Living In The Lord
Contributed by Carl Willis on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: Many times we fail to tap into the power of living in the Lord.
Living in the Lord - Phillippians 4:1 - 13
1. Be united with other believers
A. There is a common ground
- Christ died for all people
- We are all commanded to be ministers of the gospel
B. The peripheral issues are of no consequence - stay focused
- What truly matters to God?
- Man’s conflicts are not God’s priority
2. Be full of joy
A. Be consumed with joy
- at all times
- in all circumstances
B. Joy is infectious
- people will notice
- makes life’s struggles easier to deal with
3. Show kindness to all
A. Just like Jesus
B. Go out of your way to show Christ’s love
4. Don’t worry
A. Don’t worry about anything
- pray instead
- ask God for all of your needs, no matter how big or small
- give thanks always - it’ll remind you of all you have already been given
B. God will give you the peace you need
- It’s not your peace, it’s God’s peace
- God’s peace is beyond our human understanding
- Not only peace in your heart, but peace of mind also
5. Think about the things that are honoring to God - garbage in, garbage out principle
A. Good - Ministering to others
B. Worthy of Praise - All that God has done for us
C. True - God’s word
D. Honorable - Christian values
E. Right - New life in Jesus
F. Pure - The attributes of God
G. Beautiful - Kingdom of Heaven
6. Be Content
A. In all situations
B. No matter where God has allowed you to be
- rich or poor
- hungry or fed
7. All of these things can be accomplished through the strength of Christ
- 2 Corinthians 12:9 “My grace is enough for you. When you are weak, my
power is made perfect in you.”