
Summary: We live in an age of information, with great technological advancement. People have an opportunity to be more connected now than ever, but many are isolated and alone. They seek real peace and truth. This is found only in Jesus!

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Our Treasure in Christ

1 John 1: 1-4

As I read these verses I thought of the present condition of our world. We live in the most advanced age the world has ever known: an age of information, technological advancement, and increasing global dependence and interaction. In an age like this, one would assume people are more educated, socially advanced, and generally happier than ever before.

However, as we look around, people may have become smarter and more advanced, and yet many remain isolated and disillusioned. Billions of dollars are spent on medicine, therapy, education, and recreation, all in an effort to find some measure of inner peace. Many live in an environment with everything at their finger-tips, with no real satisfaction or contentment. There remains an uncontrollable urge to find something else.

The problem is, most are trying to satisfy their heart through physical or emotional means. Real peace is only found in the Lord. In our text John presents some powerful truths concerning our Lord. He is the preeminent need for mankind. If Jesus were in the hearts of all men, the majority of the world’s problems would disappear. As we examine the truths in the text, I want to consider the thought: Our Treasure in Christ. He is what we all need!

I. The Truth of Jesus Christ (1-2) – Here we find the eternal truth of Jesus Christ. He is the source of all truth. Truth must be learned and lived, but it wasn’t created or subject to change. Real truth is found in Christ our Lord!

A. The Existence of Truth (1a) – That which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we have looked upon, and our hands have handled, of the Word of life.

We may live in the information age, but truth has always existed. Jesus Christ is truth. He confirmed that in John 14:6. Humanity has made great discoveries, but real truth has been present in every generation. We are not the first to possess truth; in fact, we may possess less truth than former generations. John 1:1- In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

If you are seeking truth in your life, you need not look any further than Jesus. Real truth won’t be found among the sources of the world, but in Him. This world may seek for truth, but most never look to find real Truth. He is there for all who seek Him.

B. The Expression of Truth (1) – That which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we have looked upon, and our hands have handled, of the Word of life.

So, this begs the question: how can one learn real truth? Had it not been for the mercies of God we couldn’t. Jesus came to earth in the form of a man to reveal Truth. John declares that he had seen the Lord; he had heard Him; his hands had handled the Word of life. Jesus came to earth for the redemption of man. He came to reveal the Truth of God to us. John 1:14 – And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.

Aren’t you glad that we have access to truth? I rejoice for the day Jesus came to me and revealed Truth to my heart. I knew I was lost and needed something, but I had never come to the realization of truth. Jesus revealed Truth to me. I have never seen Him as John did, but I heard His voice as He spoke to my heart. I have never handled Him with my hands, but I have experienced His glorious presence! Jesus came to present truth to mankind. He came to offer that truth to each of us!

C. The Evidence of Truth (2a) – (For the life was manifested, and we have seen it, and bear witness, and shew unto you that eternal life, which was with the Father, and was manifested unto us.) I know there are skeptics who deny the existence of real truth. We live in an age where many believe real truth is not definable. Their philosophy says what is truth to me, may or may not be truth for you. This is contrary to the Word of God. John declares that Truth was manifested in flesh; men saw Him and bore witness of His truth. John knew the life these lived before meeting the Lord. He knew the change that Jesus brought to them!

Jesus is the only source for truth, John 14:6. Truth never changes; it is absolute. This world offers all sorts of so-called truth. I have seen those who tried the world’s philosophy for their problems. They may be successful for a while, but apart from God there is no change of the heart. I have seen those gripped by sin, completely and eternally changed through faith in Christ. When His truth is revealed and accepted, change is instant and absolute! The world may choose to reject His truth and deny Him, but the results of a changed life are undeniable.

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