
Summary: We look at the horrible policies from Satan, the murderer from the beginning, in abortion, and the evil policies of Green Environmentalists. Genesis is overthrown and socialism rules. Consideration is given to the crocodile and flying fox. All of Genesis 1 is twisted and distorted.

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In this series we have been giving consideration to how atheists and humanists have willfully twisted all that God declared in Genesis chapter 1. All the godly precepts have been butchered by Satan and we have been considering each of those.

Remember that I am using irony and sarcasm here and there throughout the series. After the Genesis reference the opposition and sarcasm is contained in inverted commas and [[ ]] and italics.

Let us continue and look at some horrible policies from Satan, the murderer from the beginning.


{{Genesis 1:28 God blessed them and God said to them, “BE FRUITFUL AND MULTIPLY, and fill the earth subdue it and rule over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the sky, and over every living thing that moves on the earth.”}}

[[“Why would your god say that when there are too many people on earth now anyway? Breeding must be controlled or our lifestyles will be reduced. Having kids all the time is irresponsible. In fact it is selfish. If science has given the means whereby we can control the population numbers, we should use that. Abortion is the medical and clinical way to help control population. Why do you right to life people make such a fuss about a bunch of cells?”]]

Well, why do Christians make a fuss about “a bunch of cells”? The answer is this: We go back to being created in the image of God, and that separates us from the animals which are just body and soul (the soul is the self consciousness, the emotions and instincts. Animals do not have a living spirit.) Life is sacred to Christians, including all unborn life. It is a human life from the moment of conception.

[[“Hold on! What are you saying? We know the foetus is not anything until it is born. Population control using abortion is legal, so it has to be correct. As for filling the earth, that is bad. Too many people now.”]]

Ah, abortionist, listen to me. What you believe is irrelevant, for you will one day bow before God and your sins will be exposed. The moral compass of God can not be redirected to be fashioned to man’s own sinful schemes. Harken to what was said to Jeremiah – {{Jeremiah 1:5 “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you. I have appointed you a prophet to the nations.”}}

God is not mocked. He knows the life before conception, and the conceived foetus is known to God. To do away with it in the fire of Molech; to abort the foetus deliberately and then put it to death; to start to tear it apart in the uterus and suck it out part by part, is murder. You, abortionist, you can mock all you like, but you will stand before God at the great white throne and murder will be on your list. Just one more verse addressed to Israel – {{Isaiah 44:2 Thus says the LORD who made you and formed you from the womb, who will help you, “Do not fear, O Jacob My servant, and you Jeshurun whom I have chosen,}}

The greatest murderer in the history of the world is Mao Zedong who murdered around 80 million people. Starlin, Hitler, Putin, Xi and Pol Pot, all satanic dictators have tens of millions of murders on their hands. However the “clinical murderers”, the abortionists and the politicians who legislated for that form of murder – the murder of the innocent unborn – they too will suffer the same fate as Mao Zedong. “Be fruitful and multiply” does not mean to put to death the blameless unborn.

20% of all pregnancies in the USA end in abortion. A figure of 25 million “unsafe abortions” is given worldwide. Mexico has the lowest abortion rate in the world, and the highest is Russia followed by Vietnam. It is 8:40 AM on the 1st September 2023 as I put down this next statistic which is a world count of abortions so far in the world for this year - 29,765,560 and it is rising by one and a half per second. Is it little wonder that God sees the whole world as corrupt and the time of judgement is at hand. The Lord removes His Church and then the wrath of God is displayed in the Tribulation that follows. One of the reasons for this judgement of God is in this verse – {{Revelation 9:21 “and they did not repent of their MURDERS, nor of their sorceries [actually the word means “drugs”], nor of their immorality, nor of their thefts.”}} All God’s moral laws have consequences.

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