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  • Glorifying God In The Grit (Palm Sunday)

    Contributed by Dale Pilgrim on Apr 3, 2018

    Jesus sought to glorify God in the grit of everyday life. When this is our focus the realities of life have purpose, even when, especially when, we're wadding through the slug of the tough stuff.

    GLORIFYING GOD THROUGH THE GRIT Scripture: John 16:32-17:5 Text – John 17: 1, “Father, the hour has come. Glorify your Son, that your Son may glorify you.” There are many people considered to be great people – people in their lifetimes who were called upon to live for other people and they rose to more

  • Restoring The Broken

    Contributed by Dale Pilgrim on Jan 9, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    The lame beggar was over 40 years of age (Acts 4:22) and spent every day in the same place the whole of his life. He is a representation of any person living out their lives without an “other” context.

    I was browsing the internet a few days ago – news stories about the “same old, same old”. “Same old” suggests “nothing has changed” and speaks to those things that frustrate us or annoy us. We can easily slip between boredom and depression because nothing ever seems to change or improve. It could more

  • After God's Heart

    Contributed by Dale Pilgrim on Jun 20, 2017

    David was a polygamist, adulterer and murdered. He was deceptive. He never meted out justice and was irresponsible with the crimes committed under his own roof. How does a man with that track-record get God's blessing with, "A man after my own heart"?

    After God’s Heart Psalm 19:1-14; 1 Samuel 13:14 On this Father's Day, I am led to a man of men, a prince of princes and a statesman of politicians. He was a poet, musician and military leader who conquered nations and put fear in his enemies. The most profound accomplishment that would be a more

  • Faith In Action

    Contributed by Dale Pilgrim on May 30, 2017

    I used this devotional message in a retirement home. It is intended to encourage those who lived a life of faith and leaves a legacy of faith.

    Faith in Action Hebrews 11:39-12:3 President Abraham Lincoln met with a group of ministers for a prayer breakfast during the Civil War. One of the ministers suggested to the President that they pray that God will be on their side. Lincoln’s deep insight prompted the response, "Let us prayer that more

  • With One Mind

    Contributed by Dale Pilgrim on May 30, 2017

    Emphasis on being witnesses of Jesus and the foundational place of prayer and the unity of God's people in that journey.

    May 28, 2017 Seventh Sunday of Easter With One Mind Acts 1:6-14 Swiss Chalet has a new commercial for their Crispy Chicken special. It is funny to watch as one lone customer, taking a bite says, "This is SO good, I have to tell everyone…immediately!” Then we see him scooting down the street in more

  • Battle Royal Bible Study Series

    Contributed by Dale Pilgrim on Mar 9, 2014

    This Bible study was written for men's small groups to compliment the BATTLE ROYAL: WHEN WORLD'S COLLIDE Men's sermon series.

    "Battle Royal - When World's Collide" Session One: The Celestial Showdown Isaiah 46 “We've been at war since before the beginning of time, when Lucifer, the bright and morning star, the exalted holy being of Holy God, desired equality with God and was cast out of the Majesty’s more

  • Session Three: The Call Of Salvation Series

    Contributed by Dale Pilgrim on Mar 9, 2014

    PART THREE of THREE This three part sermon series was presented at a men's camp. It also comes with a Bible study based on the series.

    "Battle Royal - When World's Collide" Session Three: The Call of Salvation Isaiah 48 (Open Bibles for reading throughout the message) Friday night - Addictions to impotent gods - Explored the battle strategy of needing an attraction toward the Omnipotent God! - Realize the depth of his love for more

  • Session Two: The Collapse Of Securities Series

    Contributed by Dale Pilgrim on Mar 9, 2014

    PART TWO of THREE This three part sermon series was presented at a men's camp. It also comes with a Bible study based on the series.

    "Battle Royal - When World's Collide" Session Two: The Collapse of Securities Isaiah 47 (Bibles open for reading throughout the message) Last night’s Session - Addictions to impotent gods - Explored the battle strategy of needing an attraction toward the Omnipotent God! - Realize the depth more

  • Session One: The Celestial Showdown Series

    Contributed by Dale Pilgrim on Mar 9, 2014

    PART ONE of THREE This three part sermon series was presented at a men's camp. It also comes with a Bible study based on the series.

    "Battle Royal - When World's Collide" Session One: The Celestial Showdown Isaiah 46 (Bibles open for readings throughout the message) INTRO (Showed movie clip "300" and the section before battle where the warriors were told by King Leonidas to "SEARCH YOUR OWN SOUL" We are at war. Some are more

  • To Know Christ Better

    Contributed by Dale Pilgrim on Jan 6, 2014

    Among the resolutions we can make, resolving to know Christ better is one of the best things we can do for ourselves

    To Know Christ Better Ephesians 1:15-19 Text: “...that you may know him better.” (v17) I have more than 200 Facebook friends which is quite moderate to some people I know who have over 600! I would like to say "I know them all”! Actually, I know some things about all of them, more

  • Fitting In Series

    Contributed by Dale Pilgrim on May 7, 2012

    It’s hard fitting in, yet it is critical to our well-being. Motivational speaker, Simon Sinek says it well. “Our desire to feel like we belong is so strong that we seek it out...What a dreadful realization if we are to learn that people had to “join a gan

    THE W5 OF LIFE GROUPS “Fitting In” Scripture / Text: Luke 19:1-10 INTRO One of the more awkward experiences of my life as a kid were the times we played sports, whether organized in a school gym-class or the field across from our house. Everyone lined out single file and two team more

  • Boot Camp Series

    Contributed by Dale Pilgrim on May 7, 2012

    It’s alarming to think of the numbers of people who don’t crack the cover of their Bibles from Sunday to Sunday. Some don’t even generate enough energy to pick it out of the pew and follow the reading, because the sense of its contents holds no interest a

    THE W5 OF LIFE GROUPS “Boot Camp” 2 Timothy 3:16-17 INTRODUCTION We began a series called “The W5 of Life Groups” and we evaluated WHY the approach to small groups which we call Life Groups. In that we saw the need and value of community connection through these more

  • Community Connection Series

    Contributed by Dale Pilgrim on May 7, 2012

    This series addresses the value and need for small group ministry in the local church

    THE W5 OF LIFE GROUPS “Community Connection” Philemon 1:2 – “to the church that meets in your home” INTRODUCTION In my teen years my brothers and I shared house chores. Both parents worked long hours so it was reasonable that we would help around the house and yard. more

  • Heaven - Why On Earth Does It Matter?

    Contributed by Dale Pilgrim on Feb 15, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    Have you ever stopped to ponder that your going to work, helping the neighbour with a ride to the doctor’s office or stopping by your church to be involved in some type of ministry, are the ‘home chores’ of life that have a grander plan?

    “Heaven – Why on Earth does it Matter?” Scripture / Text: Revelation 21:3-4 In my preteen years and well into late teens, my parents assigned work chores to my two brothers and me. From a posted house-cleaning checklist on the refrigerator, to loading the shed with firewood or more

  • Uncontainable Presence

    Contributed by Dale Pilgrim on Feb 14, 2012

    God wants his grace, truth and glory to spill out. He wants us to be the vessels that spill as we work, play and interact with people every day. It is called WORSHIP.

    “Uncontainable Presence” Scripture: John 1:14 Intro If you could snap your fingers and in a moment command whatever you want, what would you command? Abby Small, in Return of Jafar, wished of the Genie Jafar that he would have the gold of a sunken treasure ship. The outcome could have more

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