
Summary: How God wants to live in the Church and show His glory

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Open the Gates and the Doors, the King is coming! Psalm 24

After the incident when the cart stumbled the ark was taken to Obed-edom = blessing

The presence of the Lord was there in the ark

Slide 1 the ark of the covenant was to be carried with poles by the priests

We can try to move God with the flesh and expect him to bless our work

It’s up to us as priests to carry the presence of God correctly

How do we conduct ourselves as the people of God?

Do you try to work in the flesh and not under the direction of the Holy Spirit?

The psalm was probably written to be sung when the ark of the covenant was taken up from the house of Obed–edom in Kirjath Jearim to Mount Zion, where David had caused it to be set up in a tabernacle built expressly for it 2 Sam 6:12-19


Preparation to meet royalty

Read Mal 3:1-3

The fivefold occurrence of “King of glory” and His identification as the “Lord of hosts” leads to the position that this psalm is messianic

Questions may be asked about the fitness of the people who were to minister before the ark

The last verses may refer to the opening of the city gates in order to allow it in

Behold I stand at the door and knock Rev 3:20

The promise, ‘I will come in’

The psalm has two parts:

1. The first part shows that God is King of all the world; but he has two kinds of subjects

2. The second part is considered by some as an exhortation to all men, that they receive, acknowledge, and worship Christ, as King

There are all men, and those called out to be His own people

Yet among His own, there is a difference too, for some only profess to be his servants, and call him Lord, as hypocrites

Then there are others that are his servants who love and obey him

Hypocrites in the Church are not true members of the Church

Then some who come to the hill of the Lord, yet don’t stand in his holy place

Many believe only for a time, and few continue faithful to death

Jesus spoke about the wheat and the chaff, the sheep and the goats, the fruit trees, either good or bad

He always was comparing the two

Those who say at the end of the age, ‘But Lord we cast out devils and did this and that in your name..!’

He said, ‘I never knew you!’

The character Jesus looks for are the same character of the people in this psalm:

As it celebrates the Lord’s entrance into Zion, it shows the true character of them who may enter with Him

Psalm 24:3

Who shall ascend?

Who is sufficiently holy to wait in his temple?

Who is fit to minister in the holy place?

Who would be qualified to worship Him?

Who would be regarded as His friends?

He that hath clean hands—He whose conscience is irreproachable

Whose heart is without deceit and uninfluenced by unholy passions.

Who hath not lifted up his soul to idolatrous inclination

Whose faith is pure, and who conscientiously fulfils his promises to the master

These same persons preceding the ark order it to be raised

Slide 2 Everlasting doors—There seems to be a reference here to something like our portcullis, which hangs by pullies above the gate

When it is lifted up, and appears above the head or top of the gate

“Be ye lifted up, ye everlasting doors;” let there be no obstruction; and the mighty Conqueror, the King of glory, whose presence is with the ark, and in which the symbol of his glory appears, shall enter

Prepare the way of the Lord!

Make preparations to admit the King into the City (into xxxxxxxxxxxxxx)

People will say as they did then

Psalm 24:8

Who is this King of glory?—This is the answer of those who are within

Those who know him and are known by him

They say, Who is this glorious King, for whom you demand such an entrance?

To which they who know him say, ‘The Lord strong and mighty, the Lord mighty in battle—It is Jehovah, who is come to set up his dwelling in this place’

It is He who has conquered his enemies, and brought salvation

Notice it is repeated, but in variation verse 9

A more particular question is asked:—Who is HE, THIS King of glory?

What’s he like? Where is he from? What is he to do with us? They say

The Lord of hosts—he who is coming with innumerable armies, He is this King of glory

Jesus will return again

First he was shrouded with wood overlain with gold, only going where he was carried and where he instructed; then he was veiled in flesh to walk among us.

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