Mighty Is As Mighty Does
Contributed by Paddy Venner on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: David’s mighty men - what made them mighty?
Paddy Venner Senior Pastor of Harfield Road Assembly of God, Cape Town, South Arica
Mighty is as Mighty Does
2 Samuel 23:8 – Josheb-Basshebeth
Name means ‘the people will return’
There is something that scatters people more effectively than anything else does and that is fear.
The world is in a state of shock and fear these days and people scatter – they scatter to false religions and to the attachments that come calling when the chips are down.
When one Godly man or woman stands up and makes a difference, it becomes like iron filings to a magnet – God is showing me that as His favour is upon His church in these end times, so He will equip us to be a place that will take in the scattered and confused, the weary and tired.
Josheb-Basshebeth was a man who stood up when the chips were down and there was an attack that needed the heart of an overcomer.
As a warrior he only had one sword, so it was important that he use d it to its maximum potential
He had to get the most out of the little he had.
Now we can focus on the little and miss out on the much, or we can take the little and accomplish much because God is the master of the power of one.
You might be saying that your gifts are few, your talents are few, but God is not interested in quantity, but quality – how are you using what you have?
Josheb-Basshebeth could have focussed on his loneliness, on the number of the enemy – but he focussed on the one chance he had – one sword, and God gave him the victory.
In John 1 :50 we read about Nathaniel who came to Jesus and asked Jesus a question., to which Jesus answered ‘you will see greater things’
God is swelling up His church with a sense of anticipation of His greater glory and He says’ you will see greater things’ – but sometimes in order to see greater things we have to become greater prayer-warriors in greater battles – so He gives us the greater battles that bring out the greater warriors that result in greater things.
Josheb-Basshebeth wasn’t born a mighty man, he became one through doing mighty things.
God looks for those who are willing to glorify His name through doing great things for Him, and that simply means doing what you can with what you’ve got – that’s us at our mightiest – then He takes us from glory to glory.
Because God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble – and one sword was all it took
J.B. didn’t exhaust himself swooshing away – pointed the sword raised it and saw the enemy fall on it – like a kebab.
What is pour main weapon? – Prayer.
Let’s raise that sword – no swooshing – pointed and deliberate and we will have the victory.
I’d rather model myself on someone who uses the little he had to maximum effect, than follow those who have plenty but are gathering cobwebs.
2 Samuel 23: 9-10 – Eleazar
Name means ‘God is my Helper’
Eleazar stood firm when everyone else retreated – mighty is as mighty does.
For some people retreat is never an option.
For some people it’s always likelihood.
God delivers us from our shame, from our bondage, gives us freedom in Him, makes us co-heirs with Jesus of the incalculable treasures of heaven, yet so often we retreat to the bondage, running scared from a battle that is already won.
Eleazar couldn’t help but fight – it was in the blood – his father was a captain in David’s army.
We are redeemed by the blood of the captain of the host
we are bought by the blood of the Commander of the Armies of the Lord
We are cleansed by the blood of the One who will come riding on a white horse, whose eyes are a blazing fire and whose head is crowned with many crowns.
We are sealed with the blood that flowed from the man of sorrows’ side.
The blood that set me free, is now the blood that empowers me.
So let it be said – I cannot help but fight – it’s in the blood.
How long will you fight the enemy?
Eleazar fought until his flesh couldn’t anymore – but the sword froze to his hand – it had become an appendage.
You take the stand, God will do the equipping
The Lord brought the victory that day – because one man stood firm and clung to the sword, until the sword clung to him.