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  • Trust The Word Series

    Contributed by Christopher Hill on Apr 14, 2004
    based on 29 ratings

    The gospel according to John features the Word as Creator and Sustainer and Savior. It is through the word that we can worship and find restoration.

    Title: What’s the word? Text: The Gospel according to John Series: Walking with Jesus through the gospels Date: April 18, 2004 I. Author, provenance, and purpose of this gospel. A. Written between 70-90 a.d. 1. Probably written after the apocalypse. 2. A compilation of writings from throughout more

  • The Path To Peace And Comfort

    Contributed by Christopher Hill on Apr 12, 2004
    based on 36 ratings

    A funeral message - Jesus tells of the peace he offers, the place he prepares, and the path to take.

    As I talked with Glenda and Janice about their mother, Madge, one theme came up over and over – Madge’s love for people, most especially her family, and her hospitality brought people together. I heard of family gatherings at her house, her cooking, and her unshakeable positive outlook on life and more

  • Let The Boaster Boast!

    Contributed by Christopher Hill on Apr 2, 2004
    based on 20 ratings

    Boasting is usually something frowned on but we are given instructions in the proper motivation and subject of our boasting in Jermiah. We are to boast that we know and understand Yahweh God.

    Let the boaster boast! Jeremiah 9:23-24 Boasting is essentially praising oneself. The Hebrew llh means to praise and in this section it is the reflexive hitpa’el – in other words, praising oneself. I. The pattern of the Hebrew text is “Let not X boast about his Y” A. The X and Y might be more

  • Back To The Future - An Easter Message

    Contributed by Christopher Hill on Apr 2, 2004
    based on 38 ratings

    When we look back to the resurrection of Christ we are free to live life in a radical new way - life doesn’t end at the grave.

    In the trilogy of Back to the Future movies, Michael J Fox takes a wild adventure into the past through the use of a souped up Delorean that is turned into a time machine. In the first adventure, he travels back to the year of his parents’ high school prom. He realizes that making any changes in more

  • The King Is Coming - Apattern For Radical Worship

    Contributed by Christopher Hill on Apr 2, 2004
    based on 44 ratings

    The triumphal entry of Jesus into Jerusalem shows us a pattern for radical worship that includes obedience, sacrifice, and praise.

    I couldn’t believe my eyes. Just days into the war with Iraq our American troops were knocking on Bagdad’s door and jubilant crowds packed the streets to cheer for Sadam Hussein. Sadam stood atop a vehicle with a rifle in hand shouting and stirring up the people who were apparently oblivious to more

  • The Nature Of Things Series

    Contributed by Christopher Hill on Mar 2, 2004
    based on 31 ratings

    An overview of the entire book of Matthew showing a general outline Nature of Scripture - fulfilled in Jesus, Nature of Kingdom - Relational not religious, Nature of the Messiah - Suffering Servant.

    Hope Community Church March 7, 2004 The Nature of Things Part 1 of Walking with Jesus through the gospels The first four sermons lay the foundation by examining each of the four gospels, authorship, and various foci. These will help us to understand the individual pericopes better. Don Calhoun more

  • No Greater Love Than This Series

    Contributed by Christopher Hill on Feb 25, 2004
    based on 35 ratings

    The cross is the greatest demonstration of God’s love. Extent - eternity, Depth seen in his agony, and scope is for all humanity.

    The Passion: No Greater Love Than This Luke 23:32-36 Hope Community Church Bro. Chris Hill February 29, 2004 Reality shows seem to have taken over TV. One of the most popular themes seems to be to see what people will endure for fame or fortune. Shows such as Fear Factor require people to more

  • Justice At The Cross Series

    Contributed by Christopher Hill on Feb 25, 2004
    based on 42 ratings

    Christ’s death was payment for all men’s sin. All are responsible for his crucifixion

    Modern medicine has given hope for a longer life to many people through organ transplants. Most transplants are done with organs from a dead person being removed, matched in a database with qualified candidates whose own organ(s) is failing. Despite all of the transplant technology one difficulty more

  • The Crowd, Court, And Conviction Series

    Contributed by Christopher Hill on Feb 11, 2004
    based on 27 ratings

    Jesus willingly gave his life for you; therefore, you must willingly live your life for him.

    The Passion – the crowd, court, and conviction Hope Community Church February 15, 2004 Matthew 26:47-67 Jesus willingly gave all of his life for you; therefore, you must willingly live all of your life for him. I. Jesus willingly faced the crowd (vv 47-56) A. He willingly suffered the betrayal more

  • From Anxiety To Acceptance Series

    Contributed by Christopher Hill on Feb 2, 2004
    based on 35 ratings

    Jesus’ experience at Mt Olives demonstrates his voluntary submission to crucifixion and how we are to handle a "No" answer to prayer. He demonstrates his humanity in his grief as he walks the path from Anxiety to Acceptance.

    Hope Community Church February 8, 2004 Bro. Chris Hill Contemporary American culture values the independent thinker who can make quick decisions. I have even read in some of my leadership material that a true leader is not somebody who can make a good decision but one can make any decision. In more

  • Eating At Jesus' Table

    Contributed by Christopher Hill on Jan 31, 2004
    based on 34 ratings

    Description of the Last Supper for celebration of the Lord’s Supper.

    I. The Last Supper was a Passover meal. A. It was traditionally eaten in Jerusalem 1. After dark 2. Except the diaspora – they could eat where they were B. It was a family gathering 1. In a home – hence the need for Jesus to find a room 2. The elders (father or grandfather) usually lead the more

  • Beyond Imagination - God's Power For Growth Series

    Contributed by Christopher Hill on Jan 21, 2004
    based on 44 ratings

    God’s power for growth is beyond our imagination but within our grasp.

    I. The power to be (vv 14-15) A. Paul acknowledges the power and sovereignty of God 1. He kneels – not a posture of prayer but of obedience before kings 2. God names all families in heaven and earth a. Naming is a sign of power b. Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah were a group of teens who had been more

  • Growth From Within Series

    Contributed by Christopher Hill on Jan 15, 2004
    based on 24 ratings

    Church growth starts with a healthy congregation devoted to God and the church. Regardless of plans or programs the church will grow with God’s Holy Spirit.

    I. The church consists of baptized believers A. They accepted the message Peter preached 1. Old Testament Prophecy 2. Contemporary application 3. Jesus is Lord and Christ B. They were baptized C. Incredible growth II. The people were devoted A. If we are out of our minds it is for Christ’s more

  • Stewardship Of One Another

    Contributed by Christopher Hill on Jan 1, 2004
    based on 20 ratings

    There are many different ministries and quite a few people are involved in more than one. Two of the major reasons we have a problem with properly conducting ministry can be attributed to contemporary Western culture and a misunderstanding of the nature o

    This month we have been studying stewardship. We have seen that all that we have including life itself is really a gift from God. It is proper to give back to God some of what he has entrusted to us. We examined stewardship of our time and saw that it is also a gift and our time should be wholly more

  • Who's Your Daddy?

    Contributed by Christopher Hill on Jan 1, 2004
    based on 27 ratings

    Those who derive their reality from the world they see and hear about them are not living in the true reality that God wants for them.

    The Jewish people were confident of their standing as the "People of God." They had this confidence for two major reasons; they could trace their lineage back to Abraham, and they bore the sign of the covenant which was circumcision. Jesus acknowledged their physical lineage in the previous section more

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