
Mercy for Me but Not for Thee

Youth Sermon
Created by Youth Sermons on Oct 6, 2023
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In God's kingdom, we must extend mercy and forgiveness to others just as we have received it ourselves. Jesus teaches us to love and forgive unconditionally, healing our hearts and relationships.

Mercy for Me but Not for Thee

Youth Group Plan: Mercy for Me but Not for Thee (Matthew 18:21-35)

Youth Sermon: Mercy for Me but Not for Thee

Forgiveness and Mercy

Today we're gonna chat about something we all deal with - forgiveness and mercy. Jesus was pretty clear that these things are super important to God. When someone does us wrong, our first reaction isn't usually to forgive and show mercy. But Jesus wants us to do just that, just like God does for us.

Ever been cut off in traffic? Or had someone ghost your texts? It's easy to get mad, right? But have you ever done those things to someone else? We all mess up.

Ever had a friend betray you or spread rumors about you? It's tough to forgive in those situations. But have you ever done those things to someone else? We all make mistakes.

We often want mercy for ourselves but justice for others. We judge ourselves by our intentions and others by their actions. But Jesus teaches us to show mercy to others, just as God shows mercy to us.

We often want mercy for ourselves but justice for others.

The Weight of Unforgiveness

Imagine you've got a backpack full of rocks. Each rock represents a grudge or a time someone hurt you. It's heavy, right? Now, imagine taking out each rock, one by one, and throwing it away. That's what forgiveness feels like. It's like dropping the weight you've been carrying around.

Jesus and Forgiveness

Jesus shows us a God who's all about mercy and forgiveness, not anger and punishment. He tells us to forgive others over and over, just like God forgives us over and over. God's forgiveness never runs out because He loves us no matter what.

Jesus tells a story about a servant who gets mercy from a king but doesn't show mercy to others. We often justify our unforgiveness, but Jesus wants us to forgive others because we've been forgiven.

We gotta reject double standards and show mercy to others, just like God shows mercy to us. The mercy we get from God should flow through us to others. A church that doesn't forgive can't show a merciful God.

Forgiveness can be tough, especially when the hurt runs deep. But as we forgive others, Jesus heals our hearts and gets rid of our resentments. Forgiveness takes time, but it brings healing and peace.

The Freedom of Forgiveness

Next time someone hurts you, remember the backpack. Remember how heavy it feels to carry around grudges and resentment. Choose to forgive, to throw away the rocks, and experience the freedom and peace that comes with it.

Let's wrap this up. Jesus shows us a God who's all about love, mercy, and forgiveness. He wants us to show that same mercy and forgiveness to others. Let the mercy we get become the mercy we give, healing our hearts and relationships.


Let's pray together.

Hey Jesus, help us to show mercy, just like you do. Help us to forgive, just like you do. Help us to love, just like you do. Amen.

Small Group Breakout Questions

1. Why is it sometimes hard to forgive others?

2. How does holding onto unforgiveness affect us and our relationship with God?

3. How can we practice forgiveness in our daily lives?

4. What does the parable of the unmerciful servant teach us about God's forgiveness?

Get the Full Youth Group Plan

Icebreaker: Pass the Mercy

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