Overcome Anger To Overcome Sickness Series
Contributed by Andrew Dixon on May 10, 2021 (message contributor)
Summary: Oftentimes we get so outraged by things people have said or done to us. We harbor these bitter feelings in our hearts, it will erupt unexpectedly resulting in broken relationships. And with time anger causes sicknesses!
Overcome anger to Overpower sickness
We read in Psalm 91:10, “So nothing bad will happen to you. No diseases will come near your home.” (ERV)
We need to ponder on this blessed promise of God that is available to us His children. We studied earlier that this promise is applicable to those who according to Psalm 91:9 have made God their dwelling place. This is God’s assurance to those who are completely dependent on God at all times and in all situations. To such, no evil will befall them and there is the guarantee that no diseases will come near their homes. However, this will only be appropriated in the lives of those who hear the word of God and are willing to trust His word implicitly.
Researchers on human health have discovered that 75-90% of sicknesses are often related to mental stress. Especially during this season of pandemic, there is a prevalent sense of fear that has gripped the hearts of many people globally. Medical Professionals advice that if people can build up a strong immunity that it is possible to fight off this virus. If this is the case, we will deal with some of these stress issues in this study and try to understand how we can overcome these pressures on the basis of God’s word.
For instance someone who holds a grudge or has hatred against another for a long time and fumes every time they set their eyes on them, should not be surprised if they end up with stomach ulcers. There are those who will be easily offended by the things other’s say and others who are constantly anxious and fearful about various situations. Such people will experience increased heart rate, which will often result in them having hyper tension. The reason I am explaining this in detail is to help us realize that many of the sicknesses that our bodies get inflicted with are frequently related to our own mental and emotional state.
I was chatting with a doctor friend who told me that in recent times many of the patients who come for consultation have strange symptoms. They complain of intense discomfort, but after several medical investigations it is proved that there is nothing apparently wrong with them. The reason for these physical ailments she said was often related to some unresolved issues in their lives. She further told me that a casual talk with them revealed the fact that most of them were challenged with difficulties either in their family or work place which displayed itself in the form of some bodily ailment.
There are several issues that contribute to our maladies and we will consider one which is extremely crucial in this study.
The problem of anger
We read in Proverbs 14:29, “If you stay calm, you are wise, but if you have a hot temper, you only show how stupid you are.” (GNB)
Anger is a serious concern for many who are struggling with the same. Often when anger is intense, they will blurt out things that they never really intended to say. There is a story told of the owner of a huge company who was a hot tempered man, and when he got mad, he would fire anyone who annoyed him ever so slightly. Knowing his temperament most of the staff stayed clear off his path. However, one day as he entered the company, he saw a young man at the entrance who was deeply engrossed with his mobile phone. As staff had been warned to not use their mobiles during working hours, he was infuriated at this sight and asked the young man what his salary was per month. On finding out from the young man that he received a salary of Rupees 8000 per month, the owner sacked him immediately by issuing a check for rupees twenty-four thousand, as a compensation for three months. Unable to get in a word to this angry man, the young man hesitatingly walked out with the check in his hand. A couple of hours later when the owner had cooled down, the manager approached him and explained to him that the young man to whom he had issued the check was just a courier boy who had come to deliver a parcel and he was not an employee in the company. It may sound hilarious, but it is a fact that we will be the losers if we do not keep our temper under control. This sort of a financial loss may be amendable, but there are other consequences to unrestrained anger.
In Job 5:2 we read, “A fool's anger will kill him.” (ERV)
There are some who when they are mad with someone will have no control of their emotions and will fling anything that is in their hands. Someone shared an incident where the husband of the family got so furious one day that he threw down and destroyed their newly purchased television set, which they had taken much effort to buy. Anger as we see can be destructive and if not controlled will certainly result in huge loss. There is always a chance that we can replace material things when they are broken. However, the words that are blurted out in anger can be so hurtful and cause deep hurts that will not be healed easily. When words are used without caution, they have the power to break-down relationships.