Just D.e.w. It!
Contributed by Russell Brownworth on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: Every church ought to know its mission -- what Christ wants done in that community; and then the church ought to "Just DEW It".
Just D.E.W. it!
Psalms 133 January 7, 2001
Every church needs a vision of its mission. Without vision any person or organization will die. In addition to knowing our vision (mission), we also set goals - or checkpoints - that help us keep on course.
Our primary mission as a church (or individually) must certainly include pleasing God, developing our potential as fully as He gives us grace to accomplish. The writer of Psalm 133 expresses this thought:
How good and pleasant it is when brothers live together in unity! It is like precious oil poured on the head, running down on the beard,running down on Aaron’s beard, down upon the collar of his robes.
It is as if the DEW of Hermon were falling on Mount Zion. For there the Lord bestows his blessing, even life forevermore."
The idea of having the blessing of the Lord, poured-down upon us like some precious, healing ointment is O.K. with me! Consider the dew (D.E.W.) of our mission – it should be considered in the same spirit as the commercial that featured basketball star Michael Jordan, Just Do It! When it comes to our mission, we ought to be concerned with the D.E.W. Discovery…Encouragement…Worship!
Biblical foundation: Matthew 28:18
18And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth. 19Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: 20Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen.
Jesus told His disciples that He had received all authority, or power. The word speaks of jurisdiction, ability and rule. Of course He was pointing to the very power that raised Him from the dead.
The life of Jesus, including his death on the cross, and the resurrection on that first Easter morning, are the reason for His authority. Jesus has authority over death, life, and everything inbetween.
Most of us don’t know much about REAL authority. Most of us would say that “authority” and “power” are the same thing. There is a difference. Power has no direction – only the sheer force of energy. Authority implies control, a specific direction.
The biblical foundation of the authority of Jesus is simply that He is (and always was) God! Because of His authority, He has given to each of us the responsibility (and blessing) of sharing the announcement of this discovery with the world. That is a specific direction – a goal to accomplish.
And He accomplishes it in true authoritative fashion – thru His followers. When William Carey began thinking of going to India as a pioneer missionary, his father pointed out to him that he possessed no academic qualifications that would fit him for such a task. But Carey answered, "I can plod."
How true it is that God accomplishes mighty things for his kingdom through those who are willing to persevere, who are willing to plod faithfully through one difficulty after another in the power of the Spirit. Are you willing to be a plodder for Jesus, helping someone discover the new life?
Jesus said, "Go," literally meaning, as you continually go - make disciples. Our mission includes sharing the good news. The natural question is always "WHY?" Why are Evangelicals always harping about witnessing?
There is the story of a chaplain in the Civil War, who was ministering to a group of Confederate soldiers. The troops were trying to push a wagon out of a mud
hole, where it was stuck. The soldiers were wet and tired, and up to their knees in mud. Standing nearby, the chaplain asked one of the soldiers, "Do you know Jesus as your saviour?" Without looking up the soldier replied, "This ain’t no time for riddles, Reverend. I’m stuck in the mud."
The reason we want to help people discover the new life in Jesus is because the world really is stuck in the mud. And the new life Jesus offers is exciting, and higher, and brighter. It’s not just "pie in the sky, by and by." It’s real, and it’s now, and it’s great!
The early Methodist evangelist, George Whitefield, won thousands to Christ. But he had his opponents. Charles Chauncey was pastor of the First Church in Boston. Chauncey objected to the idea of instantaneous conversion, and the evangelistic excitement Whitefield’s ministry generated. On the evangelist’s return from England, the two met.
Chauncey said, "So you have returned, have you?"
"Yes," replied Whitefield, "in the service of the Lord."
"I’m sorry top hear it," Chauncey said bluntly.
"So is the devil," retorted Whitefield.