
Summary: On June 28, 2010, we lost our good friend Sammy, our black Labrador Retriever. While no pet will ever take the place of human companionship, Sammy truly was the definition of "man's best friend". This message shows how God used Sammy to teach us!

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Lessons I Learned From My Dog

On June 28, 2010, we lost our good friend Sammy, our black Labrador Retriever. While no pet will ever take the place of human companionship, Sammy truly was the definition of "man's best friend". We will indeed miss him--we already do.

I was thinking the night he died about how his life was a lesson in how Christians should live. I have compiled seven different qualities that Sammy shared with us, and I think that you will see that they are fine qualities that any Christian should display.


Sammy always looked forward to sharing my extra chunky peanut butter sandwich with me. He would give me the eyes that were "begging eyes". I chuckle about it now. However, on one particular occasion I made a peanut butter sandwich and was going to share it with him, but it was time for Turtle to go to bed. Turtle said "Come on stupid, time for bed". Sammy walked right behind his master, looking back at me with this look like "I'd like some sandwich, but Master calls and I gotta go!" The only thing greater than his appetite for peanut butter sandwiches was his loyalty to his master, Turtle.

2 Sam 23:15-16a

15 And David said with longing, "Oh, that someone would give me a drink of the water from the well of Bethlehem, which is by the gate!"

16a So the three mighty men broke through the camp of the Philistines, drew water from the well of Bethlehem that was by the gate, and took it and brought it to David. NKJV

David just mentioned that he wanted a drink from the well from Bethlehem, and three of his loyal soldiers went and got it at great peril to them. David would not drink the water, because of blood shed by the "mighty men" in getting it. But just at the mention of a simple want, his men were willing to risk great peril for David.

God greatly values loyalty. Loyalty is at the heart of the Gospel. Jesus was loyal to God the Father in that he kept each and every law and commandment. He was loyal in going to the cross for us. Many men, women and children have lost their lives because of their loyalty to Jesus Christ. All of the apostles with the exception of John died martyr's deaths. John himself was the most loyal of all of the disciples, and was the only one at the cross when Jesus poured out his blood for us.

How loyal are you to Christ? What are you willing to give up for Him? Are you willing to give up that Sunday morning late rise to go to church? To help a brother in Christ when he needs a helping hand? Just remember that when you do a good deed for another Christian, it is the same as if you are doing it for Jesus.

Unconditional Love

Sammy sure was a lovable dog. But he sure did show his love toward us too. Sometimes one of us would come home in a bad mood and maybe growl at Sammy (pardon the pun!). Sammy might leave us be for a little while, but soon he would come wagging his tail and wanting a pat on the head. You just couldn't stay mad at Sammy, and he always showed you he loved you no matter what kind of mood you were in. But the love that God shows is greater in capacity and depth than any animal or human for that matter.

1 John 3:1 Behold what manner of love the Father has bestowed on us, that we should be called children of God! Therefore the world does not know us, because it did not know Him. NKJV

God loved us so much, that He not only forgave us, but made us one of His kids. We know God through Jesus Christ because of the love God has for us.

Heb 12:2 looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. NKJV

Jesus loved us, and He so looked forward to being with us forever that He bore the shame and agony of the cross. Not just physical pain and suffering, but the spiritual separation from God that He endured just so we could be with Him. What manner of love that is!

Rom 5:8 But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. NKJV

This verse shows us how much God the Father loves us. Unconditional love, agape love, is a love for the unlovable. The verse above, Romans 5:8, shows us one giant point--that God saves us out of the cesspool of sin.

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