
Summary: Jude gives three examples (Israelites after the exodus, rebellious angels, the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah) of God's judgment on apostasy.

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Jude 1:5-7 (Part 2)

Jefferson M. Williams

Chenoa Baptist Church



Joshua Harris wrote the best-selling Christian book, “I Kissed Dating Goodbye,” which sold almost two million copies, in his early 20s. By 30 years old, he was the pastor of a megachurch.

He wrote several more books, including “Dug Down Deep” in 2010 highlighting his love for theology.

In 2019, he announced that his wife and he were divorcing and he no longer considered himself a Christian.

On his present website, he writes:

“I spent the first 40 years of my life promoting what I now see as a narrow, controlling, fear-based religion. Today I’m an advocate for the freedom to change, grow, and walk away from systems and beliefs that no longer fit. I want to see religious and non-religious communities healthier.

Stepping outside of rigid religion, I’ve found there’s a lot of room for discovery. For hearing and telling new stories. For creating new things in business. And spotlighting people whose ideas can reshape the world.”

He’s not the only well-known Christian who has “deconstructed” recently. Worship artist Michael Gungor, DC Talk’s Kevin Max, Hawk Nelson’s John Steingard, and even John Piper’s son, Abraham have all announced they no longer claim to be Christians.

Former Hillsong worship artist Marty Sampson recently wrote:

"Time for some real talk… I'm genuinely losing my faith… Christians can be the most judgmental people on the planet – they can also be some of the most beautiful and loving people… but it's not for me. I am not in anymore."

These are people who know the truth but have rejected the truth and are leading others to do so as well. They are the apostates that Jude is warning us about.


“Jude, a servant of Jesus Christ and a brother of James…”

Last week, we started our study of Jude and learned that Jude was the little half-brother of Jesus.

He wrote to Jewish Christians and beautifully described them.

“To those who have been called, who are loved in God the Father and kept for Jesus Christ…”

He tells them his prayer for them.

“Mercy, peace and love be yours in abundance.” ?

He gave the reason for writing.

“Dear friends, although I was very eager to write to you about the salvation we share, I felt compelled to write and urge you to contend for the faith that was once for all entrusted to God’s holy people.”

Jude had planned on writing an encouraging letter teaching about the salvation that they share but the Holy Spirit interrupted his plans.

He felt compelled. This word means to be pressed against. The Holy Spirit laid it heavy upon his heart that he had an urgent message to write these beloved friends.

He urges them to


The word contend is where we get our word “agony” from. It described the all-out exertion of gladiators in an open-air arena.

Jude is making the point that we are called to fight for the faith. This isn’t written to pastors or seminary professors but to all Christians.

Peter wrote that we can contend for the faith without being contentious:

“But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect, keeping a clear conscience, so that those who speak maliciously against your good behavior in Christ may be ashamed of their slander.” (I Peter 3:15-16

the problem

“For certain individuals whose condemnation was written about long ago have secretly slipped in among you. They are ungodly people, who pervert the grace of our God into a license for immorality and deny Jesus Christ our only Sovereign and Lord.”

Peter and Paul shout, “The false teachers are coming!” Jude’s message is, “The false teachers are here!”

If you weren’t here last week, you can always watch the sermon on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and on our website. All the sermon manuscripts can be found on

This morning, Jude will highlight three examples of what happens to apostates in the long run.

Apostates are those who know the truth and turn away from it.

Adrian Rogers said that apostates are those who

Revere in the truth

Reject the truth

Ridicule the truth

Replace the truth

Turn to Jude.



“Though you already know all this, I want to remind you…”

Jude’s readers were Jewish Christians who knew the Old Testament and the Jewish religious literature.

Jude knew that they knew these stories, but the job of a good teacher is to remind others of what is most important.

Remembering is an important concept in the Bible. That’s why the Israelites celebrated the feasts and holy days - to remember the faithfulness of God.

In the Shema prayer that is still prayed in Jewish households today, God gave them tangible ways to remember:

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