
Summary: We don’t have to live our lives in fear when we are living in the presence of God

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Intro. Have you ever noticed that fear is something that seems to be wanted? It is marketed. It is sold. We live in a fearful world. We live in a fearful time. But over 60 times God tells us to “Fear not”.

There are times in our life that we all face fear, but fear is not something that should be easily accepted in the Christian Life. To possess fear would mean that we do not have faith or “perfect love.” A complete love does not involve “terror”. A child may revere their parents and even fear discipline, but when genuine love is accepted, there is no terror.

Our text follows a great miracle, the feeding of the 5000. The disciples had just seen something that could not be described. 5 biscuits and two sardines feeding around 20,000 people. John 6 says that this is the miracle where the disciples were convinced that Jesus was the Messiah! And now something happens, and they are cast into a time of fear. Isn’t that true many times, right after a victory, we seem to face something that tries us. (Text)

I. A Dictated Storm - vs. 22-24 - The coming storm was dictated by God for them!

A. There was a Separation from His Presence

1. This was a Command (constrained -compelled, insistence)

Immediately upon collecting the 12 baskets of the remnants of food, Jesus commanded them to go to the other side, before Him, indicating that He would meet them there. He knew what was ahead, and it was for their good.

2. There was a Commitment -Jesus would meet them on the other side.

B. The Seclusion of the Savior - in His humanity, he longed for some quiet time with the Father. What a great Example! - This was the norm.

Mark 6:46 "And when he had sent them away, he departed into a mountain to pray."

Luke 6:12 "And it came to pass in those days, that he went out into a mountain to pray, and continued all night in prayer to God." Oh that we would follow this example!

C. The Shaking of the Servants - wind contrary - it was opposite of what they thought they needed - The wind opposed their efforts. That would be discouraging.

1. Jesus knew what they would face

2. Jesus knew where they were

3. Jesus knew what they needed.

Never forget, as the current song by the Perrys says, ’The Potter knows the clay’!

He has not forgotten where you are, child of God. He is aware, but has a purpose!

II. A Deliberate Savior - vs. 25

A. He came at the Inconceivable Hour-

1. It was the Darkest Time - the fourth watch (dark time just before dawn)

2. It was the Dangerous Time - The disciples did not know what to do.

Jesus is sure to come! Spurgeon said, “Whether it be to a single disciple, or to the church as a whole, Jesus will appear in his own chosen hour, and his time is sure to be the most timely."

B. He came to the Improbable Place - in the middle of the water (But it is where His disciples were)

This would be the place where the Disciples LEAST expected Him!

1. The waves would not Disguise them from Him

2. The wind would not Detour Him from them.

Jesus went unto them.

C. He came in a Impossible Way - Walking on Water?! They did not expect Jesus to come walking on the water. He could walk around the shore and meet them where they were going - BUT NOT ON THE WATER!

1. Jesus can come when you least expect it

2. Jesus can come where you least expect Him.

But for those that are His children, FEAR NOT, He will come!

III. A Disturbed Group - vs. 26-27

A. Their Perplexity - What in the world is going on?!!!

You ever been there friend? Are you there now?

1. They were Confronted with the Unknown, and were troubled

2. They were Fearful of the Unexpected.

3. They were Frightened by the Unexplainable

Some people cannot trust, they must see for feel it - no faith.

B. The Presence - They found it in the storm.

Without the Storm, they would not have had the joy of the miracle.

I thank God for the mountains, and I thank Him for the valleys,

I thank Him for the storms He brought me through.

For if I never had a problem, I wouldn’t know that He could solve them.

I wouldn’t know what faith in God could do.

IV. A Determined Friend - vs. 28-31

A. The Call of Limited Faith - “IF it be thou” - If Peter had a fault, this was it.

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