
Summary: how much do mothers impact the world and what must they do to have a positive impact?

As I prepared for this message, one of the articles I read stated this “What happens in individual homes will affect society, both positively and negatively. We need to cultivate healthy and functional homes for our children.”

We all live in homes and all of us will influence those in our homes. We all need to live right and have a positive influence to society; but how much do mothers impact us?

1. God states it that all of us were fearfully and wonderfully made in our mother’s wombs. God created each one of us through our mothers!

2. Before we were welcomed into the world, our mothers carried us for months!

3. Most of us were nursed and cuddled by our mothers for many months!

And how many of you were guided, encouraged, and disciplined through elementary school??

4. Our mothers were quite involved in our early school learning!

Most of us were prepared to adulthood by our mothers! Of course, fathers and others who love us helped as well. All of us adults, but especially mothers, must teach and love the godly way if we desire a godly society!

Can it be done? God’s Word of course has the answer for us! We have been studying the Letter to the Galatians in Sunday School and I believe a passage from Chapter 5 is applicable this morning. Please open your Bibles to Galatians 5:16-26…. Read along with me….

Let us first note that God, through the Apostle Paul, is talking to Christians (Galatians 1:3-5… )

In order for God’s truths to empower us, we must be Christians, who have grace and peace because we believe that God Jesus Christ died for our sins, rescuing us from this evil age!

I trust that you all truly believe in Jesus Christ; if not, you will just flow along with this world, which is led by the devil who will eventually be judged forever by Jesus Christ Himself!

Today, especially today in honoring our mothers, today is the day to truly believe in Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior!

And according to Galatians 4:6, Christians have the Holy Spirit within them!

Galatians 5:22 tells us the godly lives that should come out of Christians!

And so, in order to live godly lives, Galatians 5:16 tells us, Christians are to walk by the Spirit. What does it mean to walk by the Spirit?

v18: Be led by the Spirit! Yield to the Holy Spirit within you!

v25: Keep in step with the Holy Spirit??

Be mindful of the Holy Spirit as you live!

Simple truths right?

I recently heard of Anaya Ellick, a 7 year old girl born with no hands, with her hardwork, perseverance (with no complaints), along with her parent’s guidance, recently won a National Penmanship Award with a pencil in between her wrists………….

Take a moment to quietly pray about applying these things to our own lives and, pray for a Mom, that these truths would be real in their lives…..

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