
Summary: Maundy Thursday on video during COVID, watch here:

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Maundy Thursday Sermon Transcript…

Hello Calvary friends and other friends

who are watching this video. I'm pastor

Greg pastor at Calvary this is my wife

Sue. We're going to have a very shortened

communion / Seder meal.

The Seder of the Passover meal there are four different cups that our Jewish brothers and sisters share during the Passover meal. And for the short time we're going to focus on these four cups and the significance that they have within our

life as Christians.

The start of the Seder meal sweetheart usually starts off with the woman of the house - the wife lighting a candle to symbolize the beginning of the meal and then we have a prayer and we say great are you God you are gracious and just you give us life you free us from the sins within our

lives and you redeem us we give you thanks for that Lord Amen.

There’re four different cups that the

Passover meal has within the Seder is

called Passover or the Seder meal. Four

different cups, the first cup is called

the cup of sanctification it's the

starting of the meal. The cup of the

sanctification deals with Exodus

chapter 6 I'm going to be quoting from

exodus 6 6 to 7 throughout this short little video

Yahweh God says I will bring you out of

Egypt I will bring you out of Egypt within this aspect of the meal there is or this cup time there are three pieces of the matzah bread which are taken and are put into a specific bag.

The wife puts them in the bag--- she puts one in the first --- one in the third --- and the middle

portion she takes it and she breaks it in half ---

she puts part of it in the bag ---but she puts the other half into a bag which will be be hidden and later on during the Seder meal the youngest person at the table will go off or really all the kids will go off they will find it and whoever finds it they

get some money for finding it.

During this time there's some questions that the youngest one at the table get to ask ---sweet how here the youngest one at the table today is Sue.

1. on all other nights we eat leaven bread so why on this night do we eat unleavened bread?

2. on all other nights we eat herbs but on this night we bitter herbs why do we do that?

3. on all other nights we don't even dip our vegetables than anything but on this night, we dip our vegetables in salt and sweet apple mix, and we do it twice why do we do this


4. on all other nights we either sit or we reclined at the table and on this night, we only recline why do we do this?

At this point the father of the house the head of the house would answer some of the questions. I'm just going to give some very simple answers the first is the fact that that on this name we have the lamb which is unblemished an unblemished lamb which has been given for our sins.

The bitter herbs, this that the bitterness of slavery for the Jewish people who were in slavery for so many years within Egypt.

The unleavened bread symbolizes the fact

that normally when you bake bread you

have to take time to let it rise but the

Hebrew people had to be ready to leave

at a moment's notice when Yahweh God

called them to leave when the Angel of

Death came, and they had to leave they

needed to be ready to leave right away

so that leaven represented the fact

they had to be ready to leave immediately.

The fact that they reclined if you were a slave you could not recline you could not you

could not have a leisure time but they reclined to symbolize that God was giving them an aspect of leisure that they were moving into a time that they

would have leisure and be free people.

We know that some of these things really represent the fact Jesus Christ the unblemished Lamb he had no sin within them Jesus Christ who gave His life. We know that within the Passover they sacrificed the lamb but then they put the blood on the top of the doorpost on the side and on the other side and to me. I find that amazing because it makes the sign of a cross the top and the two sides.

We also know that Jesus talks about the sin in the Pharisees or the leaven of the Pharisees

in their sin and how sin goes through our lives and yet the sacrifice of Jesus Christ removes that sin.

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