Looking A Little Bit Crazy
Contributed by Charles Jones on Jul 5, 2021 (message contributor)
Summary: To some outsiders, it must look a little bit crazy. Cause all you talk about is God and Church. Why are you always trying to invite me to church? What's up with all of these stage lights, bands and video screens?
Looking A Little Bit Crazy
Mark 3:20-30
There was a photocopied sign that was posted inside a church office. It was one of those humorous slogans that people in different offices duplicate and pass among themselves. Most of us have seen this particular message, I suppose, but posted in a church office, the words took on a new meaning.
Taped to the cinder blocks behind a secretary's desk. The sign read, "You don't have to be crazy to work here, but it helps."
Wouldn't it be nice if we put a sign like that in the entrance of the church? Only I would re-word it to say, "You don't have to be crazy to worship here, but it helps."
On a deeper level, there is a great deal of truth in that sign.
There is something strange about the church. We are not just another social club or civic organization. The church's view of reality is increasingly out of phase from those who are outside looking in. Because In the church, we do and say things that do not always make sense to people outside of this house. Here we are, gathered in the church, sitting on hard pews instead of lawn chairs. People we know are outside, are working on their yards or washing their cars, while we gather here, inside this building, to lift our voices in prayer and song to the Lord. As a lot of other people are planning a barbecue or sipping a ice cold drink, we come together on a morning like this to Praise the Lord and hear a word from the Lord.
To some outsiders, it must look a little bit crazy. Cause all you talk about is God and Church. Why are you always trying to invite me to church? What's up with all of these stage lights, bands and video screens? Why do yawl speak in unknown languages? Why do you keep pretending like you love me? You got issues just like me. Yawl are looking a little bit crazy right now.
According to our scripture text, this perception may reveal something of what it means to be called crazy by those in the church who are not as radical or unorthodox as you.
Crazy defined is one who is or acts crazy especially : such a one associated with a radical or extremist political cause.
Lets look at the word "Radical", if a person or persons are really radical they both have a common thread—they actually believe their commitments.
This leads to both inspiration for some and isolation for others, but almost always moves to action of some kind. Let me illustrate.
The terrorists who destroys, maims and kills others —they believe so strongly that not only would they die for what they believe, they will kill for it too. This kind of radical is obvious.
The there are the faithful Christians who deeply believe that commitment always leads to strong actions, so as part of their response to the message of God, they correct others.
But then there are others who are extremely radical they judge others, they criticize others’ personal expressions of faith, and challenge opposite or questioning beliefs.
These Christian radicals in a way are equally as terrifying as those terrorists that fill the nightly news.
While I thank God for our church being nontraditional, freethinking, open-minded, and receptive to the things of God. There are other churches that look at us and think we are a little crazy only because that's what they say about me.
They say that Jones is crazy he rebukes musicians, corrects wayward preachers, preaches about the Holy Ghost believes in tongues, believes in Miracles and Healing. Why are people calling him Apostle?
What they fail to realize is that when I was in the gang i was down for anything. I represented the gang I was in, I wore its colors proudly with the tilted hat to the left, I greeted my fellow brothers with gang signs and secret handshakes always showing my love for those who rode with us including the Latin Kings. I was ready to do bodily harm to others for it I even said the gang prayer which was If I die have no pity, send my soul to vice lord city, dig a six feet hole in the ground, lay two staffs across my feet, put two shotguns across my chest and tell my Peoples I did my best!
Now that I'm saved, sanctified and filled with the Holy Ghost and that with a mighty burning fire. Why can't i be down for JESUS? Why cant I represent the Kingdom of God, while some are false flagging in the Church - (false flagging is when a person would get caught wearing the wrong colors.)
Some are false flagging they are wearing their colors in their loyalty to the enemy instead of to God and they are looking a little bit crazy.