
Summary: Have you ever been in darkness for a moment where you could not see anything or anyone around you due to the intensity of the darkness? How did you feel when the lights were back? The joy of being able to see again is always desirable.

Nature of Blindness

I will be speaking on two main kinds of blindness. Spiritual blindness and Physical Blindness.

Physical Blindness – John 9: 1-14

In this passage, we encounter a man born blind from birth. While blindness can be caused by various eye problems, some are also born blind from birth. The questions from the disciples to Jesus are an indication that the Jews attributed physical challenges such as blindness to punishment from God as a result of sin. While sin causes many problems, this was not the case for man. His blindness was for God’s purpose. To bring glory to God. What a paradox. Have you ever wondered that the problem you have been crying about as if God doesn’t care may be there because of God’s glory that is about to be revealed through you?

But how Jesus healed this man needs mention at this stage. Jesus spat on the ground and made mud from the saliva and spread the mud on the blind man’s eyes after which he sent him away to go wash in the pool of Siloam. This is very interesting and unusual. Putting mud on the eyes of a blind man looks like increasing his problem. And sending him away into a pool looks like another problem. But Jesus knew what He was doing. Obedience is better than sacrifice. He did not argue the logic of Jesus’ actions but simply obeyed. One way of getting rid of our blindness and other ailments is simply obeying the master. Jesus is still in the healing business. It takes obedience to see results.

Spiritual Blindness

I Samuel 16:1-13 and Ephesians 5:8-14 reveals so much about spiritual blindness.

First of all, anyone who is not of Christ is darkness in him/herself (Eph. 5:8). Because Christ is the light of the world and His spirit enables us to live for Him, anyone who does not belong to Christ is in darkness and cannot see. Such people take decisions that are always contrary to God. They cannot please God.

Consequently, those who are of Christ are in the light and hence are not supposed to be blind unless they take their walk for granted. Samuel the prophet in the house of Jesse reveals how even the spirit filled believer can allow him/herself to be blinded. Samuel allowed his natural perception to blind him. In choosing a king for Israel, he was probably influenced by the stature of king Saul. He allowed his perception of how a king should be to influence his choice at the expense of God’s direction. Samuel’s blindness insofar as his choice is concerned is serious because he was a prophet. This should humble us as Christians and also prepare us to always be on our guard against any form of blindness. Samuel was to choose the king according to God’s leading but he made a preference. How often have we allowed our own desire, preferences and what the world and society think about something to blind us?

How to overcome Spiritual blindness

Samuel had to surrender his preference and understanding to God and allow God to speak in order to overcome his blindness. Once he began listening to God again, he saw right and made the right choice. Ephesians 5:8 tells us we are light in the Lord. As we keep our communion with Christ intact, there is no way we will walk in darkness since Christ is the light of the world. We must intentionally and individually choose to walk in the light.

Characteristics of those who can see Spiritually

1. They live a life of righteousness and demonstrate goodness in all that they do

2. They are truthful in all that they do. They obey the truth of scripture

3. They are able to discern the will of God and obey

4. They do not participate in the works of darkness. They are shameful to them.

5. They expose the workers to darkness.

6. Their lives give Glory to God and attract people to Christ


Each of us can be blinded at one point or another other be it physical or spiritual. What is important insofar as our restoration is concerned is our relationship and obedience to Christ who is able to restore us. When Christ restores you and you can see again, your life becomes that which brings glory to God. Let us get up from our sleep and see as God wants us.

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