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  • Reward For Being Obedient

    Contributed by Rev. Felix Cornelius Agyei on Jun 10, 2023

    God's promise of a new beginning are not in a vacuum. It does not just take God to make it possible. Abraham had a part to play. In the same way, the new life and restoration that Jesus brings demand our participation. What then is our participation? THIS IS OBEDIENCE.

    THE LORD, OUR OBJECT OF OBEDIENT The one whose voice and command we are to obey is the LORD Himself. The Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. He is the One who commanded OUR Father Abraham (Gen. 12:1). In Matthew, it is Christ Jesus Christ. We must learn to obey the Holy Spirit who now works in more

  • Now I Can See

    Contributed by Rev. Felix Cornelius Agyei on Mar 18, 2023

    Have you ever been in darkness for a moment where you could not see anything or anyone around you due to the intensity of the darkness? How did you feel when the lights were back? The joy of being able to see again is always desirable.

    Nature of Blindness I will be speaking on two main kinds of blindness. Spiritual blindness and Physical Blindness. Physical Blindness – John 9: 1-14 In this passage, we encounter a man born blind from birth. While blindness can be caused by various eye problems, some are also born blind from more

  • Sharing In The Suffering Of Christ Series

    Contributed by Rev. Felix Cornelius Agyei on Feb 27, 2021

    1.0 The question of whether suffering insofar as a Christian is concerned is biblical has been bordering the minds of several Christian. indeed, Jesus, calls us to participate not only in glory but also in suffering. how do we share in this suffering?

    2.0 The inescapable experience of suffering of Jesus and His followers: (Mark 8:31) 2.1 …OF Jesus Jesus, the Messiah’ experience was a paradox. The paradox of salvation, power & dominion and suffering. That the Messiah had to suffer was unthinkable. How can the Christ in whom the more

  • God Has Power To Rescue Us

    Contributed by Rev. Felix Cornelius Agyei on Aug 31, 2020

    All of us go through one challenge or the other. our experience and knowledge of God and what HE can do should alway comfort us and cause us to trust Him.

    Isaiah 40:21-31 The danger of forgetting who your God is. Vs 21 ? Have you not known? ? Have you not heard? ? Has is it not been told you? This is a rhetorical question in which the questioner (God) is expressing his deep surprise for their troubled heat since he is certain that they know who He more

  • Restoring The Creation Mandate Through Discipleship Series

    Contributed by Rev. Felix Cornelius Agyei on Mar 28, 2019

    If the Church of God desires to see the Kingdom of God established within the hearts of all people, then we need to take Jesus command to make disciples very serious. It is discipleship that humanity receives back the creation mandate

    INTRODUCTION Whenever we talk of Disciples and Discipleship, the attention of most of us quickly moves to the Original disciples of Jesus, others like Paul, and or Church leaders/executives. Seldom do we think that we are all supposed to be Disciples of Christ, called to touch each other’s lives more