Men Of Worship
Contributed by Timothy Brewington Ii on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: Men are to be worship leaders in the home, in the church, and the community. The elders must teach the young men to be worshipers in Spirit and in Truth. It is time for men to stand up and worship.
In a wide since worship is all that relates to the Christian life, everything inour life should be an act of worship, in the since that worship is everything
that brings glory to God. Worship is the activity of glorifying God in His presence with our voices and hearts.
When we worship, we are declaring the worth of God. We are saying, "Lord you areworthy of my public and private service." "You are worthy to be Lord in and over my life." "You are worthy to deiced by future, and I yield my life to your control."
Paul encourages us in Col 3:16 to “...sing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs with thankfulness in your hearts to God.” God has called us into a relationship of worship with Him.
God told Pharaoh “Let my people go, so that they may worship me in the dessert.” (Ex 7:16)
God brought them out of Eygpt, so that He could bring them into is presence for the purpose of worship.
I see the world as a spiritual Eygpt, full of bondage and death. God has called us out of this world, so that we can worship in His presence.
The Point here, is that you can’t worship God in Bondage. You must allow the spirit of God to free you from the bondage of this world. Your sinful
flesh cannot worship God. You must worship God out of your spirit, that has been redeemed by God. You must allow the Spirit to break through the will of your flesh, so that you can worship Him.
In Exodus 24, 74 Men are called to worship from afar. Moses was called tocome near the Lord. 74 men were called, One invited to come close to the Lord. God called Moses close to him so that he could give him
instructions. God instructed him on the proper order of worship. God told Moses how He is to be worshipped.
After God gave him instructions, he (Moses) built and altar to the Lord. Then, He sent young men of the children of Israel, to offer burnt offerings,
peace offerings unto the lord.
THE ELDERS HAVE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF TEACHING THE YOUNG MEN HOW TO WORSHIP. We cannot expect the young men in our cummunity and church to worship God, if the elders do not teach them. God calls the men to lead His people in worship.
Two Things to note: and then we will move on.
1. Worship is how we get direction from the Lord.
hen we worship, God speaks!
2. This was a worship that sealed the covenant.
God told Israel , “I will be your God, you will be my people. I will bless those that bless you and curse those that curse you.”
The people heard this and worship.
This is the Worship of the Covenant.
Once you hear the word of the lord, you should worship. This seals the covenant. This type of worship says. “I heard your word and I agree, we
are in covenant. and I am sealing it with my worship.”
READ: 2 Chronicles 29: 27-30
This was a worship of restoration.
This worship said, “we heard the word, we agreed with the word but, we disobeyed and fell into sin. We have now sanctified ourselves, we are going back to the word and want to be restored.
This is a different type of worship.
If you are honest you know how it is.
This is not the worship of a covenant keeper.
This is the worship of someone who has falling from grace and knows, that God should have killed them, God should have turned His back on them.
This is a worship that says “Lord I don’t deserve your goodness, but I come to you to present my offering of atonement.
This is were Isreal found themselves. Before Hezikah, Isreal had turned from God.
The congregation worshiped until the burnt offering was finished. The burnt offering represented, atonement of the peoples sin.
This worship has three parts
1. Worship of atonement (the people, everybody in the congregation)
2. Worship of restoration (the levites)Hezikeah commanded the Leveites to worship.The levites represented God to the people, and the people to
God. So they had to worship for restoration.
3. Worship of thanksgiving ( the whole congregation)
when the Levits were done, Hezakiah told the people to bring offerings of thanks giving.
READ Job 1:20 - 22:
This was a Worship of total reliance upon God.
In this scripture we find that Job as lost just about everything.
1. live stock, oxen, sheep, camels
2. all but 3 or 4 of his servants where killed
3. all of his sons and daughters are dead
In my view, He has a mixed reaction to what has happened to him. Some of his reactions I understand, and some I did not at first. Look at what Job did: