
Summary: This sermon is part of a series dealing with our church mission statement. LOVE like Christ. L=learning and growing

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January 8, 2005 Jay Robison Matthew 6:31-34

Happy New Year! last wk talking about New Beginnings

If you know what your purpose is much easier trip

On front of Bulletin

TBC exists to LOVE like Christ

L=learning and growing O=with Open hearts and minds

V=being Vessels of service E=in Exalting our God

More than just slogan, what does it mean to Love like Christ

Today Learning and Growing Matthew 6:31-34

Talks about importance of learning and growing

Part of Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount if my follower like this One commentator referred to this as “the Greatest Treasure”

2 truths about Learning and Growing as LOVE like Christ


If you have to learn and grow Means you are not finished yet

To learn have to admit there is something for you to learn

If perfect no need to learn and grow

Bible knows you are not perfect Romans 3:10-11 NRSV

There is no one who is righteous, not even one;

There is no one who has understanding,

There is no one who seeks God.

God does not expect you to be perfect knows your life

People mistakenly assume that only perfect in church

Are you kidding, come because know not person I should be

This is place where I get a challenge to do what I should


There is a broken heart in every pew

We all have been hurt Alcohol, drugs, broken family r-ships

Physical problems, we have all been betrayed we are hurt

And its not just others to have done it to us

We are a part of problem as well

We have all failed, turn to neighbor “You’ve failed”

More than half of basketball shots don’t go in UK 2/3s

Not a happy thought but it is true acknowledge that

We are works in progress, we all have a ways to go

We are broken because of sin in lives of others

There is sin in your life as well we don’t know it all

Jesus knows you are not perfect

He knows you struggle because you have been burned before

Knows everyone is untrue, or has an angle

So we wonder can we trust God? Been let down before

Listen to what Jesus said, what I’m trying to do here is to get you to relax, to not be so preoccupied with getting, so you

can respond to God’s giving. Vs 32 the Message

Jesus keeps his promises He wants to give to us, but we must

Have open hands Reaching out to him

Jesus KNOWS we are LIVING between HEAVEN & EARTH

Why he talks about what we will eat and what we will wear

If had HS psychology heard of Abraham Maslow, suggested 5 levels human need; food\shelter, safety, social acceptance, self-esteem, & finally highest self-actualization meaning

These are needs\goals for all human beings he is right

In Jesus’ day nearly everything a person earned went to

each day’s food\shelter. Survival was a day-to-day issue.

Vs 32 God knows you need these things

God knows we struggle in spiritual life

To read Bible, and believe what it says

To serve God, even when it hurts we live in 2 worlds

Spiritual vs material world want to do right but fail no perfect

Warning for us Oswald Chambers pointed out, The way we

continually talk about our own inabilities is an insult to our

Creator. To complain over our incompetence is to accuse God

falsely of having overlooked us.

Believing even God cannot change us, GOD CAN USE US

If we love like Christ recognize nobody’s perfect

We are a pilgrim people defined not by what we’ve been

But by where we are going, BIG DIFFERENCE

Cannot divest selves totally of anxiety but if quest is the

Kingdom of God then lower anxiety level


See its one thing to admit not perfect

Its another to do something about it

Cop out to say well I’m not perfect so no good

Jesus knows tension heaven vs earth so says But seek FIRST the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you. Vs 33 NKJV

All the things that entangle us

Leadership lit says We must BEGIN W\THE END IN MIND

What is the purpose? what are we trying to accomplish?

LOVE like Christ, learning and growing

What is life ultimately about? Making a mark in this world? Having $$? Enjoy life? worthy goals, not ultimate purposes

Love God first and love others better

If you are the same person you today that you were a year ago, then we must apologize to God

We are works in progress, Xians should be growth oriented

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