
Never Alone: God Hears Your Call

Created by SermonCentral on Sep 12, 2023
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Explore Psalm 61 and discover that no matter how distant God may seem, He is always within earshot of your call. This sermon reassures us of God's constant presence and unwavering support.


There was once a little boy who deeply missed his father, who was away on military duty. To find comfort, the boy would look at a picture of his dad on his nightstand and imagine that his father was watching over him. However, one night, this didn't bring him solace. His mother, hearing his cries, came into his room and asked what was wrong. Through tears, he said, "I want daddy to come out of the frame."

Have you ever felt like this? Knowing that God is real, good, and loves you, but still feeling like He is distant? Sometimes it seems like God doesn't hear our prayers, see our needs, or understand our pain. In these moments, we can turn to Psalm 61 for guidance on what to do when God feels far away.

Psalm 61: A Prayer for God's Presence

Psalm 61 is attributed to David, although the exact circumstances of its writing are unknown. It doesn't matter when or why David wrote it; what matters is the spiritual condition he experienced. David felt distant from God and longed for a greater sense of His loving presence, protective care, and strengthening grace. So, he prayed for intimacy with God. This psalm teaches us how to pray when God feels far away. The key lesson is that no matter how far away we feel, God can always hear us when we call.

I. Pray with Confidence in What the Lord Has Done

The book of Psalms serves as both a hymnal and a prayer book for the Jews. Psalm 61 exemplifies how private needs can be expressed to God through corporate worship. Verses 1-4 teach us to pray with confidence that God will hear and help us.

A. Ask God to Hear You:

David begins this psalm with a cry to God, saying, "Hear my cry, O God, listen to my prayer" (Psalm 61:1). This cry is not a mere ritual or venting of emotions. David genuinely seeks God's attention and desires Him to hear his plea. When we pray, it's not about saying the right words but about reaching the right ear.

God can hear us no matter where we are, even from the ends of the earth (Psalm 61:2). Whether we feel physically or spiritually distant from God, He is always ready to listen. Even when our hearts are faint and we feel exhausted physically, emotionally, and spiritually, God can still hear us (Psalm 61:2).

B. Ask God to Help You:

David acknowledges that he needs God's protection and refuge. He prays, "Lead me to the rock that is higher than I" (Psalm 61:2b). David recognizes his own weakness and smallness, and he seeks a safe place where he can find strength and security. He trusts that God is his rock, a strong tower against the enemy (Psalm 61:3).

David also prays to dwell in God's presence forever and take refuge under the shelter of His wings (Psalm 61:4). He longs for the satisfaction and sustenance that come from being close to God. Just as a mother bird protects her young under her wings, David seeks refuge in God's loving care.

II. Pray with Confidence in What the Lord Will Do

After expressing confidence in what the Lord has done, David now anticipates future blessings from God. Verses 5-8 teach us to trust in the promises of God and praise His name.

A. Acknowledge the Faithfulness of God:

David declares that God has heard his vows and given him a heritage among those who fear His name (Psalm 61:5). This shows God's unwavering faithfulness throughout David's life. When we make promises to God, He hears us, and He blesses those who fear His name.

B. Trust the Promises of God:

David prays for the prolonging of his life as king and for his years to endure for all generations (Psalm 61:6). He believes in God's promise to establish the throne of his kingdom forever. Although David's physical life will not last forever, he trusts that God's promise will be fulfilled through the eternal reign of Jesus Christ.

David concludes by saying, "So will I ever sing praise to your name, as I perform my vows day after day" (Psalm 61:8). He commits to praising God continually and fulfilling his vows of worship. The goodness of God deserves our unceasing praise, and we should offer it with joy and gratitude.


When God feels far away, we can turn to Psalm 61 for guidance on how to pray. We should pray with confidence in what the Lord has done and what He will do. God hears our cries, even from the ends of the earth, and He offers us His protection and refuge. We can trust in His faithfulness and rely on His promises. As we pray, let us also praise His name continually, for He is worthy of all our worship.

Remember, no matter how distant God may seem, He is always near.

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