Ordination Charge To The Church
Contributed by Christopher Hill on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: The church is to honor, care for, and protect the person God has called to ministry and whom they recognize by ordination.
As a church you have recognized something I have known for quite a while – God has called my friend Ryan into full-time ministry. In December you called him to be your pastor. I am proud to have been Ryan’s pastor and fellow minister. I am even more proud today to be a part of his ordination – the public affirmation of God’s calling on his life.
Please turn to 1 Tim 5:17in your copy of the Scriptures. (Read vv 17-20)
I. As a pastor, Ryan is worthy of the honor that you can give him. (reread 17)
A. Honor indicates value.
1. All Christians are valued in God’s eyes and he has this value.
2. Additional value because he is called by God to a special ministry.
B. Honor is many things.
1. Respect
2. Protection
3. Care
4. Attention
C. Honor is not found in a few things.
1. Gossip
2. Arguing
II. You must care for your pastor and his family. (reread 18)
A. Many have probably heard these verses in terms of pay and/or salary. While these verses do address that issue the support goes much deeper.
B. Just as the ox needs nourishment to work so does your pastor.
1. Provide for his family’s physical needs.
2. Just as you can’t work an ox without rest, make it your business to ensure your pastor has time to rest.
a. Most pastors would work themselves to death if you let them.
b. Protect your pastor from burnout.
c. Give him a regular day off and make every effort to give him that rest – do not call unless it is a life or death situation.
3. Honor his personal and profession study time.
a. Do not interrupt the pastor when he is feeding on the word.
b. Give your pastor office time for prayer and study.
c. Sanctify that time and make it holy.
4. Your pastor needs your prayers on a daily basis.
a. Make lifting up your pastor and his family a priority in your prayer life.
b. Remember your pastor on special occasions.
III. Be careful protect your pastor and his ministry. (reread 19-20)
A. I have a very dear friend who is a pastor in Colorado. His ministry almost came to an end because of a disgruntled person in the church. While Ron, was attending to a lost young person with grave legal problems, he was not available in the office when a certain lady in the church wanted to talk to him. Because the nature of the business with the young person was very personal and private, Ron could not break confidence to explain the situation. The angels in heaven were throwing a party because the teenager professed Christ as his Savior that day but a bitter lady in the church was complaining about the pastor. Before long, one of the deacons of the church approached the pastor about not keeping proper office hours. The issue became much larger than it ever needed to get before Ron told the deacons that if they could not accept his explanation without details so as to maintain confidentiality, he would have to resign.
B. Do not let the accusation of an individual become an issue.
1. The pastor will often be unable to explain exactly what he was doing.
2. Give him the privilege of maintaining confidentiality the same you would want him to maintain it for you.
3. If there is truly an issue resolve it directly with the pastor and not through the “prayer line”
4. This does not apply when there is an accusation brought by the victim of sexual misconduct – not to be confused with rumors that there is misconduct.
C. Understand that your pastor is a man and has weaknesses like you.
1. This verse is about the minister who continues in sin.
2. Your pastor’s minor failings do not need to be aired out in the church.
IV. Today I charge you with honoring, caring for, and protecting your pastor.
A. You have acknowledged his call.
B. You affirm Scripture as God’s holy word.
C. Do you now promise to put God’s word to work?
1. To honor and respect the man God has called to be your pastor?
2. To support Ryan in any ministry be it here or elsewhere?
3. To protect Ryan and his ministry?
D. Please acknowledge your promise to do these things with an “Amen”