
Summary: I have looked at this word faithful from a number of angles. Because although it seems like an easy task if anyone is willing to admit it can be a difficult task.

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Now is Not the Time to Quit

1 Corinthians 15:58

By: Pamela L. Johnson

This month I found myself being very mindful of our focus, the courage to be faithful. I have looked at this word faithful from a number of angles. Because although it seems like an easy task if anyone is willing to admit it can be a difficult task. To be faithful that means that I am loyal, constant, not changing, steady etc. at all times. How many can honestly say that they can do this without fail? Some may think that because they have always been faithful in their relationships that indeed they are faithful. However, I would like to challenge even that thought. Without putting yourself out there like that, think for a moment now have you always been loyal to God? No need to worry you are not alone. Now think about a time you were tired of being loyal without a fault. Your constant never changing, dependable always there for everyone else but find that everyone else is never there when you need them. So you find yourself frustrated and ready to throw your hands up. You are ready to throw in the towel and walk away. Well the Lord sent me by today to tell you now are not the time to quit.

I want to share with you a couple of things from this passage and then I’m out of your way. Paul is writing this letter to the church in Corinth. Just as most of his letters to this church was writing to correct some issues, some bad behaviors. He explains to the them that if Jesus didn’t die and get up then the gospel he preaches is a lie. However, Paul then proclaims that Christ has risen and that He’s alive. So in the process of us being faithful and not quitting. There are three things I want to share with you that may motivate you not to quit.

First you must be strong… Steadfast means to be firmly fixed in place or to be determined. Paul was instructing the Corinthians that they must stand firm on the teachings of Christ. Not to become complicit but never waiver in the gospel. We should not be tossed back and forth in our beliefs and carried away by every wind of doctrine. We must be strong and determined to the work of the Lord. Not allowing the cares of this world to overtake us. But allowing the word of God to strengthen us and transform us into who we are purposed to be. The Lord is saying to the church today, you better not quit. You have come too far from where I brought you from. Now is not the time for you to become defeated. Now is not the time for you to get distracted. You have to stay the course. He said in your weakness that’s when I’m strong. You can’t do it, don’t do it now is not the time.

Second you must be steady. Being immovable is a lot like steadfast. However, immovable means one is not capable of being moved. Along this journey at one point we all may have taken a stance and made up in our minds that we were not going to be moved. Nothing that was said or did was going to move us. We were focused and not easily sidetracked. We were solid and kept our eyes and mind on the purpose in which God had created us for. But some were down the line we lost our footing. We sway and rock back and forth. We find ourselves being distracted by the slightest sight of trouble. When God is telling us today now is not the time to quit. Get your feet back under you and remain steady.

Paul was trying to teach the church in Corinth that regardless of the false teachings they should not be moved. In the midst of storms, heartache and pain we have to continue to remain steady.

Lastly be successful.

I bet you wondering what I’m talking about. Faithfulness will bring about an abundance of success or blessings. It will increase the quantity or overflow of the blessings God rains on you. Now don’t get mistaken success isn’t measured by the dollar amount in your bank account. It isn’t measured by the number of bedrooms you have in your home. It isn’t measured by the manufacture of your car. It isn’t measured by the number of jewels you wear on your fingers, in your ears or around your neck. I know this may surprise you but it isn’t measured by the number of butts in the seats within the congregations. Success is when the enemy thought he had killed you and you get back up and dust yourself off and get back in the game. Success is when he thought that he surely had destroyed your marriage but you and your spouse realize that there’s nothing better than what God has joined together. When he tries to convince you that everything you try fails so stop trying and you keep pushing and pressing for the dream that God has impregnated you with. That’s success and regardless of what it looks like or even how it feels God is saying to you, now is not the time to quit.

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