No Greater Love! Series
Contributed by Brian Williams on Sep 5, 2024 (message contributor)
Summary: Jesus’ love wasn’t empty words. His love was manifested as he stood silent before His mockers and accusers, by every cruel lash He took for us, by every step He took on the road to Calvary, by each nail driven into his body. This should have been us.
Every sermon we preach, no matter what time of year it is, points to the Person of Jesus Christ because He is the Cornerstone of our faith. Christ’s incarnation - was when God, the Creator of the earth and of every living creature and of the entire universe was born on the earth as a man. Christ’s death and resurrection is what made it possible for us to stand before our holy and righteous God, completely forgiven and washed clean. What can we say about this unfathomable love except that no other love can compare to it.
The love that people have for each other is an expression of different levels of care and commitment. People will go to great lengths to prove just how much they love someone, but human love is limited and is only an infinitesimal reflection of God’s immeasurable love.
Today we are going to be talking about God’s love and how He expressed this love for the world. When we reflect on the meaning behind Christmas it gives us a glimpse into God’s perfect love. In fact, Christmas would be meaningless without understanding the significance of His love.
Let’s turn and read John 3:16 together.
For God so loved the world, that He gave His only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him will not perish, but have eternal life. For God did not send the Son into the world to judge the world, but so that the world might be saved through Him (NASB).
Have you ever doubted God’s love for you?
This verse reminds us about the:
Measureless love of God
Manifestation of God’s love
Meaning of God’s love
Let’s talk about the
1. Measure of God’s love
How do you measure love? By a person’s words or by the feeling you get around certain people? One way we can measure love is by their sacrificial actions.
Almost 400 years ago, the Emperor of India, Shah Jahan, lost his beautiful wife. As a memorial to her, he poured his entire fortune into building a tomb for her. Twenty thousand workers labored for more than 20 years, building exquisitely in marble and inlaid precious stone, and in the end, the Shah had erected one of the most breathtaking buildings in the world called the Taj Mahal. It still stands today, in India, as a testimony to the magnitude of his love.
But as we said earlier, people go to great lengths to prove their undying love. Yet it can’t even come close to God’s boundless, perfect love. God’s love is infinite, eternal, unchanging, holy, sacrificial, and personal. God is love.
Psalm 103:16-18 (NLT) tells us that our days on earth are like grass, like wildflowers because we bloom for a short time and then die. The wind blows, and we are gone—as though we had never been here.
But the love of the LORD remains forever with those who fear him. His salvation extends to the children’s children of those who are faithful to his covenant, of those who obey his commandments!
In Eph 3:18-19 Paul talked about the love of Christ which is higher, deeper, wider, and longer than any other love we could imagine. It is an amazing and endless love which far surpasses our understanding.
We have seen just how immeasurable God’s love is - from creation, to the coming of Christ to His death on the cross. We can’t even fathom how far God's love was willing to go to reach a world that wanted nothing to do with Him. And this brings me to my second point:
2. The manifestation of God’s love
What lengths did God go to to manifest His great love to us? Can we fathom the most powerful Being in the universe, loving us by coming to the earth to be with us not only making sacrifices for us but becoming the ultimate Sacrifice for us so we could have a relationship with Him?
The Apostle Paul said about Christ:
Though he was God, he did not think of equality with God as something to cling to. Instead, he gave up his divine privileges; he took the humble position of a slave and was born as a human being. When he appeared in human form, he humbled himself in obedience to God and died a criminal’s death on a cross (Phil 2:6-7 NLT).
Our holy and righteous God lives in heaven, where the angels continually worship Him, in a place of splendor, perfect peace, and holiness and then He decided to step into time. He came into the very world He created but the Bible says we didn’t know or recognize Him and even rejected Him. The world didn’t see its need to be saved from their sin and be reconciled back to God and because His light exposed our darkness, we hated Him.