Kiss The Wave
Contributed by Ken Mckinley on Mar 31, 2020 (message contributor)
Summary: Addressing God's plan, purpose and sovereignty during the Coronavirus pandemic
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Kiss the Wave
Text: Amos 3:3-8
Good morning everyone. I want to welcome you to Sharon First Baptist Church, whether you’re with us here this morning, or at home watching the live stream.
A couple of real quick announcements before we get into our message this morning.
1. First of all, I’d like to say, that if you are shut in and unable to get out and go get essential items, like groceries or toilet paper, you can call us here… call me, and either I, or someone will go to the grocery store and pick up items for you, and deliver them to your home. If those items are in stock.
2. Secondly; if you’ve been unable to get your tithes and offerings to us, please go ahead and mail them in, or drop them by the church or parsonage. Or even take it and use it to bless someone who is really struggling during this time. Maybe a neighbor who has not been able to work due to the pandemic. Doing that may open up an opportunity to share the Gospel with them.
3. And Thirdly; Resurrection Sunday is fast approaching, and we are working on a way we might be able to hold services where we can gather. As of right now, we’re thinking of ways we can do that, and we’ll try to let everyone know what we’ve come up with. Right now; we’re looking at having chairs set up outside on Easter Sunday, where we will place chairs at least 6 feet apart, or maybe have everyone in their cars, but we’re still working and brain storming on that, so we will let everyone know for sure, what we’re going to be doing for Resurrection Sunday either by phone call, text, or Facebook. And of course, just like our services… We aren’t saying that anyone has to come to that, but the option is open. It’s really what you feel the Lord leading you to do. And it’s important that you be obedient to the Lord’s leading, in all of this.
All right… so this morning, I want you to open your Bibles up to the Book of Amos, chapter 3. And I’ll just tell you, I’ve been thinking a lot about this pandemic, the Wuhan Corona Virus, and about what God is doing in the midst of all this. We are a people who believe in God’s absolute sovereignty. It’s what the Bible teaches us over and over and over again. God is sovereign. We could go to passages like Psalm 103:19 which says, “The Lord has established His throne in the heavens, and His Kingdom rules over all.” Or Psalm 135:6, “Whatever the Lord pleases, He does, in heaven and on the earth, in the seas, and all deeps.” Or even Isaiah 45:5-7, which says, “I Am the Lord, and there is no other, besides Me there is no God; I equip you, though you do not know Me, that people may know, from the rising of the sun and from the west, that there is none besides Me; I am the Lord, and there is no other. I form the light and create darkness; I make well-being and create calamity; I am the Lord, who does all these things.”
The point is – GOD IS SOVEREIGN, and He works all things according to the counsel of His will. He has a plan and a purpose for the Coronavirus. He has a plan and a purpose for allowing it, and for what it is doing… to our economy, to our liberties, to our lives. And so as believers, we have to ask the question – “What is God doing? What is His purpose and plan? And what should be our response in accordance with God’s Will to all of this?”
Well; if you’re in Amos chapter 3, I want you to follow along as I read verses 3 – 8.
(READ Amos 3:3-8)
So the prophet begins by asking as question – “Can two people walk together unless they’ve agreed to meet?” It’s a pretty straight forward question.
Let’s say you want to go for a hike with your buddy, and you go out to the trail, and you sit there and wait and wait and wait, but he never shows up. So finally you call him, and say, “Man, I was all ready to go hiking with you, but you never showed up.”
And he’s like “Say what? You never called me and told me to meet you. If you would’ve I would’ve been there.” You can’t be mad at your buddy if the two of you never agreed on meeting to go hiking. So if you’re going to go for a hike, or a walk with someone, you need to agree upon the time, the place, the route… think about it, if you’re going along a trail, and the trail splits, and you want to go one way, and your buddy wants to go the other way, unless you agree, you’re not going to go together.