Judgment Day
Contributed by Dove Inspirations on Jun 17, 2024 (message contributor)
Summary: It is appointed unto man to die once and after that face judgment. That is not the only judgment man will face. On earth one may face many types of judgment, but the eternal judgment and the consequences thereof are too serious to just wave away or leave to chance.
John 3:16
Many judgments are delivered world over.
Here, I am talking about the judgment that determines where you will spend eternity and what rewards and or punishments you get, if any.
There is a judgment day for everyone.
Scripture tells us that even the angels will be judged, by us. 1 Corinthians 6:3. We will judge the angels. So, for those among us who are worshiping angels and having strange fellowship with angels, take note that you and your angel who is probably a spiritual imposter will be judged unfavorably. This includes all those who use charms, witchcraft, divination and sorcery. Worse still, the angel you are worshiping will not go to hell with you immediately, but rather later at some other date after you have spent some time in hell, the angel together with other demons will be thrown into the lake of fire together with you.
Some judgments occur on earth. We have evidence of this. Some people are reaping rewards based on their own good and or the goods others did before them. Others are suffering because of their own sin and/or the sin of others. See the man who had been at the pool of Bethesda whom JESUS admonished not to sin any more lest something worse befall him. See the line of Rechabites who GOD rewarded for being faithful to the commands of their ancestors that they must not be drunkards and must remember that they were not permanent here on earth.
Some judgments will be experienced after death.
You are a man. It is appointed to you to die once and after that the judgment. Hebrews 9:27.
What is judgment?
Simply put, a judgment can be called a settlement of issues, matters or debts; A decision on rewards and penalties.
When someone is aggrieved or feels he has suffers some injustice or that matters are not quite in their favor, they go to court and ask for a decision, they ask the matter be resolved or settled.
Remember you pay to go to court. It is not free. Someone pays to have the judge listen to the matter. Mostly taxpayers pay for the legal systems in their countries. The magistrates and judges study the law, then apply it to their decisions and decide on penalties, rewards and settlements. Sadly, some of these decisions are unfair due to various reasons.
In GOD’s Kingdom, it is different. Our GOD is the SUPREME OWNER of all things, all knowing and all seeing. HE is the ultimate Judge. You cannot pay HIM to be a judge and neither can HE be bribed. HE is the Judge of all the earth and true and righteous are HIS judgments. This is because, GOD sees all and knows all including the intentions of all people at all times and HE is able to deliver HIS judgments in a way that no one else can.
Remember, HE knows the truth, HE is The TRUTH. HIS judgments are also final. Some say, GODS case no appeal, but remember the Blood of JESUS is the only leverage sinful man has.
In GOD’s court, the Blood of JESUS holds great sway.
What are Gods Rewards?
1. HIS home which we call heaven
2. HIS Peace that cannot be understood by others. One of HIS NAMES is YAHWEH SHALOM.
3. HIS presence
4. HIS provision
5. Blessings
6. Long life
7. Generational rewards and renown eg Abraham and David
8. Miracles and attestations that HE is with you and signs of HIS almighty power evident in your life.
What are GOD’s punishments?
1. Death . Spiritual and physical. Spiritual death is separation from GOD. Physical death is separation of your body and your spirit.
2. Absence of HIS presence. Ask Saul. A terrible thing indeed.
3. Lack
4. Suffering in various forms
5. Generational curses
6. Trouble
7. Lack of joy
8. Lack of peace
9. No place in HIS house.
What is GODS standard?
The standards of GOD are written down in HIS word. They are described in scripture. HIS ways are written in HIS word. Psalm 119 is all about praying for GOD to teach us HIS law and HIS statutes. Well, HE has told us what HE wants and what HE expects but we are not doing our part. We like arguing and debating and classifying. How about just sticking to HIS law? When HE says, the rainbow is a sign that HE will not destroy the world with water, stop trying to change it to what you will. We all know what the rainbow stands for. Stop trying to pervert HIS law. GOD hates homosexuality. When HE destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah, unlike the flood of Noah’s time, HE never said HE would not destroy using fire and brimstone again. Definitely, in hell there is fire and brimstone. In fact, in the Law of Moses, HE clearly goes on to label homosexuality an abomination and goes further to command the expulsion of effeminate men from HIS congregation.