. Evil altars erected against individuals or families allow demons to traffic in and out, bringing destruction and hindering blessings.

The Activities at Demonic Gates

At these gates, clever satanic networks operate, spying on people and passing information. Bugging of telephone lines, through spiritual means, allows conversations to be monitored. Evil decorations, occultic materials, and spiritually contaminated objects serve as informants. Lying is prevalent at these gates, leading to bondage and punishment. Demonic anchors are established in the lives of individuals from a young age, causing recurring patterns of sadness, self-dislike, and unreasonable fears.

How to Confront Evil Gates

1. Repentance: Truly repent for allowing the enemy to gain access through open gates.

2. Revelation: Seek understanding of the spiritual battles taking place at the gates.

3. Disband Evil Gatherings: Declare the scattering and nullification of evil meetings held at these gates.

4. Close the Gates: Seal the gates with the powerful blood of Jesus, preventing further demonic traffic.

5. Pull Down and Destroy: Use spiritual weapons to dismantle and destroy the gates of darkness.

6. Pursue and Recover: Pursue the evil traffic and recover what has been stolen from you.

7. Forbid Re-establishment: Prohibit the re-establishment of evil gates in your life.


In conclusion, it is time for Christians to awaken from spiritual slumber and confront the gates of darkness. By understanding the significance of gates and employing spiritual warfare, we can overcome the enemy's schemes. Let us repent, seek revelation, disband evil gatherings, close the gates with the blood of Jesus, pull down and destroy, pursue and recover, and forbid re-establishment. Through these actions, we will experience victory and possess the blessings God has in store for us.

Prayer Points

1. Pray for an injection of battle aggression into your spirit.

2. Ask God to empower you to possess the gates of your enemies.

3. Uproot every evil altar in your life.

4. Pray for the scattering of evil meetings held against you at the gates.

5. Declare that the counsel of God for your life will prevail.

6. Break every chain of spiritual and prosperity paralysis.

7. Pray for the frustration of dream attackers.

8. Disband every evil cabinet installed against you.

9. Ask God to enforce His agenda for your life, regardless of the devil's plans.

10. Pray for the confounding and shame of household wickedness.

11. Let the counsel of God prosper in your life.

12. Destroy the power of any demonic seed in your life from the womb.

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