Plan for: Thanksgiving | Advent | Christmas
God has bestowed upon us ample time to fulfill His plan. If we feel short of time, it's not due to God's insufficiency, but our need to better manage and redeem our time.
Introduction: Many of us often find ourselves saying, "I would be more involved in church, but I just don't have enough time." We use lack of time as an excuse for not doing the things we know we should. However, God has given each of us 24 hours a day to use wisely. Time is a precious commodity entrusted to us by God, and it is our responsibility to make the most of it.
Redeeming the time means making the most of every opportunity and not wasting it. It involves converting time into value and not squandering it.
We should redeem time because of the prevalence of evil in the world. The days we live in are filled with darkness and spiritual battles. We must make the most of every opportunity to do God's will and be a light in this dark world.
We should also redeem time because opportunities are fleeting. We never know when an opportunity will come our way or when it will be gone. We must seize the moment and make the most of every chance to do good.
Furthermore, life is short and uncertain. Our time on earth is like a vapor that appears for a little while and then vanishes. We must not waste our days but use them wisely for God's purposes.
1. By being alert: We must be awake and aware of the opportunities around us. We cannot afford to be spiritually asleep or complacent. We must be ready to take action when God presents us with an opportunity.
2. By being Spirit-filled: We should allow the Holy Spirit to lead and guide us in our daily lives. When we are filled with the Spirit, we are empowered to make the most of our time and live according to God's will.
3. By fellowshipping and worshipping with other believers: We should gather with fellow believers to encourage and uplift one another. Through worship and fellowship, we can be inspired to make the most of our time and serve God together.
4. By being thankful for every opportunity and blessing: Gratitude is key to redeeming the time. When we have a grateful heart, we appreciate the opportunities God gives us and make the most of them.
We must not let the prevalence of evil, the fleeting nature of opportunities, or the brevity of life hinder us from redeeming the time. Instead, let us be alert, Spirit-filled, engaged in fellowship, and grateful for every opportunity. By doing so, we can make the most of our time and fulfill God's purposes for our lives.
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