
Summary: Tonight we want to look again at HOW WE CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE WITH OUR LIFE.

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Notice again, these words, “And of some have compassion MAKING A DIFFERENCE…”

There are some folks that have deep feelings for the things of God. That word “compassion” here has to do with WORDS and ACTIONS.

You can tell some people love the Lord by the way they TALK and LIVE.

• The Pastor can talk to them about things they can do to enhance the work of God, and because of the deep feelings they possess for the Lord, they are more than willing to do those things they are asked to do

• There are others who say they love the Lord, and when you ask them to do something that needs to be done for the Lord, they will give you a thousand excuses for why they can’t do it.

Look at all the things that never would have been done if the great men and women had patterned their life after them.

For example, look at the life of Thomas Edison. He was a born-again Christian. He lived a life that has affected every man and woman alive today. He lived 84 years on this earth, and look what a DIFFERENCE he made with his life.

• 1868 he invented Electrographic Vote-Recorder

• 1869 he invented the Printing Telegraph

• 1869 he invented the Stock Ticker

• 1870 he invented the Telegraph Transmitter

• 1871 he invented the Telegraphic Recorder

• 1871 he invented the Typewriter

• 1872 he invented the Automatic Telegraph

• 1872 he invented the Galvanic Storage Batteries

• 1873 he invented the Duplex Telegraphs

• 1875 he invented the Quadruplex Telegraph Repeater

• 1876 he invented the Telephonic Telegraphs

• 1876 he invented the Acoustic Telegraphs

• 1877 he invented the Pneumatic Stencil Pens

• 1877 he invented the Perforating Pens

• 1877 he invented the Phonograph or Speaking Machine

• 1878 he invented the Carbon Button Microphone

• 1879 he invented the Dynamo

• 1879 he invented the Incandescent Electric Lamp

• 1880 he invented the Magnetic Ore Separator

• 1880 he invented the Process for Preserving Fruit

• 1881 he invented the Electric Meter

• 1881 he invented the Electric Motor

• 1881 he invented the Dynamo Current regulator

• 1882 he invented the Underground Electric Conductors

• 1884 he invented the Telephone Repeater

• 1885 he invented the Fuse Block

• 1888 he invented the Thermo Electric Battery

• 1888 he invented the Phonograph Recorder

• 1888 he invented the Phonograph reproducer

• 1897 he invented the Kinetograph and Projecting Kinetoscope

• 1900 he invented the Reversible Galvanic Battery.

• 1931 he invented the Holder for Articles to be Electroplated

All told, Thomas Edison received patents for 1093 inventions, as either sole inventor or co-inventor.

The reason I mention these accomplishments in his life is to show you what a DIFFERENCE some have made with their lives. Every one of us has benefited tremendously because of this man’s life. WHAT A DIFFERENCE HE MADE WITH HIS LIFE!

There are men who are like Edison, who have made such a tremendous impact upon this world that when they leave this life at death, the world is no longer the same place, but a better place.

You and I cannot make much of a difference in the field of sports, music, entertainment, art, and politics. We could spend our whole life trying to make a difference, and most likely would not be able to achieve that much in these areas of life. What we need to do is find the areas of our life where we can make a difference, and then MAKE A DIFFERENCE!

This morning I mentioned to you that we can make a DIFFERENCE IN OUR CHURCHES. But also-


Sometimes the “scum of the earth” will move into our neighborhood, and will corrupt the whole neighborhood.

But listen, if the devil’s crowd can move the “scum” into our neighborhood and MAKE A DIFFERENCE FOR THE WORSE, God can MAKE A DIFFERENCE FOR THE BETTER by using His people.

• But listen, you cannot live in your neighborhood and make a DIFFERENCE FOR THE BETTER by gossiping about everybody

• You cannot live in your neighborhood and make a DIFFERENCE by one day talking about the Lord, and the next day talking about the church members

There are some folks who profess to be saved, who could never get anyone in their neighborhood to come to church, because they have completely destroyed their testimony for the Lord. Before they can MAKE A DIFFERENCE, they will have to rebuild their testimony over a period of time.

This is why God tells us to live a godly life, so that men may SEE OUR GOOD WORKS. Look at Matthew 5:16, we read, “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.”

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