
Summary: We shouldn’t have to worry about anything in life because God will take care of us, as evident in this particular text.

I. Introduction:

-We as a people worry too much in today’s society about too many things that we really don’t need worry about.

- Worry is defined by Webster’s as "Any amount of excess energy spent stressing on things."

- We stress out to the max worrying abou too many minor things, things we have no real bissnuess worrying about...

- Preacher, with all that i’m going through, why NOT the worry?

II. Body: 3 reasons we SHOULD NOT worry:

A.) Because the Lord is our shepard...

-23:1-2: God is our shepard!

- Talk about a shepard’s role in OT times and what he was responsible for.

- How this relates to God & us today as a people.

-Isiaih 40:11 & john 10:11

- "Shall not want"... God will take care of ALL our basic needs!

-God will lead you where you need to go!!!

B.) Because he is the great comforter...

-23:4: "Rod 7 staff.."

- Talk about how a rod & staff are used by a sheperd to guide to safety & to ward off enemies.

- God does the same thing for us today..

-This should be comforting to us b/c God is always protecting us from harm & danger.

-Zec 1:17

-I cor. 14:3

C.) He keeps us from our enemies harm.

-23:5: "God will prepare a table before you..."

- Talk about how a table divides.

- Talk about what is ussually served on a table? (Food)

-God will allow you to eat & get fat, right in front of your enemies...

-Meaning God will exhalt you & make you succsessful, regardless of your enemies, & they’ll have to sit & watch you be succsessful!

-This is the greatest way to defeat your enemies! You don’t have to worry about them!

III. Preach The Text:

- Set up story & scenario of text!!

- Encourage 7 exhort the people of God that no matter what they go through they don’t have to worry!

- God will take care of you!!

-Supporting texts:

Matt. 6:25-32


IV. Conclusion:

- Recap points.

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