
Summary: Joe is forgotten by the cupbearer in our text today but not by God. It was a lonely time for Joe but God was with Him even in the dungeon. We need to be reminded that He is with us in the palaces of life and in the dungeons of life.

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Lesson’s from Joe pt 3 - “The forgotten ones.”

Opening Video Illustrations – These two clips reveal how people wrestle with loneliness and the feeling of being forgotten. Listen to their stories:

“Alone again” - Blue Fish TV (2:12)

“Trusting God through loneliness” Blue Fish TV (1:30 min)

I imagine Joe struggled with some of these same feelings as he pressed through the injustices, the false accusations, the lies, the painful hurts, the feeling of abandonment, the thoughts of rejection, and the betrayal of others. Remember Joe was just like you and I - he was not a super saint – he had feelings – he had emotions and each setback hit him hard! But what amazes me about our man Joe is his connectedness to God through it all. He was forgotten by others and betrayed by others but never by God because he always did the right thing!

Thesis: Joe is forgotten by the cupbearer in our text today but not by God. It was a lonely time for Joe but God was with Him even in the dungeon. We need to be reminded that He is with us in the palaces of life and in the dungeons of life.

Summary of last two messages:

What have learned in the last few weeks from Joseph’s life Genesis chapters 37, 39?

I. The solution to showing favoritism (adapted from John Ortberg’s message).

a. For those of you who have grown up receiving favoritism you need to put yourself in places where you are not the center of attention.

i. You need to throw away the arrogance and pride of thinking you are more special than others.

ii. You need to learn to be servants to others

iii. One pastor says, “Carry someone’s groceries, change some other kids diapers in the nursery, anything. But just humbly serve someone else and learn to rejoice in just being ordinary.”

iv. You need to die to yourself and be what God wants you to be a servant – just like he was.

1. Hybels states, “Jesus’ perspective was shaped by a deep sense of humility. It was a humility where none was called for; Jesus, as God, clearly deserved His titles, position, and praise. But as we have seen, Jesus “did not consider equality with God something to be grasped.” (121)

2. Matthew 23:11-12: “The greatest among you will be your servant. For whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself will be exalted.”

b. For those of you who have been on the other side of the coin the one not in your parents favor.

i. You need to recognize and admit the pain. You need to come face to face with the pain of not wearing the robe.

ii. For some of you if it’s possible you need to approach your family and acknowledge how this hurt. Maybe they just need the chance to apologize to you and have a time of reconciliation.

iii. You also need to forgive – with no conditions attached. Joseph learned this quality well as we will see over the next two Sunday’s.

iv. You also need to renounce your envy and jealousy of the person who has worn the robe. You need to repent and ask to be forgiven.

1. Some of you have been scared by envy and you need to make the choice not to give into this temptation - to gossip about others, to back bite about others, to tear down others, to try to hurt others because they have and you don’t.

2. This will be a daily battle but you can win over it with the assistance of the Lord.

v. You also need to receive love and acceptance and it starts with God!

1. “See what love the father has given us that we should be called children of God. And that is what we are”(I John 3:1)

2. Receive his love and His acceptance through Jesus.

3. You need to find friends who will receive you and love pray that God would send people into your life like this.

4. You also need to trust again – don’t hide behind the hurt and scar and keep making excuses. You need to trust and it does take risks but the benefits far outweigh the risks.

c. Parents there are very few issues in your family as important as this one. Deal with it and admit it. If you don’t your setting your family up for failure and turmoil.

i. Acknowledge you do and stop it!

ii. Watch your words and actions to all of your children

iii. Be consistent with them all

iv. Treat them as individuals and highlight each of their unique attributes.

v. Do not elevate one over the other.

vi. A parents job is to try to make robes for each of their children—robes that highlight uniqueness and qualities of each individual child.

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