
Summary: This Sermon deals with Paul Who has declare that all of his credentials and all the things that he has accomplish in his life is not worth comparing to the knowledge of knowing Christ Jesus. He wants to know Christ in every way Possible that he can know

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---------The Epistle of Paul The Apostle to the Phillipians-------------------------------------The 3rd Chapter--------------------------------

8: Yea doubtless, I count all things loss for the Excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord: for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and do count them dung, that I may win Christ.

9: And be found in him not having mine own righteousness, which is of the law, but that which is through the faith of Christ, the righteousness which is God by faith:

10: That I may know him, and the power of his resurrection, and the fellowship of his sufferings, being made comfortable unto his death.

-------The Epistle of Paul The Apostle to the Phillipians-------------------------------------The 3rd Chapter----------------------------------

The Message: Lord I want to know you By Any Means Necessary

---------The Epistle of Paul The Apostle to the Philippians------------------------------------The 3rd Chapter---------------------------------

*The Bread of Life* {2}

Scripture: Philippians 3: 8-10 verse

The Message: Lord I want To Know You By Any Means Necessary

The author of this book in no doubt thee Apostle Paul, he wrote his book to all the Christians at Philippi and the believers everywhere. The purpose was to thank the Philippians for the gift that they had sent him and to strengthen them by showing them that true joy comes from Jesus Christ alone.

And see Paul urges the church to have Christian unity and to have Joy. Paul was letting them know that the unity among Christians can be broken because of the Joy that is lacking in the church house. Every time u-turn around somebody is upset because they have lost love ones, or they don’t have any money are they been lied on and talk about and mistreated. But in spite f all those things I still submit to you that you should have joy in spite of your situation. You ought to have joy in Suffering why because the Bible say that the suffering of this ole world cannot be compare to the glory, which shall be, reveal in us. You ought to have Joy in serving in

The house of the Lord. You ought to have Joy in Believing, You are to have Joy I giving your all and all even if you don’t have much why well because the bible declares to Give and it shall be given unto you good measures Press down shaken together and running over shall men Give unto your bosom.

Touch somebody and tell em “You Got to Have Joy even in the midst of your Trials and Tribulations”


Look at Paul and Silas, Lock up in jail, Backs were bleeding with souls. But in spite of them getting lock up, in spite of them being

Bruised, in spite of them being hurt. They still had a mind to give God praise late in the midnight hour, they took Joy in being lock up for Jesus oh but let in the midnight hour while they were singing praises the jail house begin to rock and the gates of the jail cell flew open. So that let me know that late in the midnight hour God can still work in my Favor.

Give somebody hifi and say “ Late in the midnight God is gonna turn it around and its gonna work in your Favor”

So I come to serve you notice that you got to learn how to open up your mouth and Bless God in spite of what you’re going through. And once you learn how to offer up a Sacrifice of Praise in spite of your Big Dilemma, in spite of your Big Situation, in spite of your setbacks that’s when God will bless you the More. Threes a saying that says When Praises Go up Blessings come down but I want to change that and say when Praises Grow Up Blessing Come Down. Because some of us only praise when we feel it but I stop by to let you know that your feeling may never come. See I don’t shout because I feel saved I shout because I know I’m Saved, I don’t shout because I feel deliver I shout because I know I’m deliver, I don’t shout because I feel like he’s gonna bring me out I shout because I know that he is gonna bring me out. I don’t shout because I feel Healed I shout because I know I’m Healed.

Reach over and slap your neighbor and say “You Got to Know”


So no in the book of Philippians Paul had considered everything, which he had accomplished in his life, all of that was worthless when it comes to the knowledge of Knowing Christ. Look here at what Paul was saying he said yes I had a legitimate birth, yes I was circumcised on the eight day an Israelite from the elite tribe of Benjamin a strict

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