
Summary: Many have heard about being born again, but what does this new life mean? How are we to live it?

Our New Life

Eph. 2

Illustration: The change in a child, physically, emotionally, and mentally

Introduction: When we accept Jesus as Lord and Savior we must change in our lifestyle, we cannot keep living the way we were and expect change. Insanity is doing the same things over and over and expecting different results. When we become Christians there is a lifestyle change.

1. Change from what we once were vv.1-3, 11-12

a. Dead in our transgressions [paraptwmasin] paraptomasin= to go beyond the law, being lawbreakers. Vv1-2

b. Following the ruler of this world v.2, 11-12

i. We follow Satan simply by not following God.

ii. Following the world separates us from God.

c. Satisfying our Flesh (sinful nature) v. 3,

i. Cravings that are never satisfied

ii. Controls our thoughts and actions

iii. We become objects of God’s wrath.

Doctors and preachers are very much alike, when we go to a doctor to see what is wrong he says, “It’s a virus” when we go to a preacher to see what is wrong he says “It’s sin” . There are many viruses that can harm us and to get well we have to deal with the virus, come up with an antivirus or vaccine. But sin is the cause of many of our problems. Therefore to solve the problem we have to deal with the sin. Dealing is more than recognizing, it is repenting, confessing, and seeking help. We do this when we open ourselves to discipleship and to Jesus. And when we do here’s is what happens.

2. Change to what we now are, our new life vv.4-13

a. Raised in Christ vv4-7

b. Set apart by God’s grace vv8-10

c. Brought near by the blood of Christ v.13

Illustration: There was a young convert from Haiti, his family was very heavy in voodoo. They urged him not to abandon the family faith. But he ignored the family pressure and came to the river to be baptized. Upon arriving at the river he stopped and turned away, the missionaries were sure he had given in to the family pressure. But he went back to the shore to empty his pockets of all his voodoo charms, then came to the missionaries to be baptized. We have to change the way we live when we come to Christ.

3. Change in position vv. 14-22

a. From not at peace to at peace v14-15

b. From separated to united v. 16

c. From citizen of this world to citizen of Heaven v. 19

d. From a son of Satan to a son of God v 19

e. From sin and death to the living Spirit v22

We were once separated from God by our lawlessness, but he paid the price for us

How then should we live? Our lifestyle must change, it must show that change the gospel makes in us. Attitudes and actions are now to be different, we do not face problems like we used to with worry and depression, but with prayer and thanksgiving for the new approach we have through Jesus. Let the world know whose we are by the life we live.

Conclusion: Live a life showing whose we are.

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