One Day Too Late!
Contributed by Brian B on Feb 9, 2024 (message contributor)
Summary: Don’t wait too late to get Saved!
One Day Too Late
(Don’t wait too late to get saved!) Updated January 2016
Luke 14:16-24
NOTE TO SERMON CENTRAL MEMBERS AND GUESTS…. This is a sermon that has been adapted from a great sermon preached by Eddie Champion. I don’t know much about him or even if he is still living, I can just tell you that I once received a cassette tape with this sermon on it. From what I can remember this message was copied from tape to tape to tape and passed out all over to servicemen, sailors, and to anyone who needed to get saved. (AND MANY DID GET SAVED) That has been many years ago, but I recently recovered a small portion of Eddie Champion’s message. Although I have adapted in a number of places, much of Eddie’s own words remain intact. I have preached variations of this powerful truth many times since entering the ministry.
Eddie said that, “A good sermon is like a good Gospel Song, you can sing it once or sing it a thousand times as long as God is in it.” I pray that this will touch many lives in the days to come as well.
If you can tell me anything about Eddie Champion, or his ministry, I would love to know more. My e-mail is brianbyers@live.com or ww2k@live.com
This Title of this message is “one day too late!” It is a message of urgency. It is a message of time.
Because You see.. When we read the bible and preach it, we find
That you can wait too late to get saved!
This thing of going to church is more than to satisfy your part in trying to do something that God is pleased with.
People come to church for many many reasons, but salvation is not going to church. salvation , is a life and death matter , it’s a matter of heaven or hell!
it’s a matter of eternity! and it transcends anything or any reason why anyone would come to church.
One of the main thrusts of the ministry is to preach the gospel in hopes that people would get saved.
In Luke 13:22 it says that, “Jesus went through the towns and the villages teaching as he made his way to Jerusalem. Someone asked him, “lord, are only a few people going to be saved.?” then he said to them “ make every effort to enter the narrow door, because many , I tell you will try to enter and will not be able to.
There will come a time when some will seek to enter in and not me able to!! You may say now Pastor Brian is that scripture? Is that Bible? oh ya, you just stick with me and we’ll see it.
“Once the master of the house gets up and closes the door, you’ll stand outside knocking and pleading, sir open the door for us. But “He will answer,” I don’t know you or where you come from.
Turn if you will to Luke 14:16…
Now Jesus is going to a great dinner and he is at the house of one of the Pharisees , and of the chief Pharisees.
The Pharisees were ultra conservative, ultra religious people. They were church people!! You could not look at a Pharisees and call him a modernist. Or a radical,.. Because they just were not that way. They were ultra and extra religious.
Jesus is seated at the dinner table of the Pharisees, and they begin to find fault with Jesus . They are finding fault because Jesus sees a man that is sick with a disease called dropsy and He heals him and immediately the Pharisees become angry!!
They don’t say anything to Jesus but Jesus reads their hearts. He knows what ‘s in our hearts, and he knows what’s in your heart today.
Jesus then tells them this story which we are about to read . And He tells them this story because they are religious ,....... but even though they are religious they are not ready for heaven!!
They are religious but they put off salvation. You might be like that today. You may be religious; you may come to Sunday school. You may put money in the offering plate.
You may have your name on this church roll. You be a good person. You may even be a Baptist spelled with a capital “B”. But hear me,... if you are not born again you are in need of salvation today!!
The offer of Salvation has a time element to it!
Someone once said that the greatest lie that the devil tells is not that you can’ t be saved, it is that you can get saved tomorrow!
Follow along with me in Luke 14:16