
Summary: Just For Today I Will 1. Look To the Lord 2. Be unafraid 3. Be flexible 4. Live one day at a time 5. Try to strengthen my mind


The first Super Bowl played between Green Bay Packers & Kansas City Chiefs

Average price of a car $2,700

Minimum Hourly wage $1.40

Gas .33 gallon

Movie ticket $1..25

Long distance calls on weekdays (8 AM to 5 PM) were $3.55 for the first 3 minutes.= $16.53 in today’s dollars.

- In 1967 there were no man-made satellites in the sky.

- Intercontinental missile was no further along than the drawing boards

- There were no commercial jets.

- Computers were just becoming an idea for business

- Microwave ovens were not common until 10 years later

U.S. News & World Report on this date in 1967 entitled "The Wondrous World of 1990,"

Just hinted at the invention of the GPS

Foresaw the feasibility of "Go-Gurt" (food squeezed out of a tube directly into the mouth without using a spoon).

Freight being shot across the country by missiles in mere minutes

-The U.S. will have established a permanent base on the moon by 1990

By 2000 average life span will be 100 years

Weather will be controlled, say the scientists

U.S. astronauts will land on Mars by 2000

Daily Mail London UK Jan. 1/2014 - UPDATED: 06:10 EST, 17 June 2010

Professor Nicholas Boyle of Cambridge University

'World could be plunged into crisis in 2014': Cambridge expert predicts 'a great event' will determine course of the century

In the last 500 years there has been a cataclysmic 'Great Event' of international significance at the start of each century, he claims.

Occurring in the middle of the second decade of each century, they include events which sparked wars, religious conflict and brought peace.

• In 1517 Martin Luther nailed his theses to the door of Wittenburg church, sparking the Reformation of the church and rise of Protestantism.

• 1618 marked the start of the 30 Years War and decades of religious conflict in Western Europe

• That conflict ended with the establishment of the Hanoverians in 1715. They ruled over Great Britain and Ireland, and Hanover (in Germany).

• The enlightened Congress of Vienna took place in 1815, following the defeat of Napoleon, and heralded a century of relative stability across Europe.

• In 1914 the First World War broke out, a catastrophic conflict that would claim millions of lives and set the tone for international discord throughout the 21st century


Four Blood Moon

Passover & Feast of Tabernacles

Lnaure Green on FoxNews

John Hagee is an American founder and senior pastor of Cornerstone Church in San Antonio, Texas, a non-denominational megachurch with more than 20,000 active members

VIDEO - 8:24 min – The Coming Four Blood Moons


Ps 118

1. 1 & 29

- Look To the Lord

- I will try to get a better perspective

of His work in my life.

- I will have a quiet half hour all by

myself, and relax.

2. v. 5-6

I will be unafraid.

Especially Iwill not be afraid to enjoy what is beautiful, and to believe that His promises are for me.

3. v. 8-13

I will be flexible

1 will adjust myself to what is and not try to adjust everything to my own desires. I will take my "events" as they come, and fit myself to it because I can trust Him

4. v. 14-18, 24

I will live one day at a time

- and not tackle my whole life’s problem’s at once.

- Living it with Joy

- I will remember to live one day at a time

I resolve to live differently

- In three ways;

I will stay close to the Lord

I will be happy

I will not complain even though

I feel like it

5. v. 19-21

- I will have a Sp plan.

- M/ing adjustments as I grow

- I will save myself from two pests:

Hurry and Indecision.

6. v. 27a

- I will try to strengthen my mind.

- I will study.

- I will learn something useful.

- I will not be a mental loafer.

- I will read something that requires

effort, thought and concentration.

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