Lifesongs Of Intellect & Enthusiasm Series
Contributed by Todd Leupold on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: Part 5. Lives of worship, connecting with God and displaying His glory through intellect and enthusiasm.
Part 5 in series, “LifeSongs*: Lives of Worship”
Pastor Todd Leupold Perth Bible Church Sunday February 10, 2008 AM
* Title inspired by the name of the song and album by “Casting Crowns.” Overall series inspired and, to some degree adapted, from the writings of Gary Thomas and Myra Perrine.
For the past four weeks we have been meditating together upon the importance of worship and the in ways in which God – through His Scriptures – teaches us to worship Him. We have gazed upon Christ’s invitation for us to a life of worship, what it means to worship with a heart like God, and the value of worshiping through lives of tradition, ascetics, and contemplation. This morning and for the following two weeks we will examine six other Biblical styles of worship. Using a term popularized by the Christian musical group, “Casting Crowns,” we have been using the analogy of our lives being songs for the LORD. That is, every aspect and note of our lives is to resonate in such a way as to reflect His beauty, our passion for Him, and the power of His Truth!
On the surface, “Worship” may seem like such an ordinary, obvious and/or ho-hum topic to spend so much time on. Yeah, most all of us agree that it is important, but is it really something we need to learn or think about so much? Shouldn’t it just be natural?
It should be, but sin has greatly complicated matters. It is no longer natural – at least not all the time. There does remain confusion and uncertainty about what it means to express worship – especially in a way we may be confident is “appropriate.” Consider the words one of our sisters emailed to me this past week:
Your series is essential to the body of Christ. For too many years I struggled with trying to follow the rules set by men to worship our Lord. Too often we come to believe that there is only one way the Lord desires for worship and we find it difficult to accept the different ways that our Father can speak to us and the uniqueness of God’s creation that He would allow us to express ourselves differently. Quite a few years ago my spiritual mom told me that God is so unique, that not even two blades of grass look the same, so why would He desire his creation to worship Him the same? That changed my life as a worshiper of Christ, it made it possible for me to accept myself and others in many of our different ways. God loves all His children the same, doesn’t He?
I pray that most if not all of us will grow to realize that the value and appropriateness of worship is about the state & intent of the heart, not the form of expression. And, that as long as the former is genuine (in spirit and in truth) then all the forms should be valued and accepted. I desire us to be a church and place of worship where the old-fashioned traditionalist, quiet and solemn contemplative, and exuberant physically active worshipers can all feel comfortable and accepted together!
Let us continue by turning to the light of His Word . . .
SCRIPTURE: Ezra 7:9b-10; 2 Timothy 2:15
How would you answer the following statements?1
4 = very true, 3 = Often true, 2 = Sometimes true, 1 = Rarely true, 0 = Never True
1.I think it is imperative for Christians to study the essential doctrines of the faith, while letting their feelings and experiences with God be a peripheral matter.
2.I buy a lot of Christian books because I appreciate thought-provoking reading that challenges me to think more deeply and broadly about aspects of my faith.
3.Knowing the truth and having a mind ordered by “right thinking” is very important to me.
4.My love for God grows when I take an extended period of time to study His Word using rich source books, such as well-documented commentaries.
5.Hearing a renowned speaker present solid research about historical, biblical truth would really interest me, and it would be delightful to discuss this content with a group of informed thinkers.
6.Many of my closest moments with God are when I’m learning something new or my mind is stimulated about some important aspect of His Kingdom.
engaging God with minds
Not about level of IQ, but love for mentally pondering Jesus & His Word
Mental stimulation
Need to embrace with mind before can engage with heart.
1.Doctrinal Depth & Security Acts 17:11; Hebrews 8:10; 2 Peter 3:1-2
2.Protection from Error & Sin 1 Chronicles 28:9; Psalm 119:9-16
3.Connects The Tangible & the Intangible, the Natural & the Supernatural.