
Summary: Too many of us are living in spiritual limbo because we have chosen to sit back and ‘let things happen’ or as we say “Let the cards fall where they may”. We often catch glimpses of what God has in mind for us but somehow the vision never becomes reality.

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Michelle Collins of the Globe & Mail:

When 26-year-old Geoff Emery put money down on his first condominium, he started looking forward to moving out of his mother’s house. The move-in date of November 2005 rolled around only to find himself in November 2006 still living with his mom in Markham.

He spoke of how exciting it was to watch his condo being built but at the same time he tells of his frustration at seeing others move and he was making no progress. The condo boom left him in limbo.

Limbo: a place or state of imprisonment or confinement. (

Mr. Emery made an interesting observation when he finally moved in more than a year later than promised. "The only reason that I think I’m in here now is that I didn’t sit back and let things happen."

Too many of us are living in spiritual limbo because we have chosen to sit back and ‘let things happen’ or as we say “Let the cards fall where they may”. We often catch glimpses of what God has in mind for us but somehow the vision never becomes reality. God has more in mind than spiritual limbo for YOU! He intends that YOU know the thrill of spiritual liberation!

Elijah – answers to the realities we face or have faced or will face. His experience was one of being a powerhouse prophet only to become a prisoner of his circumstances.

He became imprisoned and confined to a state of mind.

Take the journey with Elijah but see yourself and your realities of where you are and what you have become, versus what God has in mind for you. If you dare to show some courage and honesty, God will match it with dynamite deliverance and a breath-taking relationship with Him!

1. Liberation Results in a Power Surge

1 Kings 18: 1ff – 1:850 – Contest between the gods. Baal (storm god) & Asherah (Israelite goddess)

The political climate was one where Yahweh (the God of the Hebrews) was being confused with these other gods so that He was being called Baal. It was an important necessity that distinction be made to outline how Yahweh was not like other gods, that He was distinct. This proof that God is God of all gods would not have led necessarily to national worship and allegiance to Yahweh. It would likely provide though a significant, defining lesson that He was not as other gods.

Elijah had earlier brought bad news that there would be a drought (Ch. 17) which lasted for three years. Now that the time of the drought was nearly over and God would send rain, Elijah challenged the Baal worshippers to a duo – the God that sends fire would be known as true God. Elijah staged a demonstration! In this challenge we must not miss the key factor that brought this challenge about – it was God’s message to Elijah that he would send rain. One source notes of Elijah’s preparation of sacrifice, “he ordered water poured on it as part of the ritual related to the bringing of rain. Elijah had made the issue of rain the central issue in the contest.”


• Baal and Asherah priests called on their gods – cutting themselves – no response.

• God sent fire to lick up the water and sacrifice

• People bowed down and worshipped Yahweh!

• Killed 450 Baal priests

• No mention of the Asherah priests. Among those who bowed down and worship Yahweh?

Yahweh not only delivered on the fire but followed through with His promise to deliver rain. This would certainly discredit completely the nature-god Baal who did nothing! God not only showed Himself once, but twice!

How blown away would we be to experience God working through the physical realities of our lives and times? Imagine what it would be like to face a situation where God is proven true and society is left without an answer! There are false prophets and Baals of every sort clamoring for attention and demanding they be heard. They want a voice in our pulpits and on stage. They want a voice in politics. They want a platform in our schools and workplaces. As soon as God is brought into the picture we are opposed and sometimes quite aggressively.

God responds to the clamoring gods of this world! The exciting news is that God does that through people! He invites us to partner with Him in the work of His Kingdom! Are you up for the challenge? Are you ready to cash your odds in with The Almighty? It is time to begin demonstrating with a purpose! I’m not suggesting we start marching around with placards in our hands, chanting for and against our positions. I am offering however, that we need to live on purpose, with purpose, for the purpose of exalting the name of our Redeemer Jesus Christ! We need to cease living in spiritual limbo and get with the program!

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